2011 – Rock & Roll – 1-8-11 – MASSAGE
1/5/11: We had previously seen evidence that the draft mules were finally lying down and rolling. We were able to catch Roll while he was down. When I approached with the camera, he quickly got up. Rock just took his usual place by the tree, but is looking much happier and more relaxed. They seem to be doing their rolling when no one is around which makes it very difficult to get pictures.
1/6/10: Rock had his fourth massage today with Joanne Lang and husband Dr. Dave Miller, DVM. Since the weather was getting much colder and cold is not conducive to relaxation, we decided to bring Rock and Roll into the heated Tack Barn for their body work. This required a little encouragement, but they were very good about complying. This just goes to show the confidence you can instill and the trust you can gain if the equine’s experience with you is a positive one.
To our astonishment, Rock immediately relaxed when Joanne began work on his back and croup like we had not seen to this point. He cocked his right hind leg in a relaxed position and was able to bend his head and neck around by himself to see what she was doing. This is a major breakthrough. Roll was happy to be included even if it was just to keep Rock calm, but he was later to enjoy some targeted stretching exercises for the fluid on his hocks.
I groomed both Rock and Roll while Joanne got started with Rock. Note that they are both standing more squarely with equal weight placed over all four feet and Rock is freely bending his head around. This was not the case when we started work with them; it was difficult to get them to balance this way while standing still. Their foot placement was much more random.
This time Roll got some work as well. Grooming and massaging his neck resulted in free-will stretches from him with grooming and leading work only for the past 5 weeks. Rock is able to stretch more freely as well. Both were very rigid through the neck and back and had difficulty with this kind stretching before. Both are much more relaxed overall.
Dave resumed work on Rock’s bad leg and announced that he thought there was a lot less popping and some relaxation going on in the stifle and the gaskin seems to also be improving.
Rock’s hip, stifle and leg are responding well to treatment well. He is markedly more relaxed and flexible.
We are beginning to see some healthy flexion in the neck and spine.
Note how Roll is restricted in his right leg as well (below). I began stretching exercises to help with this and got immediate improvement. After stretching, he was able to stand squarely and put down his right heel.
After loosening Rock’s muscles from head to tail, we all continued with range of motion work on Rock’s rear end and right hind and enabled him to stretch it backwards further than he had previously.
Both mules were touchy around their muzzles when they first arrived and for several weeks. Finally Joanne was able to give Rock a proper oral massage and he did seem to enjoy it!
To wrap up this massage, Dave got on Rock’s back and did deeper massage over the croup and hips. He really seemed to enjoy this, too! Then it was back to the stable. Rock’s walk is getting much more stretchy and freer forward.
1/8/11: I wormed both Rock and Roll with Pyrantel for 1000lbs for the first time since 4/10. We were warned that Rock had swelled up in the joints when previously wormed, but we saw no sign of this after worming. He had no adverse reactions and Rock and Roll both rolled during turnout. We will repeat this ½ dose in 3 weeks.