2011 – Rock & Roll – 10-12-11 – OUTDOOR ARENA TRAINING
10/12/11: Rock was very sore and having difficulty walking in the boots. I groomed him with the vacuum, took the wraps off his legs, and just rewrapped the fetlocks to prevent sand from getting into the wounds. The stifle area seemed a little puffy, so we ice packed it and his sacral area. I decided to relieve him of his boots for the workout to see how sore he really is now in a nice sandy arena. Even walking to the arena on the cement and pea gravel did not seem to pose a problem. I know the sores on his legs are really bothering him, but they do appear to be getting slightly smaller. As long as I can keep them protected, they do well…that’s the challenge! Rock could do a Duct Tape commercial! He does tire easily and lies down several times a day and evening. His feet are improving and there does seem to be hope that we can get his feet strong and healthy after his severe founder.