2011 – Rock & Roll – 10-28-11 – FARRIER
10/28/11: Rock got trimmed on the fronts today. We opted not to do the rear feet since Dean did not think he would be able to get the shoes back on if he got them off. Rock was just much too sore today. We are going to try doing the backs next time and then every other time after that. Dean was a little more conservative about how much toe and heel he took off, but stayed within the parameters that he and Dr. Farrand had decided upon. I removed Rock’s wraps entirely since it has been wet and snowy and they were staying much too wet. When he came in later today, he seemed fine. He had not done any damage to the sores and he had been lying down, so I think we are good. We will continue to keep an eye on the pressure sores and if need be, I will wrap them again and just rewrap more often.