2011 – Rock & Roll – 11-17-11 – MASSAGE
11/17/11: Rock and Roll had their massages today. I was unable to be there for most of it, but when I did arrive, Rock looked very happy to see me and rubbed his head all over me. In an attempt to stay squared up he was going in circles, but I was glad to see him trying to keep himself in alignment. Rock’s hips were hot packed today before his massage and he seemed to like that. We got him a soft mat to stand on since he was not able to tolerate the floor for more than 30 minutes at a time lately. His left hip is still very sore and he was really tracking badly with the left coming in behind the right front again after the massage, but this is to be expected when he is totally relaxed. He had been tracking a little better before this after he was able to be turned out in the pasture to keep his head down and graze all day. There is no substitute for the lowered head and consistent walking.