2011 – Rock & Roll – 11-3-11 – MASSAGE
11/3/11: Rock and Roll were not really all that enthusiastic about their massages today. It looked like Rock had a good roll in the mud! It was a hard week for both of them. Roll had not been worked for 2 weeks because of the snowstorms and although Rock’s workout went well the day before, he just can’t seem to get comfortable on the hard floor in the tack barn even with towels under his front feet. We are getting a gel pad for him to stand on for future massages, etc. in the tack barn. It should help until his front feet are grown out and we hopefully will have more healthy feet later. Rock had muscle spasms the day before in the left flank and upper forearm which appeared to be better today. I put heat on them today for about 5 minutes and Rock seemed to like that. Joanne worked on both places and it did help. She and Dave both worked on Roll and it probably helped him even though he was antsy. He tends to be very impatient when he doesn’t get worked before his massages.