2011 – Rock & Roll – 12-27-11 –VETERINARIAN/GOOD-BYE
12/27/11: Arrangements were made at CSU to receive Rock’s body tomorrow morning, so we opted to put him down today and get him on the flatbed trailer for his ride to CSU where they will do a necropsy and salvage the bones for us. According to Greg Farrand who assisted with the necropsy, the necropsy showed multiple fractures to the ball joint of Rock’s right hip. Practically the entire underside of the ball joint was gone and there was a hole in the top part the size of a dime. The head of the femur had a ring of cartilage that remained intact, but it was cartilage that wouldn’t get wear. The remainder of the cartilage in that joint was missing entirely and there was fibrosis and cysts full of fluid the length of the femur stem. For more details, refer to the necropsy report done by CSU.
Rock’s passing was peaceful and easy. He was given sedation first, laid down softly and then euthanized. He never flinched…he just went to sleep.