2011 – Rock & Roll – 3-29-11 – INDOOR ARENA TRAINING
3/29/11: Rock and Roll were both pretty skittish during turnout yesterday. They were not quite themselves and I thought it might be from an abundance of activity around the ranch, wind and static electricity. Today during the grooming, they were both still apprehensive, but this time it was more Roll than Rock which is odd. One of the hands told me that Rock had been really getting aggressive with Roll during turnout, so he may have been a little depressed at losing his status as the alpha mule.
However, by the time I was putting on their gear, both mules were back to their friendly and comfortable selves. Both mules did an extraordinary job on their workouts! I had to do very little to prompt them and more often than not, they set their feet on the simple verbal command, “foot!” Rock was more prompt with “Walk on,” but we know how lazy Roll can be! He really just had a couple-second delay, but was still really good. Their balance, strength and body control is improving by leaps and bounds! I will include all pictures this time since I was so impressed with them.