2011 – Rock & Roll – 4-12-11 – INDOOR ARENA TRAINING
4/12/11: Rock and Roll enjoyed their workout today, but they both had a small problem squaring up which indicates to me that they are due for another chiropractic visit. It is scheduled for early next week. This time we added PVC pole #4 to the line on center and I added 10 meter circles on the corner cones during Rock’s workout (not on Roll’s workout) since he is better at the pattern than Roll (he’s been doing it longer). Rock was beginning to do the pattern too automatically and the circles will add another task for him to do within the hourglass pattern. The reason for this is to begin to ask Rock to bend his spine to the arc of a 10 meter circle, begin to work the lateral musculature and to keep him alert to his tasks. He was stiffer tracking to the right. Both mules were a bit sloppy (not too bad), but happy during their workouts.
Rock knew Steve was hiding in the alleyway of the barn, waiting to come in!
Rock decided to roll in the round pen today…stealing the show (cameras) from Roll, no doubt!
Roll finally offered first steps on his commands to walk on today! I didn’t need to start first and drag him along! Roll seemed worried about the whip during the trotting down center line. He was stilted over the poles, so we tried again with Chad keeping the whip out of the air. Roll did better the second time trotting over the poles with the whip to the ground. Roll is finally giving more to the elbow pull, so I tightened it 2” today.