2011 – Rock & Roll – 4-19-11 – INDOOR ARENA TRAINING
4/19/11: Rock and Roll both enjoyed their workout today. They were unable to have their massage last week and did not get adjusted today as scheduled, but will get chiropractics and massage on Thursday the 21st. Though progress is slow, they are continuing to improve. Both mules were able to be led through the pattern, over 4 poles with circles at the corner cones. Both mules offered a stretch to both sides after the workout. Rock did better than Roll did on the circles and seems to be more flexible laterally than Roll. Roll is still “hitched” in his sacrum, but he is still doing better than before. Both mules were able to be led from the left hand only today. Rocky gave a really good effort at trot today. Roll needed to be taken to the straight wall and followed behind to get him to trot straight. This is shown on the video.