2011 – Rock & Roll – 4-28-11 – MASSAGE
4/28/11: Rock and Roll enjoyed their massages today. Rock is getting much more interactive about his head and Roll is improving in his workout already with the massage work Joanne did on him the week before. Roll was not getting the intense work to start with because Rock was so much worse off than he was, but it soon became apparent that he needed more attention as well. His trot has much improved in the round pen and he is now able to stand squarely. Both animals had a chiropractic visit on April 21st. Both have better range of motion in their head and necks, though Rock can stretch farther than Roll right now. They both have hock sores on the left hind from getting up and down and I would expect this will improve as their strength increases. It is just great that they feel strong enough to even get down to roll this often! I am now treating them with Panalog cream once a week.