2011 – Rock & Roll – 4-5-11 – INDOOR ARENA TRAINING
4/5/11: The wind was really blowing today and both mules were a little nervous during the grooming session. Rock was a bit sore during the workout, but while Roll was doing his workout, Rock got a little frisky and was playing in the main arena when I took Roll to the round pen. Rock rolled with enthusiasm. He did a few strides of canter and a fairly substantial buck! He even took a stroll by himself over the ground rails! Then he took a large bite out of the plywood by the gate! Though they didn’t do perfect setups and straight lines between the cones, they were both very obedient and are taking full responsibility for setting their feet with mostly verbal commands now and very few cues from the lead rope. Roll is much improved in his stride, particularly over the ground rails. He is now offering a more fluid stride-over in place of his coiled-spring action in the hind legs. Roll’s trot in the round pen has improved after his hourglass pattern work for the last few weeks. Roll was a little lazy about trotting down centerline and did it on the third try, but I had to use my camera person behind with a whip to get him to move. Rock offered a nice trot down centerline over the rails today and both mules, though a little sore, seemed very happy in their work.
Rock gave a good effort over the poles at trot!
This is where we lost the camera person, but he did trot over the poles on the third try.