2011 – Rock & Roll – 6-16-11 – MASSAGE
6/16/11: Rock and Roll had a rather exciting massage day today, though it was completely unintended. I brought them in a little early to clean them up and it was a hot day, so as I was getting to vacuuming Roll, I suggested to Kristen that she turn on the overhead fans. I had forgotten that they had never seen the fans on before! Rock did not seem to mind too much. He just perked his ears and looked up, but Roll’s eyes got big as saucers and he stiffened his entire body to a height beyond his 17 ½ hands! I thought he would jump out of his skin and I was standing right next to him with the vacuum! Thankfully, he trusts me and calmed down rather quickly, but it must have startled him enough to scare the piss out of him! He pissed a rather large “lake” right afterwards! The next thing I did was to try my dressage saddle on Roll…he thought that was very odd, too! Still, he stood quietly with a perplexed look on his face, but he clearly thought I was questionably sane that day! They both enjoyed their massage, but then on the way back to their pens, they were introduced to Joanne’s dogs that were waiting in the back of her SUV. Both mules started at all the barking and howling hound dog, but soon were encouraged to come closer and take a real look. They both relaxed when they realized the dogs would not hurt them!