2011 – Rock & Roll – 8-18-11 – MASSAGE
8/18/11: Rock and Roll really enjoyed their massages again today. Rock’s feet are doing better and we measured him a second time for his custom “booties.” Roll is much quieter during his massage now that he is getting his workout on the morning of his massage. Both mules are really displaying their personalities and communicating openly with us now. I think they finally trust that we will not hurt them. Rock tolerated 3 people working on him all at once today: Joanne massaging, Chad measuring and me brushing and feeding him. To begin, Rock even tolerated me sweeping around his feet with the broom. What a good boy!!! Both mules had dry hooves, particularly around the coronet band, so I applied some Mazola corn oil to their hooves. The next day, Friday, I got some Farnam Rainmaker and they will be treated weekly with that now that they have gone from “mushy” foundered hooves to harder and drier hooves. Roll decided to play a game of “Tug O’ War” with the towel! What a silly boy!!! Mules do love to play games!