2011 – Rock & Roll – 9-2-11 – FARRIER
9/2/11: Dean Geeson came today, re-shod Rock behind and trimmed him in front. The back feet are looking much better, but in front he may have White Line going on with the seedy toe. We agreed that we will probably be able to get him sound eventually, but we are probably a year out from that if we don’t have a bad case of White Line disease. It is hard to tell at this point because of the severe founder. Rock had some thickness of unhealthy tissue on the soles of his front feet, but since we did not know how thick it was, we opted to keep his booties on for longer periods of time to help that grow out. Then we can pare it off next time. He also trimmed Roll and rebalanced his right hind. Roll has been doing much better and did not show imbalance in that foot until about a week and a half ago. He is able to stand squarely, even though the foot had grown out some and was listing him to the outside again. Chad did their eye drops again today.