2011 – Rock & Roll – 9-26-11 – FARRIER/SHOES
9/26/11: Rock got more swelling in his abdomen midline, so we hot packed him again and will continue until it goes back down. There was mild swelling in the sheath as well. Roll got shoes put on the back feet today. Though we trimmed the left hind foot to balance that foot because of the irregular shape due to side bones, Roll was wearing the inside down quickly enough to put him off balance 2 weeks before his next trim. We hope the shoes will keep him from wearing the foot away and offsetting his good balance. The side bones do allow him to stand squarely for several weeks after his corrective trimming, so the shoes should help that to continue and become the norm. We have yet to grow in enough healthy foot to see if the hoof angle will improve after the foundered hoof is gone. That will not be for at least another year. The angles have improved from what they looked like initially last December of 2010.