We have energy on the ground — let’s build on it
The following is from the American Wild Horse Campaign:
Today is the last day for our Devil’s Garden fundraising campaign. We’ve been working around the clock fighting to protect California wild horses from roundup and slaughter. Read on for an update about our efforts, and please chip in now to help make sure these innocent wild horses are not sold for slaughter.
On Wednesday, outside of the U.S. Forest Service headquarters in Vallejo, California, 75-100 advocates protested the inhumane and illegal planned roundup and sale of the Devil’s Garden wild horses.
Thank you to everyone who came out! This protest was a huge moment in this fight to save wild horses from slaughter – and it’s a fight we can win.
Here’s everything we’re doing right now to secure protections for these horses:
Legal: We teamed up with the Animal Legal Defense Fund to file a lawsuit last week to block the sale of wild horses without restrictions on slaughter. Our legal team has been successfully litigating over the Devils Garden wild horses for five years. We’re confident we can win this latest case to protect wild horses from slaughter – with the right resources. Support our legal efforts!
Legislative: We’re working with both federal and state legislators to put a halt to this crisis and enforce protections for these horses. Assemblymember Todd Gloria (D-San Diego) has been joined by 22 other members of the California legislature in opposing the Forest Service’s cruel plans, and Senator Dianne Feinstein is working to end this abuse by the Forest Service. Help us keep up the fight.
Long term: Before this crisis began, AWHC was working with the Forest Service on a plan to introduce a humane, scientific pilot program for sustainable population management. Our PZP birth control program has proven to be a successful range management solution everywhere it’s been tried. Support our efforts to bring long-term, humane management to wild horses across the country.
Placement: We’ve created a Devil’s Garden Placement Assistance Fund to help support safe placement of Devils Garden horses. Chip in today!
If the U.S. Forest Service gets away with selling wild horses for slaughter, it will set a horrific precedent that will open the floodgates to slaughter of thousands of federally protected mustangs.
We won’t let it happen – and with your help, we’ll win this fight.
Thanks for standing with us, and with the Devil’s Garden horses.