SYALER eNewsletter
The following is from Save Your Ass Long Ear Rescue:
December 6, 2018
Ears the news…
Whereupon our Fearless Leader Falls
In the early morning hours on Saturday, November 24th, walking through her living room Ann stepped on German Shepherd Jack’s tail which abruptly knocked her off her feet resulting in a spectacular but very damaging fall.
In extreme pain and unable to move, Jeff came to the rescue and got Ann into the car and off to the Emergency Room. Five hours, and many Xrays and CT scans later, the extent of her injuries was still unclear but a couple appointments and casts later it turns out Ann sustained a torn ligament and fibula twist fracture and could be off her feet for up to 3 months.
The accident has left our fearless leader in pain and on crutches making it challenging or impossible for her to do the simplest of living skills such as shower, dress, drive, or carry a cup of coffee to the kitchen table. Furthermore, it has a HUGE impact on the rescue since Ann typically spends a good portion of her day outside caring for the animals.
With Ann house-bound, several volunteers have stepped up to temporarily fill in with feeding, watering, grooming, mucking and generally overseeing the rescue’s current long-ear residents.
A hearty thanks to SYA volunteers Pomme, Andria Elliot, and employee Hannah Exel who have picked up the slack.
Such a setback going into winter is hard and SYALER certainly can’t expect volunteers to continue to show up every day for the next 12 weeks as the days get colder, the pathways get icy and more snow falls. We need to compensate people who are willing to work to keep the animals safe and healthy, but paying for extra barn help is a big unexpected drain on SYA’s budget.
I am therefore appealing to you today to GO to the DONATE button and consider giving whatever you can to assure we keep the farm purring while Ann heals.
Many thanks!
-Elise Paffrath
SYALER board member
p.s. This injury is a tough blow to our intrepid CEO in part because she’s being forced to accept a lot of help (not something she’s always good at), but Ann will be so grateful and relieved knowing that extra workers are being compensated through the long haul ahead.