2011 – Rock & Roll – 1-25-11 – CHIROPRACTIC
Rock had another appointment to be adjusted by our chiropractor Dave McClain. He commented on how much better Rock seemed to be doing.
After his adjustment, Rock and Roll were taken to the indoor arena for exercises. Rock did straight lines, square up and a few steps of back, finishing with a walk around the round pen once on each side for a gradual bend to the spine.
Roll did beginning walk/trot work on the lunge. Apparently, he’s never been lunged before. Roll is better going to the left than to the right, but he is a quick learner!
Rock and Roll were then turned loose in the arena for a little stretching and rolling. Rock rolled and Roll wanted to, but didn’t. They both came back to me for treats. We then took them back to their pasture and gave them some hay for a relaxing afternoon.