2011 – Rock & Roll – 3-10-11 – EYES/X-RAY/PALPATE
3/10/11: Rock was seen again by Greg Farrand, DVM. He checked his eyes again and was delighted to find a lot of improvement. He was unable to identify any retina damage because he said looking at the cornea, it had wrinkles in it. He said it had improved from before and did not know if we would get it de-wrinkled completely, but only time would tell. He also x-rayed Rock’s hooves since we had concerns about the bones going through the soft soles of his feet. Rock behaved very well. Then he palpated Rock through the rectum and found the fracture to be on the outside of the pelvis at the point of the ball joint at the hip. He said there did not appear to be excessive “knotting” at the fracture, but because it was in such a mobile area, he said we would be limited in recovery. He was, however, pleasantly surprised to see him moving as well as he is considering his movement at the beginning.