2011 – Rock & Roll – 5-10-11 – OUTDOOR ARENA TRAINING
5/10/11: The weather was beautiful so we worked outside in the large dressage arena again this time. I encouraged both mules to expend some energy and maintain a good working walk throughout. Rock did 2 rotations through the pattern each direction and Roll did one rotation each direction and more extensive walk and trot work in the round pen. Rock seemed to get tired after 1-1/2 rotations the first direction and even stopped cold for a few seconds, but kept going when asked. I let him take a few very short breaks and did not square up as often The goal was to see how far I could push his stamina without too much pressure. I thought he did well. Roll is now offering to step out ahead of me when asked though he still can get sluggish in the pattern. His round pen work is greatly improved, though his coordination is still awkward. Rock got his 20-minute pasture break while Roll was working. The Panalog once a week seems to be taking care of the pressure sores on both mules’ left hocks and Rock has developed another mild one on his left hip. Rock is due for a reset on his hind shoes in a couple of days and that may be contributing to his discomfort during the workout and his relaxing the toe in the halt. Both mules’ hooves are looking much better.
Roll got his busy mouth stuck in the Elbow Pull!