2011 – Rock & Roll – 9-22-11 – MASSAGE
9/22/11: Rock and Roll both enjoyed their massages today. Their feet seem to be improving with the Farnam Rainmaker hoof dressing. Since they are both feeling much better, they are getting more expressive and actually jealous of the attention they get from us. Roll tried a half-hearted “kick” to get Chad’s attention while he was working on Rock’s feet. Joanne and I quickly reprimanded him from both sides! Joanne popped him on the rear with the flat of her hand on the right side and when he moved over and seemed to laugh at her attempt, I came up quickly on the left and popped him with my hand on that side. Boy was he surprised to get it on both sides! He will definitely reconsider before trying that again! He pouted when I went and fed Rock afterwards, but I returned to him when he seemed genuinely sorry and let him have a treat for his atonement. Then he felt better again! They both continue to improve beyond our wildest expectations.