2010 – Rock & Roll – 12-5-24-10 – MASSAGE
12/ 5/10: Rock and Roll were delivered via trailer from Fran & Larry Howe of Bennett, Colorado. I had seen them at the National Western Stock Show in January where Fran and Larry showed them in the driving classes. Both animals were underweight and compromised. We saw Roll again in August at the Larimer County Fair and he had gained a lot of weight by that time.
12/5/10 Email from Fran: Here are the supplements that Rock & Roll are on:
Dynamite Vitamin & Mineral Supplement for Horses Dynamite 1 to 1 Free Choice (free choice for grass hay) Dynamite Excel
Dynamite Free and Easy (Glucosamine, Chondroitin)
Rock has been on Dyna-Pro which is a probiocotic and Dynamite Miracle Clay.
They both get a lot of grass hay!
Their feet have been trimmed (November 21 st). I had them tested for worms last spring–none to speak of. Roll is a real easy keeper (gains weight as he breathes!) Needs to be on a diet and more exercise.
Rock had dental surgery in November of 2009 where two teeth were removed. He had them floated November 19th, 2010. He will probably need to be looked at again next year. Rock has been to see Dave McLean for his hips (3 sessions I think!) Probably would be beneficial if he had more. He has a peculiar “hitch” that he does with his right hind (a result of his hip–my opinion.) I do not believe that it is a stifle (sp) (could be wrong–I have not had it x-rayed or diagnosed) Trimming his feet is difficult for him and the farrier. I bute him before I attempt to do anything with his hind feet. The right hind is fairly easy to get off the ground, but he needs to put it down fairly often. His left hind is another story. It is difficult to get it off the ground and when you do he needs to have it supported by a “hoof jack” so that he can put weight on it as his right hind will not hold him. He is gentle and tries really hard to please. He is the willing one and will out work the other one even with his “disabilities” ..
Roll can be driven single but is very lazy. He also moves short behind–could be that he is out of condition or has never used his back correctly. He tends to be a little “bracey” and is quite willful at times. Needs confidence. He is good with his feet. His teeth checked out ok, but I would have him checked next year also.
Their general health is pretty good right now. The stomachs have calmed down and I think that Rock’s upsets have been solved. I put them on Dynamite Miracle Clay for 3-4 days every 6 weeks or so. Then a pro-biocotic frequently. I have been out of pro-biocotic for several weeks and have not kept this up. I have tried to keep from giving them anything that is toxic (wormers, immunizations, etc.) until I am sure that the stomachs are healthy again. Therefore they have not had any wormers, or shots, and I try not to give them any pain killers (a little Bute when I do Rocks feet).
I have noticed that they have been reacting to things a little different since they feel better. They have more energy! They tend to be “heavy” on the lines at times (probably the way that they have been used previously!) I have been re-enforcing the fundamental ground work (not sure that they ever had any!). They are big and they have no idea how to stay out of your space–pushy at times. Rock is easily intimidated by humans but works real hard to please. Roll isn’t as intimidated and is pushy. They are not mean–just BIG and do not know their own strength.
12/5/10: Immediately took both mules off Dynamite feed program and started them with 4 cups each of crimped oats, 2 oz. Sho Glo, 2 oz. Mazola corn oil (once per day) and 4 flakes each, morning and evening of grass hay. When walking, Rock swings his right hip sideways very stiffly and forward when he walks. Rock’s hip and stifle appear locked up.
12/7/10: Light groomed Rock and Roll with dandy brush. Hair coats were coarse and wiry. Put Johnson’s baby oil in manes and tails. Hair was stiff and inflexible. They had their first turnout. Rock tried to trot, but was halted. Roll played and bucked and had a great time.
12/8/10: Morning: Both trimmed by Dean Gleeson. Old abscess found in Rock’s left front hoof. Abscess was nearly grown out with slight discoloration at the coronet band. Rock appears to be a little sore on the front. Supports weight by shifting the left front leg forward to take weight off right hind.
12/8/10: Afternoon: Rock had his first massage with Joanne Lang. She did some work on the right side from the neck back to the right hind. Then concentrated efforts on the right hind. See Joanne’s notes on his condition. Increased crimped oats to 3 cups.
12/9/10: Compared photos from delivery through massage to date.
Rock’s right hip at delivery, 12/5/10
Rock’s right hip before massage, 12/8/10
Rock’s hip after massage 12/9/10
12/14/10: Rock and Roll had a health exam with veterinarian Greg Farrand. Health generally good. Atrophied muscling is guarded, but probably not EPM. Reserve judgement until later. Wait and see how chiropractics and massage progresses. Delay Strongid worming for 3 weeks. Then follow 3 weeks later with another dose of Strongid for 1000lbs. Much improved hair coats. Increased crimped oats to 4 cups. Hip noticeably improved since first massage and he is attempting to track more forward with the right hind leg.
12/15/10: Rock had his second massage by Joanne Lang and Dave Miller. Joanne worked on the right shoulder, withers and hind hip with thumper, Then Dave jumped in and worked the right hind leg with his hands while Joanne thumped the left hip. See Joanne’s notes. Rock’s overall body is looking much better. He is now beginning to track more forward with the right hind leg.
12/21/10: Rock has begun to finish all his hay mornings and evenings and we have increased his oats to 6 cups. His movement is noticeably improved and there are signs (mud on his head) to indicate that he has finally decided to lie down and roll. Fran had indicated that he didn’t lie down often as it was very difficult for him to get back up.
12/22/10: Rock had his third massage with Joanne Lang and Dave Miller. Before the massage, we stood him for pictures and then took video and pictures of his movement at walk and then trot. Where he wouldn’t before, he broke to trot easily, but could not sustain it for very long. He is walking straight forward with the right hind more consistently.
After the pictures and video were taken, we set Rock up for his massage. My job is to control the position of his head and neck during the massage so he will derive the maximum benefit. This cannot be forced. As Joanne and Dave work, I ask Rock to lower his head, or move it from right to left as needed. Joanne resumed work on the right side of his body and into his rib cage while Dave worked on the right hind leg (see Joanne’s notes for details). Roll’s job is Supervisor!
Rock willingly leaned into Dave’s work and was a little worried when Joanne got into his rib cage, but soon relaxed for that as well. When sore, he keeps his ears back and won’t take the oats. When relaxed, he turns his head to me and takes the oats from my hand. Rock is definitely more suspicious and more the worrier than Roll, but he seems to know that we help him to feel better and he never tries to move away. Even when startled, he only took one step. He and Roll both take exception to having their muzzles touched. In Rock’s case, it could be because of the trauma with his teeth abscessing and needing to be pulled. He is much less tolerant around the muzzle than Roll.
This time, we did extensive work on both sides with the thumper and with Dave doing the major hands-on work to his right hind and flanks. Joanne then came back to the left side, then she and Dave both worked the stifle area together for more release. While they were working in back, I was getting his to stretch down and lengthen the muscles along the topline. Then Dave did some finish work over the croup after which Joanne finished up with some tail stretching.
Joanne then worked the hind leg a little more and attempted backward range of motion on his leg. He allowed it to a point, but then quickly drew it back. Can’t quite bring the leg behind yet, but he did try and couldn’t have done that 3 weeks ago. All this time, Roll was playing Director with our camera girl!
12/24/10: Rock and Roll got a haircut and grooming. Both of them stood very well for the clipping and grooming. I didn’t get Rock’s bridle path cut very straight while I was on the stool, but he very willingly lowered his head so I could correct my mistake without the stool.