A victory for wild horses!
The following is from the American Wild Horse Campaign:
Our opponents’ primary goal for the last two years: strip protections for wild horses and burros from federal appropriations legislation.
This week, they failed yet again. The House and Senate Appropriations Conference Committee agreed on a “continuing resolution” spending measure that will maintain protections for wild horses and burros against mass slaughter and cruel sterilization tactics.
We know that the the continuing pressure our movement is putting on Congress is making a difference. But this stopgap funding bill only goes through December 7.
It’s another victory for horses, and another set-back for our pro-slaughter opponents – but the fight continues right now. They think they can wear us down in fight after fight, but they’re wrong.
Our team has never stopped fighting. Tens of thousands of supporters like you have made calls, signed petitions, and emailed Congressional offices. And our team of AWHC lobbyists has been working the Hill to educate and pressure lawmakers.
And all of this work has been against the backdrop of one of the most cruel and brutal summers of roundups we’ve ever seen. Just this week, an “emergency” roundup in Nevada removed 359 wild horses by water and bait trapping – and, in Utah, the BLM captured 151 wild horses from the Muddy Creek HMA.
It’s hard to imagine how lawmakers and special interests continue to pursue cruel policies of roundups and slaughter. But while they remain on the wrong side of history, our movement will keep fighting for these innocent and majestic animals.
Keep it up!
Thank you,
P.S. Your donations go directly to these critical lobbying and advocacy efforts. Every time Congress delays action on these spending bills, our organization has to re-up its effort once again.