Establish a plan that ensures the proper care of your animals should you pass on before they do.
Check out the laws in your state so that your plan can be carried out.
Have a conversation with friends, family, and/or business associates who qualify and are willing to take on the responsibility of your last wishes.
Set aside the funds for your animals’ future and the caretakers as well in a trust fund.
Keep your records organized; regarding the care, feeding, and vet records, including all documents that will help the new crew to move forward with your plan.
Work with a financial advisor to keep you moving forward with your plan.
Hire a qualified attorney to draw up your trust and estate plan – this ensures your plan is legal in your state and all documents are filed accordingly.
DO NOT carry out a written agreement signed by you and your friend. This will not hold up in court.
The cold winter months bring on the enthusiasm for Christmas and all that it brings. Those of us who have equines will often revisit the warmth and affection that we experience with our animals. When we think about gift for our friends and family, we might even consider getting them a dog, cat, horse, pony or even a Longears. When we have these thoughts, we often disregard the actual maintenance and responsibilities that go along with our beloved animals. Will the recipient have a place to house and take care of them? Will they have the time and budget? Do the laws in their area even allow for animals of any kind? Would they even want an animal to love as much as we love ours?
Beyond the basics, there are a lot of other things to consider. Different breeds of animals have different temperament and personalities. How would you go about selecting an animal that would be compatible with your friends or family? It is difficult enough when you are talking about a dog, cat, horse or pony. But if you are considering a Longears, as intelligent and particular as they are, you KNOW they would need to be able to choose YOU!
After spring, summer and fall come and go, the cold days of winter can easily become an excuse to slow down and do less, but winter can be just as fun and full of activities with your equine as any other season. Along with the basics—food, water and shelter—your equine needs activities to keep him fit and happy. Like any of us, he doesn’t want to be active only part of the year and then left alone during the winter months, bored and lonely (not to mention the stress he will feel when he has to be reconditioned every spring).
Instead, it’s healthier for him, both physically and mentally, to be active and maintained year-round. This does not mean you need to ride him three or four days a week throughout the winter. There are lots of other fun, diverse activities you can enjoy together that will adequately maintain his body condition while keeping him interested and happy.
Of course, in order to enjoy winter games and sports, you must first be sure to dress appropriately for the weather in your area. If you live in a cool or cold climate, dress in layered clothing you can easily remove if you need to. Wear a hat to conserve your body heat and footwear that keeps your feet warm and dry. What your equine wears in cold weather is equally important. For instance, if your equine’s winter coat tends to be on the thinner side, he may need a blanket for the long winter nights to keep his body from expending too much energy just trying to stay warm. Generally speaking, an equine’s coat will adjust to the colder weather during the onset of fall and winter. The hair coat must stand on end in order to insulate the equine properly during cold, heat and insect invasions during the various seasons. So, if your equine has a healthy hair coat, no blanket is really necessary.
Although a blanket will also serve to mat down his coat so there is less chance of it becoming entangled in his tack or harness, but it can also cause the hair coat to operate improperly for keeping him warm. There needs to be a practical reason for using winter blankets or they could make your equine sick. Just because you are cold, doesn’t mean they are cold unless they a visibly shivering. This could happen as they age. If you have a stall for your equine, just for winter months, you may want to trace-clip him in the areas that do the most sweating so that when he is worked, he will cool down quickly and easily. In this case, he might need to be blanketed, but be ready to take on or take off the blanket or blankets as needed. Promoting good circulation keeps your equine warm, helps his body to stay flexible and supple, and cuts way down on his muscle and bone stiffness. Be sure to begin any and all workouts and recreational activities with consistent and appropriate warm-up exercises.
Since most inclement weather produces slippery ground surfaces, if your equine is to be used extensively, it is important that he have appropriate shoes on his feet during the slippery seasons. On strictly muddy or slippery surfaces, tapping and drilling studs into his shoes can help immensely in giving him added traction. If cared for properly, you can remove these studs when you don’t need them. If you get snow in your area, you may want to go with Borium shoes and rim pads. The Borium shoes supply good traction, while the rim pads prevent snow from balling up in your equine’s feet. I also suggest using splint boots on all four of his legs. This will protect against injury and give him added support and protection of his fetlock joints. Riding on the treacherous winter ground CAREFULLY can actually enhance core strength and postural balance.
There are lots of different winter games that you can play with your equine and if you have a friend who wants to participate too, there are even more possibilities. With proper shoes on your equine and good, flat ground, and if the weather permits, there are so many gymkhana games that you can play. Or how would you like a brisk cross-country gallop on your equine with a few fences to jump? Or you and a friend can take an exciting ride on a tire or sled, taking turns with one person riding the equine while the other rides the sled or tire tied on the saddle horn by a rope. If you have more friends with equines, you can even have winter races. You are limited only by your own imagination! Remember that any game or sport requires that you consider safety first for both you and your equine: What are your abilities? What are your limitations? What is your level of physical conditioning and that of your equine? Whatever activities the two of you do to keep busy, happy and healthy during the winter months, the name of the game should always be—WINTER FUN!
If you have a very young equine, make sure to consistently continue your routine of handling him throughout the entire winter. I do not suggest Lunging very young equines on the treacherous winter ground unless you have the advantage of using an indoor arena. He could slip and injure himself. But you can still take him for walks on the lead line, Ground Drive him through various winter scenes and spend plenty of time grooming him. All of this will accustom him to winter’s unique terrain and obstacles, maintain his essential and continued imprinting and bonding with you, build his self-confidence and maintain his good manners.
If your equine is well-trained, it might be fun to attend winter clinics, or visit elementary schools and accustom the children to your equine. They would find particular interest in Longears and would welcome the introductions. If your equine is of appropriate size and is trained really well, visiting assisted living homes and hospitals can make a joyous occasion for those who are not able to go out and enjoy the season. The smiles that you put on their faces will add the joy of giving to your heart and enhance the reason for the season for you all. Just be sure to call ahead and make definite appointments for these types of activities.
The better trained your equine is, the more possibilities there are for winter sports and games. If the idea of taking lessons at a riding stable that has an indoor arena appeals to you, winter tends to be a less hectic, more peaceful time of year in which to learn and practice without the added stress and anxiety of showing and other warm weather activities. But even if you want to forego the lessons, there are numerous stables that will rent the use of their indoor arenas for a nominal fee and there are places where you can trail ride through beautiful winter scenes.
People and equines alike seem to derive great pleasure from these winter get-togethers when they are carefully and responsibly planned. You can even plan and enjoy a winter trail ride in the mountains. You might not be able to ride beyond the snow line, but you can ride up to the snow line and enjoy the breath-taking vistas that the mountains afford. Just be sure to plan ahead and know what kind of weather you will be facing on any given day.
Another great way to have fun with your equine is participating in winter games and holiday parades. Christmas is always a joyous time to bring your equine out of the barn. Consider decorating your equine, dressing up yourself and then riding or driving with friends and family in your local Christmas parade. This can be loads of fun!
Caroling aboard your equine or driving in a surrey or carriage throughout your neighborhood is also a wonderful way for you, your equine and your neighbors to get into the holiday spirit. Oftentimes when my equines and I have gone out caroling after a Christmas parade, the neighborhood children have come out to sing and dance behind our caroling caravan! This kind of pure joy is contagious and always reminds me of the true meaning of the Christmas season.
Before considering gifts for your family and friends, spend time getting to know their likes and dislikes. It would be better to find out if they even have any interest in live animals and then get them an appropriate book or a video about their interest. If they do show an interest in live animals, plan to spend time together so you can introduce them to the right way to feed, interact and maintain live animals. This approach will provide you all with the warmth and affection that you deserve. With the onset of computers and so much technology, people forget that you can literally travel the world through books and videos. You can learn to communicate better and enjoy deeper relationships. This will greatly expend horizons and offer brighter futures for everyone. This is a much more appropriate way to offer a suitable gift. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
MULE TALK PODCAST – Cindy K Roberts & Mule Trainer/Author/Mule Promoter Meredith Hodges – Lucky Three Ranch of Loveland, Colorado, shares with us the important issues to address when drawing up a trust for your mules, livestock, pets, and ranch. Talking with a qualified lawyer is critical and making sure the needs of your mules and donkeys are met is not an easy task when writing up your wishes in a trust agreement. Meredith shares with us the important thoughts to consider when drawing up a trust. Only on Mule Talk the podcast!
Well, it’s a pleasure to be here. Good Morning! Well, this was a really touchy subject. First of all I wanted to say that I thought it was going to be a whole lot easier than it was. I wanted to make sure that if anything happened to me they would be well taken care of, but I found out in 2006 , it was not that simple because you have to take into consideration the people you are going to designate when you decide to designate somebody to take care of them. Those people need to be willing to do it and as we all know, “Horse Poor” is the old saying. So taking on an equine is a whole lot more expensive than taking on a cat or a dog, and even those can become a problem. So when I was trying to decide what to do with my animals, I thought “Gosh,” I could pass on my ranch to my family, but they might decide to just sell that with the animals and everything and not care where they went at all.
So that prompted me to get really meticulous about what I did. That’s why I launched into what I did establishing the Loveland Longears Museum and Sculpture Park at Lucky Three Ranch as a 501 (c) 3. We had to develop a “mission statement” to make it legitimate. We did that to teach people, at risk-kids and younger children about the care, maintenance, handling and training of equines in general and not just mules…but, with the primary focus on mules. The focus being like that would ensure that my animals would be part of the 501 3 (c) 3 and would be guaranteed a place in the whole foundation. They would be taken care of!
The other thing that I had to decide was who going to take care of them. If I just developed the foundation, they would take on employees that could be anybody and not necessarily people with the experience needed to do a good job with their health and welfare. They might mismanage it and it could all fall apart rather easily. The crew that I have here is not a large crew. I now have one girl and two guys that help me with everything here at the ranch with this whole operation…132 ½ acres, 16 equines, 122 acres in hay that we cut, bale, stack and store ourselves twice a year. In addition, we have to preface that with cleaning the hay barns and prepping them to receive the hay, store the left-over bales from last year in our hay sales barn and after wards, we need to sweep the fields, gather any broken bales and bale whatever we can to store with the rest of the hay. That is a tall order! We just did 11, 000 bales during First Cutting this year and it is ordinarily between 5000-6000 bales per year. We grow our own hay for our equines because we cannot be sure to get the quality hay that we want from other sources each year. Nor can we be assured that there will even be grass hay available. People do grow different kinds of hay and the Brome/Orchard Grass hay that we grow for our equines is the best for them.
I hear from people every day that tell me they can’t find good grass hay for their animals. Mules and donkeys, being desert animals have to have a very specific diet or they can easily become obese and then you have all sorts of problems and vert bills up the ying-yang, if they don’t just die. It is really easy to mess up that program. The people that have been with me have been here for more than 20 years. We all operate as a team and not by how many hours are put in. Rather, each day is gauged by the tasks needed to be performed and we do not call it a day until the list is completed each day. We all pitch in to help each other when one person has more to do than the others. Each person has their own specific job description, but we all pitch in together when it is time to do the hay during the hay season.
The two of us girls welcome the opportunity to get out of the office during hay season. The weather is always lovely and working together is a lot of just plain fun. Doing house and office work can get rather tedious when it is so repetitive each day throughout the year. We try to keep up morale by changing up the schedule every so often. There are a lot of things to do like answering the phone, answering peoples’ questions, taking orders, booking tours, distributing orders, keeping the book-keeping straight each day, making Social Media posts regularly, checking the websites connections, both the LTR website and the Jasper website, keeping up the inventory cards in the warehouse and updating all the records for the attorneys and accountants. We also celebrate birthdays with our fellow workers, including our remote graphics artist, videographers and with our JASPER MASCOT, Social Media and behind the scenes website help. It is important to keep a happy and enthusiastic crew!
We schedule Private Tours by appointment only which is another welcome time to get out and interact with people who come to the ranch to see all that we do. We have repeat visitors who just love to see what new things we have built and how the ranch just keeps expanding and educating. We’ve been told that this ranch is Colorado’s best-kept secret. When we have these tours, it’s another time that we all pitch in together to help depending on the size and capability of the folks on the tours. If they are small groups, the guys take care of their regular outside duties like the daily cleaning of the stalls, pens and barns, veterinary issues with individual equines, any construction that we have in the works, stock-piling the different things we use regularly, maintenance and repairs and we won’t need their assistance. But if we have a large group, or people with special needs, we will have the guys help lead the tours as drivers of our tour carts while Kristen and I interact with the people. The guys always make sure the ranch is spotless for the tours and we even have the statue cleaners come out before we have tours and make sure the statues are glistening in the sun! Keeping things clean every day also helps to keep down the flies and insects that would irritate the equines as well as our visitors. When they come to visit, people remark about how good it smells here!
Since we ARE a museum, we are always in the process of developing new exhibitions and construction of the new buildings to house them. We do not want to find ourselves in violation of our 501 (c) 3 status. We established our 501(c) 3 status in 2006, but we did not want to be limited to government standard while improving the ranch, so I researched what we were required to do to maintain the status without including the land. We can remain a 501 (c)3 foundation by simply keeping it a Bank Account that donates to other 501(c) 3’s. We have supported several others during the years we have been in operation as a 501(c) 3, but are now limiting our donations to our favorite charity foundation, the Hearts and Horses Therapeutic Riding Center. It is thriving as not only a therapeutic center for the disabled, but we also provide help for Veterans, At-Risk Kids, those with Alzheimer’s, dementia and Physical Therapies after surgeries. We have won multiples awards for our work with Hearts and Horses! Another great way to put smiles on people’s faces!
I legally guaranteed my crew’s jobs as the staff of the Loveland Longears Museum and Sculpture Park. I hired an attorney that clearly set up the L.L.M.S.P. By-Laws and Mission Statement for the 5-1 (C) 3 status and another attorney that did my Last Will and Testament such that is was all very explicit about my wishes upon my death. We all know how expensive our animals can be, so it is advisable to include a stipend of money to accompany the care of the animals so that the designated recipient is not burdened with the cost. So, even though people may offer to take them over for you like they agree to adopt children upon a friend’s demise, you can make sure that they are not biting off more, than they can chew.
Lots of people have been schooled in Natural Horsemanship, but we no longer live in a world where the horses, mules and donkeys are running loose on the range. Equines don’t have access to an environment where they graze when they are hungry, rest when they are tired and naturally wear their hooves evenly from the traveling and autonomous lifestyle they would naturally lead. It is up to us to identify how we can make act responsibly and make reasonable substitutions for this change in their environment. With the onset of our urban sprawl, we need to realize that our equines will never again have access to 5000+ of prairies and mountains as they did in the past. Those days are gone and will never be again. It’s hard enough to get 5-10 acres lots!
One cannot make any assumptions about what should happen upon your death after you are gone. If you don’t do the things as meticulously as I have done, anything can happen and your animals will suffer. It is better to have it all clearly laid out and in such a way that your designated recipients will be fully aware of what they are signing up for. You will need a clearly stated document about the way YOU care for your equine, so the recipient will know exactly what to do with your animal when they inherit it (How to feed (hay and oats mixes, worming, minerals, exercise, maintenance in a dry lot with limited turnout, social time, training expectations, etc.). This is critical for health of your mules and donkeys. Otherwise, you animals may not be cared for as you desire. Your assets will be at the mercy of other people’s opinions and desires. People can be very selfish in this way. People often believe that you can just turnout in a pasture and that is good enough…NOT! Mules and donkeys are very susceptible to obesity that will usually follow with founder and other things like ringbone and side bones. Poor management is generally due to owner laziness and misinformation that is freely passed around. Beware of advertising and markets techniques. They are not necessarily based in the overall welfare for your equine. Beware of dehydrated cubes and pellets, different oils, minerals, amounts and types of grains, treats, etc. I did my “field” research with 32 equines over a period of 40 years.
Granted, a lot of people don’t have as much money as I do, but I don’t have as much coming in as most people think. You cannot make a living on selling books and videos! I had to get creative about how to manage my money as well. So, I hired a Financial Advisor several decades ago and just stared an investment account with UBS Financial Services with the understanding that I would treat it as if the account was not even there. I started with a minimal amount and then just let the dividends be reinvested. I never took any money back. Except, if I got into trouble with my taxes and had to “borrow” money, I would “borrow” from that account to pay the taxes. But I ALWAYS put it back in a very short period of time…it was not MY money in MY own mind! Over several decades, my Financial Advisor turned my original $500.00 into millions!
Regardless of the number of animals or the number of friends that you have that will tell that they would care for your animals, it is essential to have real discussions about what this would entail and how comfortable they would be with all the responsibility that you would be passing along to them. What are the legal stipulations for the location where your recipient lives? Laws are different everywhere and it is important to research these legal regulations for a full understanding of what will be needed to pass your equine on to a new owner. Then if they are okay with it, get a GOOD ATTORNEY to draw up the agreement between you and make it all legal! Do not just draw up an agreement with your friend and sign it. It won’t hold water! This is why I opted to go ahead and spend the money and time to do it the right way. Then I KNOW for sure that I will truly REST IN PEACE!
Leading training on the obstacle course is your equine’s initial exposure to real fear.
Use the “O.A.T.S.” approach to your training.
Observe – Approach – Touch – Sigh.
Allow your equine time to think and process the information in order to move forward in his training.
Your equine will learn to be attentive, patient, and confident about moving through various obstacles, such as: ground poles, tires, the bridge, stopping at a mailbox, walking through a tractor tire, and backing through straight and parallel poles.
All movements will become purposeful, and he will learn to remain attentive to you and to respond promptly during his lessons.
Meredith gets a lot of letters and emails from people with training questions about their equines. Here, she discusses the best way to incorporate an oats mixture into your equine’s diet.