2011 – Rock & Roll – 3-18-11 – FARRIER
3/18/11: Roll got a trim and Rock got shoes for his hind feet today. We noticed another abscess site in the left hind that was growing out. He had some difficulty standing for it, but was a real trooper. He did better when Chad and the farrier, Dean Geeson were trying to get his left hind on the stand after I gave support at his right hip. Chad had tried, but I think he may have put too much pressure on Rock’s hip. I noticed while supporting him that he did better when I just let him lean into my hands that were placed on either side of the fracture site. I washed Rock’s legs and tail because the hock sore was looking a little pussy and I was surprised to find he had more layers of dirt that I even imagined…and butter colored socks! Then we brought in the minis for a trim and they both got to meet Rock and Roll face to face. The minis LOVE the draft mules and vice versa!