Emergency Help Needed for Latest “Critical Case” at Chilly Pepper
The following story comes from Chilly Pepper Equine Rescue.
Matt and I had to do an unexpected rescue today. “Big Girl” is a 20+ (?) year old Percheron who weighs about 1600 pounds. She was for sale as a “riding horse” and we were told she just needed her hoofers trimmed. We were also told that even if you used a crop or whip, she would not canter. But it was fine to trot her.
As panic welled in my gut, we handed over the cash to “bail her” and bring her home. Did she even have enough back hooves to have a chance? Her front hoof was bare sole with the hoof wall well above where it should be. I cannot begin to imagine how uncomfortable it is for her to have to hold all that weight on such broken feet.
We are praying that there is not too much damage done for her to heal. When you think of the saying “NO HOOF – NO HORSE”, PURE PANIC COMES TO MIND!
We are asking for prayers and any help you can give to save this beautiful girl. She will need to be sedated to have her feet worked on as it seems to be too painful and hard for her to stand on 3 feet. We were told it takes 3 men and medicine to do her front feet, but you “cannot do her hind feet”. I lifted her rear hoof up today to try and see what damage had been done, but it was apparent that she was really uncomfortable and after that she was very wary of me.
She is settled in with Magic and tomorrow we will contact the vet and try to get her some help. No horse deserves this, and we can only pray we got to her in time. This is overwhelming, disheartening and simply devastating. But when God puts one of His creatures in front of you, there is no choice, you do whatever you can to help, so once again we are asking folks to join us so we can help this beautiful soul. Any prayers and help you would like to give and what you can comfortably do for “Big Girl”…. are so very much appreciated.
You can go to Paypal – Palominodancer@yahoo.com or go to our website
www.chillypepper.org if you would like to help Big Girl, the horse with no hooves :(
You can donate via check at Chilly Pepper – Miracle Mustang, 34694 Sidebottom Rd., Shingletown, CA 96088
530 474-5197