Origin: Originating from the Wild Ass of Asia and Africa, donkeys are the cousin of the horse and have been domesticated for thousands of years.
Uses: Donkeys are used for riding, driving, or as pets in the United States, but as working animals in other parts of the world. They are also one-half of the equation for the production of mules, which have played a vital role in the building of human history.
Breeding: A donkey bred to a donkey produces a donkey. Donkey jacks are crossed on horse mares to produce mules, while the opposite cross (stallion x donkey jennet) gives a hinny. There are few pure breeds of donkey in the United States, where they are known by their sizes and types.
Characteristics: Miniature Donkeys are under 36″ tall at maturity. Standards can go up to 48″ and Large Standards to 56″. Mammoth Jack stock stand 56″ (14h) to over 68” (over 17h). Regardless of size, all donkeys have longer ears, a D-shaped eye socket, and a smoother, leaner body mass than horses. Many have creamy light points around eyes, muzzle, and belly. Colors range from gray-dun to dark brown, black, red, dappled roan, and overo-type pinto spotting. Many have a dorsal stripe down the spine, with a transverse cross over the shoulders.
Donkeys have toiled for mankind though the ages. Ancient Egyptian art shows donkeys hitched to chariots alongside mules and horses. They are used not only for packing and work, but have carried many a famed person in history. The donkey is known, somewhat mistakenly, for being stubborn, but this is a misinterpretation of their self-preservation. Donkeys conserve energy until it is needed. They have great stamina and are exceptionally hearty, as well as playful and intelligent. Training a donkey is similar to training horses—with extra patience and understanding on the part of the trainer.
Today’s Miniature Donkey is popular in the show ring or as a pet. Standards can be ridden, driven or used as livestock guardians. Mammoths make exceptional riding donkeys in many disciplines, and are used to produce outstanding mules.
Donkeys of all sizes and types can be registered, with shows around the nation for longears. While many never see a show ring, they are exceptional pets and are loved by all ages. With a wide range of sizes, body types and colors, there are donkeys to suit every taste.
For more information, contact the American Donkey & Mule Society at www.lovelongears.com and Lucky Three Ranch at www.luckythreeranch.com . For more information about Meredith Hodges and her comprehensive correspondence training program, Training Mules and Donkeys , please visit www.LuckyThreeRanch.com or call 1-800-816-7566 . Also, find Meredith Hodges and Lucky Three Ranch on Facebook and Twitter. And don’t forget to check out her children’s website at JasperTheMule.com.
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