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Training Tips – Grooming

In response to letters and emails from people with training and behavior questions about their equines, Meredith has created a series of short training tip videos to help address some of these common issues. Be sure to check out the Detailed Descriptions if you’d like the printable guide that goes along with each video.

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If you have a training question or an idea for another Training Tip video, check out the Ask Meredith section for commonly asked questions, or click here to submit your question.

Select a category to display Training Tips:

Assessing Ability/Postural RehabilitationArena TrainingDonkey Training | Driving | Feeding & ManagementGeneral Performance TrainingGrooming | Ground DrivingImprinting, Desensitization & Good Manners | Jumping | Leading for Postural Core Strength | Lunging for Postural Core Strength | Riding Training | Tack, Equipment & Restraints

Training Tips – Grooming

LTR Training Tip #03: Work Stations
LTR Training Tip #04: Communication and Equines
LTR Training Tip #15: Grooming Basics
LTR Training Tip #16: Great Looking Manes and Tails
LTR Training Tip #17: Bathing and the Hose
LTR Training Tip #124: Practical & Therapeutic Grooming