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Mule Crossing Articles

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MULE CROSSING: A Bit About Communication with Your Equine

By Meredith Hodges Over the past few decades, through trial and error, we equine owners and trainers have discovered that, when communicating with our equines, harsh bits are not really necessary. Rather, it is safer and more beneficial to use milder tack and equipment, to concentrate on learning correct body language and to give clear cues with our hands, seat and legs to elicit the desired response from our equines. Nowadays, at the beginning of training, more and more riders are learning to ride “by the seat of their pants;” that is, using body language through the seat, legs and hands, rather than with brute force through the bit. Once a rarity, riding bridleless, or bitless is now part of a preferred way of training for both the equine and the rider. If you are training your equine at home—in a controlled situation and under optimum conditions—riding bridleless and using the right kinds of techniques can be relatively easy, but there is more to consider than just getting the right response from your equine. As long as you are in a controlled situation, it is safe to ride bridleless for general pleasure riding, but if you become involved in showing ...

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4-H Mini Mule Handout 2010

MULE CROSSING: A Bit About Communication

MULE CROSSING: A Miracle For Excalibur

MULE CROSSING: Achieving Balance and Harmony

MULE CROSSING: ADMS National Show Carolinas

MULE CROSSING: A.D.M.S. National Show 1986

MULE CROSSING: A.H.S.A. Objects to Mules

MULE CROSSING: Appreciating John Henry

MULE CROSSING: Assessing Your Equine

MULE CROSSING: Assets of the Mule in Equestrian Sport 2010

MULE CROSSING: Basic Training for Foals Includes Common Sense

MULE CROSSING: Beas First Combined Training Event

MULE CROSSING: Benefit of Organizational Skills

MULE CROSSING: Benefits of Postural Core Strength Training

MULE CROSSING: Benefits of Professional Training

MULE CROSSING: Bishop Mule Days 1985

MULE CROSSING: Bishop Mule Days 1986

MULE CROSSING: Bishop Mule Days 1990

MULE CROSSING: Bishop Mule Days 2010 – Press Release

BONNIE SHIELDS: A Legacy of Loving Longears

MULE CROSSING: Boulder County Fair Grounds Exhibition

MULE CROSSING: Breeding Quality Mules

MULE CROSSING: Catching the Difficult Mule

MULE CROSSING: Celebrating the Pioneer Spirit of the American Mule

MULE CROSSING: Choosing the Right Jack

MULE CROSSING: Christmas Fun with Your Equine!

MULE CROSSING: Colorado Classic Horse Show 1986

MULE CROSSING: Colorado Classic Horse Show 1987

MULE CROSSING: Colorado Donkey Mule Society

MULE CROSSING: Colorado Heart Fund Benefit 1990

MULE CROSSING: Contemporary Mules

MULE CROSSING: Correct Saddle Placement & Related Issues

MULE CROSSING: Crystal Ward Memorial 2014

MULE CROSSING: Dancing with Mules

MULE CROSSING: Differences Among Horses, Mules and Donkeys

MULE CROSSING: Disaster and the Effects of Training

MULE CROSSING: Do Mules Need to Be Shod?


MULE CROSSING: Donkey Training, Part 1

MULE CROSSING: Donkey Training, Part 2

MULE CROSSING: Donkey Training, Part 3

MULE CROSSING: Donkey Training, Part 4

MULE CROSSING: Donkey Training, Part 5

MULE CROSSING: Donkey Training, Part 6

MULE CROSSING: Donkey Training, Part 7

MULE CROSSING: Donkey Training, Part 8

MULE CROSSING: Donkey Training, Part 9

MULE CROSSING: Donkey Training, Part 10


MULE CROSSING: Donkeys As Livestock Guardians

MULE CROSSING: Donkeys of St. John 1992

MULE CROSSING: Donkeys: The “Sinking” Reflex

MULE CROSSING: Dressage Explained

MULE CROSSING: Driving Activities

MULE CROSSING: Equine Behavior: Look Who’s Talking! Part 1

MULE CROSSING: Equine Behavior: Look Who’s Talking! Part 2

MULE CROSSING: Equine Behavior: Look Who’s Talking! Part 3

MULE CROSSING: Equine Industry Trends

MULE CROSSING: Establishing Management Practices for N.I. (Neonatal Isoerythrolisis)

MULE CROSSING: Fine-Tuning the Aids

MULE CROSSING: Fine-Tuning the Rider

MULE CROSSING: Fitting Tack & Equipment

MULE CROSSING: From Mules to Riches

MULE CROSSING: Gate Training

MULE CROSSING: Getting Down with Minis, Part 1

MULE CROSSING: Getting Down with Minis, Part 2

MULE CROSSING: Getting Down with Minis, Part 3

MULE CROSSING: Getting Down with Minis, Part 4

MULE CROSSING: Getting Down with Minis, Part 5

MULE CROSSING: Good Basic Training Includes Common Sense, Part 1

MULE CROSSING: Good Basic Training Includes Common Sense, Part 2

MULE CROSSING: Good Basic Training Includes Common Sense, Part 3

MULE CROSSING: Good Basic Training Includes Common Sense, Part 4

MULE CROSSING: Handling Your Mule’s Ears

MULE CROSSING: Hauling Long Distances

MULE CROSSING: Hoof Differences in Horses, Donkeys and Mules

MULE CROSSING: How to Use the TMD Training Products

MULE CROSSING: Imprinting Beyond Birth

MULE CROSSING: Improve Your Equine Handling Skills

MULE CROSSING: In Appreciation of Mules

MULE CROSSING: In Celebration of Mule History

MULE CROSSING: Introduction to Behavior Modification, Part 1

MULE CROSSING: Introduction to Behavior Modification, Part 2

MULE CROSSING: Introducing Under-Saddle Training

MULE CROSSING: Jack Copp and Joker

MULE CROSSING: “Joining Up” with Equines

MULE CROSSING: Judging a Show

MULE CROSSING: Jumping Mules

MULE CROSSING: Keys To Successful Training, Part 1: Your Working Environment

MULE CROSSING: Keys To Successful Training, Part 2: Attitude and Approach

MULE CROSSING: Learning to Stand Still for Mounting

MULE CROSSING: Learning to Ride a Balanced Seat

MULE CROSSING: Letter from Jasper” the Mule

MULE CROSSING: Leverage Versus Abuse

MULE CROSSING: Little Jack Horner

MULE CROSSING: Living with Longears

MULE CROSSING: Longears Loving Impact

MULE CROSSING: Looking Objectively at Your Equine

MULE CROSSING: Love Thy Neighbor: The Rural-Urban Conflict

MULE CROSSING: L.T.R Harvest Party

LTR MULES: Musing on Mini Grooming

MULE CROSSING: LTR Training Principles Philosophy

MULE CROSSING: Lucky Three Ranch

MULE CROSSING: Lucky Three Ranch – 35th Anniversary

MULE CROSSING: Lucky Three Ranch – 45th Anniversary

MULE CROSSING: Lucky Three Mae Bea C. T.

MULE CROSSING: LTR Training Mules & Donkeys: General Information

MULE CROSSING: Maintenance & Grooming

MULE CROSSING: Making History with Mules Part 1

MULE CROSSING: Making History with Mules, Part 2

MULE CROSSING: Making History with Mules, Part 3

MULE CROSSING: Massage History & Contemporary Equine Use

MULE CROSSING: Meet the Lucky Three Equines 2014!

MULE CROSSING: Meredith Hodges – An Historical Lady Muleskinner 2017

MULE CROSSING: Meredith’s Mule/Donkey Poetry — Angel and Cyclone

MULE CROSSING: Meredith’s Mule/Donkey Poetry — Fara

MULE CROSSING: Meredith’s Mule/Donkey Poetry — The Difference Between a Whinny and a Bray-Neigh

MULE CROSSING: Meredith’s Mule/Donkey Poetry — Yesterday’s Mules

MULE CROSSING: Missy’s Mule Twins

MULE CROSSING: Moving Beyond Prey vs. Predator

MULE CROSSING: Much Ado About Mules

MULE CROSSING: Mule & Donkey Movies & TV Shows

MULE CROSSING: Mule Conformation

MULE CROSSING: Mule Exhibition

MULE CROSSING: Mule Fever, Part 1

MULE CROSSING: Mule Fever, Part 2

MULE CROSSING: Mule Talk Podcast Transcript – Legal

MULE CROSSING: Mules Accepted by U.S.E.F. in Dressage!

MULE CROSSING: Mules and Dressage

MULE CROSSING: Mules and the U.S.E.F. 2007

MULE CROSSING: Multiple Facets of Longears Hybrid Vigor

MULE CROSSING: My Favorite Christmas Tradition

MULE CROSSING: Myths About Desensitization

MULE CROSSING: National Western Fall Classic 1984

MULE CROSSING: National Western Stock Show 1984 – Mule Show and Pull

MULE CROSSING: National Western Stock Show 1986

MULE CROSSING: National Western Stock Show 1987

MULE CROSSING: National Western Stock Show 1988

MULE CROSSING: Neonatal Isoerythrolysis

MULE CROSSING: New Years Rose Parade 1988

MULE CROSSING: On the Trail with Mules

MULE CROSSING: Organizing a Show

MULE CROSSING: Owning an Equine Is Serious Business, Part 1

MULE CROSSING: Owning an Equine Is Serious Business, Part 2

MULE CROSSING: Owning an Equine Is Serious Business, Part 3

MULE CROSSING: Owning an Equine Is Serious Business, Part 4

MULE CROSSING: Pre-Pasadena Rose Parade Press Release

MULE CROSSING: Press Release: The 20-Mule Team Comes to the Lucky Three Ranch

MULE CROSSING: Queen City Horse Show 1987


MULE CROSSING: Recognizing Mules as Viable Athletes

MULE CROSSING: Reflecting On Longears

MULE CROSSING: Rewards, Treats, Coaxing and Bribing

MULE CROSSING: Riding Side Saddle (Aside)

MULE CROSSING: Rock and Roll: Diary of a Rescue, Part 1

MULE CROSSING: Rock and Roll: Diary of a Rescue: Part 2

MULE CROSSING: Selecting a Trainer

MULE CROSSING: Shoulder-In and Lengthening the Trot

MULE CROSSING: Showing Equines

MULE CROSSING: Showing in Harness

MULE CROSSING: So Much to Learn, So Little Time!

MULE CROSSING: So You Think You Want a Mule?

MULE CROSSING: Stubborn As A Mule

MULE CROSSING: Suitability of Mules and Donkeys for Children

MULE CROSSING: Surge of Mule Shows

MULE CROSSING: The Equine in Motion

MULE CROSSING: The Equine Industry

MULE CROSSING: The Hourglass Pattern & The Elbow Pull

MULE CROSSING: The Importance of Good Manners When Training

MULE CROSSING: The Inaugural Parade 1993

MULE CROSSING: The Ins and Outs of Leg Supports

MULE CROSSING: The Language of Longears


MULE CROSSING: The Mules of Molokai


MULE CROSSING: The Responsible Use of Restraints in Training

MULE CROSSING: The Road to Success with your Mule!


MULE CROSSING: TMD Letter: Dear Longears Lover: Groundwork on the Flat/Obstacles/Lunging/Ground Driving

MULE CROSSING: To Wear Breeches or Not

MULE CROSSING: Trailer Loading

MULE CROSSING: Train for the Pleasure of It

MULE CROSSING: Train Your Own Mule!

MULE CROSSING: Training for Health, Happiness and Safety

MULE CROSSING: Training Longears: What’s the Difference? Part 1

MULE CROSSING: Training Longears: What’s the Difference? Part 2

MULE CROSSING: Turns On the Forehand and Haunches

MULE CROSSING: Understanding Behavior Modification

MULE CROSSING: Understanding the Use of Cruppers and Breeching

MULE CROSSING: U.S.D.F. Convention 1987

MULE CROSSING: Using Dressage Training with Mules

MULE CROSSING: What Are Mules Good For

MULE CROSSING: What are Mules Good for Besides Packing and Farming?

MULE CROSSING: What’s So Special About Longears Shows?

MULE CROSSING: Why Mules Are Exceptional

MULE CROSSING: Why the “Guide to Raising and Showing Mules”

MULE CROSSING: Winter Fun with Your Equine

MULE CROSSING: Youth Spotlight Dena Hodges

MULE CROSSING: Youth Spotlight Leslie Busque