MULE TALK! PODCAST: Fine-tuning the Rider/Fine-tuning the Aids
Fine-tuning the Rider/Fine-tuning the Aids —
- The benefits of using positive reinforcement early on in your mule’s training.
- Apply corrective measures appropriately when working with your young mule.
- Each mule learns in their own way and at their own pace.
- Using your seatbones to fine-tune your aids.
- Use half-halts when making a transition will alert your mule a change is going to occur.
- Using circles to benefit your training.
- Working at a pace so as not to confuse or create anxiety in your mule.
- Establishing fine-tuning will create harmony and balance in your work.
- This and more details in this episode!
Learn more on Mule Talk podcast.
For more training info: www.LuckyThreeRanch.Com and click on the Training tab.
Mule Talk is an Every Cowgirl’s Dream production – www.EveryCowgirlsDream.Com