SYALER eNewsletter
The following is from Save Your Ass Long Ear Rescue:
Dear loyal SYALER friends,
As I write this Ann is out doing chores this frigid night, lugging hot water from her house to make mashes for the animals who get them, carrying and spreading hay for each group so every donkey and mule has access, graining and medicating those who need it, filling water troughs (yikes, don’t let the spigot run over and cause a skating rink now!) and most importantly checking that each animal appears bright and healthy as the day flips from dusk to dark.
In that manner, Ann works her way around to all four barns until every creature on the farm is fed, watered and content.
Come daylight, she will do it all again and hope once chores are complete she has the energy to go back to scoop manure and add fresh shavings so her charges can be as comfortable as possible.
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While she has an amazing employee to help her, Ann is in the trenches caring for these lucky beasts day-in and day-out.
Rain or snow or heat or hail, there will always be Ann on the job delivering food and care to every rescue animal on the property.
Ann is not a salaried CEO. She gets paid in brays, nuzzles and eventually down the line… happy adoptions. Her commitment and dedication is out of love. Love for the animals and the mission. That sounds noble and heartfelt but the reality is that caring for a farm full of long ears is HARD work!
So while we need hay and we need vet care to be paid for, I am appealing to you tonight to send donations that will make Ann and Hannah’s job of caring for these animals 365 days and nights a year just a little bit easier.
Toward that end, please consider Long-Ear-Marking your year-end donation for:
* A new run-in shed – to make care easier
* A farm truck – always helpful when needed
* Electrical updates – a matter of safety
* Part-time employees – everyone deserves a day off
I believe it is immensely important that SYALER supporters give what they can to help keep the LABOR involved in daily care of the animals sustainable.
Thank you!
Elise Paffrath
SYALER board member
Donations can be made by using the “Donate” button in the left column, on our website:, by sending a check to SYALER, 23 Saw Mill Road, South Acworth, NH 03607 or by using the “Donate” button on our Facebook page.