Another Augie & Spuds Adventure: Learning to Ground Drive 6-12-12


“Augie, come with me while she’s not looking!”

“Now that's more like it--working at OUR level!”

“I really like it when she works at OUR level!”

“You have to be really still when she’s punching holes!”

“Leading as a team is easy if you’ve done your homework.”

“Leading as a team is easy if you have done your homework!”

“Hey, I wonder if WE could use one of those sticks to reach farther!”

“What’s with the stick?!”

“Hmm, “Walk on” is pretty much the same, even with all this stuff on us!”

“Walk on?…oh, I remember that!”

“Pick up your heels, Spuds, I think she wants us to go faster!”

“I think she wants us to pass her!”

“Not too fast, though… she wants us walking beside her here.”

“Oh, I get it…she wants us to walk beside her now!”

“Now we’re the leaders—all our hard work in training is finally paying off!”

“WOW! Cool! We get to be in front now!”

To learn more about Meredith Hodges and her comprehensive all-breed equine training program, visit or call 1-800-816-7566. Check out her children’s website at Also, find Meredith on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

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