Our Training Mules and Donkeys DVD training series, was developed to help you to train your own animal with resistance-free techniques. This is important, especially in the case of mules and donkeys that actually bond to the person who trains them. In order for our program to work, it is important to use it correctly. Regardless of the age or experience of the animal, you need to begin with DVD #1 and take the training in sequence. Each DVD poses different tasks to help facilitate a good working relationship with the trainer and helps to strengthen the muscles at each stage to prepare the animal for things to come. We are preparing the animal physically, mentally, and emotionally. This is why it is important not to proceed too quickly and to do things in their natural order.
Each DVD should take six months to a year to complete, depending upon the individuals involved. Though you can buy the DVDs one at a time, there are benefits to purchasing the entire series. In addition to substantial discounts, you are able to look ahead and understand the purpose in what you are doing at the time.
Our program is like grade school for equines, and lays a good solid foundation for versatility and optimum performance. We begin with simple tasks that build on each other. This not only teaches the animal to do what we ask, but it also teaches us to become more prompt and appropriate in rewarding positive behaviors to get the best results. We do not use the reward system (crimped oats) to bribe or coerce. The oats are given only after a positive task has been completed. When you do this correctly, there are little to no resistive behaviors. When we do this correctly, the animal learns to want to please, enjoys his time with you, and actually looks forward to each training session. The result is an obedient, submissive, dependable companion and athlete, capable of performing English, Western, Gymkhana, Driving, or any other equine activity that you would prefer.
We developed this program to encourage people to form their own relationships with their animals, so they can get the best from their animals. The DVDs give you a lot of detail about what to do from day to day in your training sessions, which is virtually impossible to do with clinics or from sending your animal to a trainer. I am available by phone or mail should you have difficulties along the way, and I am prompt in getting back to you, so problems can be dealt with when they arise. Imagine! Your trainer is only a phone call or e-mail away! The cost is also considerably less than sending your animal to a trainer.
Mules and donkeys bond to the people who train them, so we encourage owners to do the training with the help of our resistance free training series that provides a solid base for all equine activities. This series will help you get the best from any equine whether large or small, donkey, mule or horse. It is designed like grade school is for children. You and your equine will learn together in a natural and logical order.
Whether your equine is a foal, has had partial training or a new animal, begin with DVD #1 (and with DVD #8). In this DVD, you will not only teach simple things like haltering, tying and leading, but you will learn to employ a reward system of training called Behavior Modification. You will learn to recognize and reward good behaviors in your animal and set up situations that can be rewarded. Your equine’s athletic conditioning begins with appropriate exercises that develop all internal structures that support the body. Your equine will grow and develop properly, and will consequently perform better.
Training Mules and Donkeys: A Logical Approach to Longears is the first book to be published, has a more abbreviated view of the overall training process and general information about the psychology of mules and donkeys.
The book, Donkey Training is basically the same as DVD’s #9 and #10 without the benefit of the moving pictures (and has bonus information that the DVDs do not have) and illustrates the things that are different about training donkeys as opposed to horses and mules. Donkeys often do things in a different order and sometimes, they don’t need to learn to lunge at all until much later in their training…after they are already going well under saddle, or in harness. This DVD is designed to be used in conjunction with DVD #1 through DVD #8 when training donkeys.
Our book, A Guide to Raising & Showing Mules has a lot of valuable general information that complements the resistance free DVD training series with more about breeding, mare and foal care, and general Mulemanship and maintenance issues. It is the perfect complement to the video series and a must-have for beginners and 4-H projects.
In DVD #1: Foal Training, you will not only be imprinting your animal and training for the simple tasks such as tying and leading, but you will also learn how to be prompt and appropriate with your rewards. The exercises will start your equine on a program that will begin to strengthen his muscles and promote coordination. Imprinting is not just something you do with a foal and then it’s done. Imprinting is the way you touch and handle your animal every time you are with him throughout his entire life. As you learn how he likes to be touched, you can use this to help him to stay calm and accepting. How you touch him will determine whether, or not, he develops confidence and trust in you! When your equine is approached with patience and kindness, and is rewarded for standing quietly, it will be easier to handle him for such things as deworming and doctoring and he will be more willing to stand still to be mounted. The leading exercises in this DVD will start your equine on a program that will begin to strengthen his muscles and promote balance and coordination.
In DVD #2: Preparing for Performance: Groundwork, you will begin your lunging and ground driving lessons. The exercises will increase in their demand and begin to develop more bulk muscle in preparation for work in harness and riding. Equines will be introduced to the snaffle bit and other tack in this DVD. We use English bridles with a noseband and drop noseband over a mild snaffle bit right from the beginning, so they never even try to get their tongue over the bit. This teaches them to accept the bit easily and to form the good habit of taking contact with the bit instead of avoiding it and allowing bad habits to start. It is easier to prevent a bad habit than it is to try to break it later. You will see how putting the animal in the correct frame (or posture) from the beginning in the round pen with what we call the “elbow pull” enables him to build his muscles correctly and symmetrically throughout his body You will learn how your body language affects his movement in the round pen and on the drivelines. Your equine may begin to be aggressive for his reward and you will learn how to set limits to these aggressive behaviors to set the stage for a polite and well-mannered equine. If biting, or kicking, has been a problem in DVD #1, you will learn how to correct these behaviors in DVD #2.
DVD #3: Preparing for Performance: Driving, provides all the information you need to safely train your equine to drive. It covers carts and carriages, hitching training, Reinsmanship, Pleasure Driving, Obstacle Driving, working in harness, lateral exercises, obstacles, driven dressage and driving rules. You can begin this DVD after you have completed the foundation work in DVD’s #1 and #2.
DVD #4: Basic Foundation for Saddle. If you don’t wish to drive, you can go straight to DVD #4 and begin your equine’s riding training in a natural and non-stressful manner that eliminates adverse behaviors such as bucking or running off. We address both the needs of the rider and the equine as a team focusing on the right approach, good balance and coordination of both equine and rider. You can begin this DVD after you have completed DVD’s #1 and #2.
When you finally mount your equine and start riding, the only thing left for him to do is to get used to your shifting weight on his back and the new leg cues he will feel on his sides. Because he has learned to carry his own body in good, strong equine posture and has already learned what rein cues mean through ground driving, he will be better able to do all the different moves that you ask of him under saddle without being generally overwhelmed by too many things happening all at once. As you progress under saddle, you will be better able to perfect your own riding skills and your equine will become lighter in the bridle and more responsive to your cues. You both will not have to deal with the weakness, awkwardness, confusion and disobedience that originate from a lack of preparation for the tasks.
In DVD #5: Intermediate Saddle Training, we help the rider fine tune his own skills and begin to cultivate a harmonious rapport between equine and owner with fun, safe and simple exercises that will enhance your riding experience whether it is for show, or pleasure. You can begin this DVD after you have completed DVD’s #1 and #2 and #4.
DVD #6: Advanced Saddle Training will begin to prepare the rider for specific disciplines and help them to make choices about what they might enjoy more. It demonstrates how the simple elements of dressage are the basis for all equine disciplines including gymkhana, reining, cutting, English and Western pleasure, trail, or even simply weekend trail riding. This kind of training is not just for show, but to keep both of you safe and happy during your time together. You can begin this DVD after you have completed DVD’s #1 and #2, #4 and #5.
DVD #7: Jumping gives the owner the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of jumping and condition their equine in a safe and methodical manner and… how to ride, build and evaluate jump courses. It covers exercises to prepare your equine to carry him safely over any obstacle, multi-level terrain or jumps. You can begin this DVD after you have completed DVD’s #1 and #2, #4, #5 and #6.
DVD #8: Management, Fitting & Grooming. Of course, your equine needs to be fed and maintained properly to get the best response from him during training and this is done in DVD #8. We also offer grooming tips and more advanced lessons in showmanship at the end of this video.
DVD’s #9 and #10 cover techniques that are specific to donkeys and these two DVDs are designed to be used in conjunction with the other video tapes.
DVD #9:Keys to Training the Donkey: Introduction and Basic Training covers groundwork technique that is specific to donkeys, how to train jacks to breed mares for mule production and how to measure your animal for athletic potential and should be used in conjunction with DVDs #1 and #2.
DVD #10: Keys to Training the Donkey: Saddle Training & Jumping covers saddle training and jumping and should be used in conjunction with DVD’s #4 through #7. You can also purchase our book, Donkey Training which is the same as DVD’s #9 and #10, but sometimes having the moving pictures can be more helpful than still shots. Also, if you want to teach your donkey to drive, you would also need DVD’s #1, #2, and #3.
Training Without Resistance (DVD’s #1 – #7) and Equine Management & Donkey Training (DVD’s #8 – #10) are exactly the same as the electronic workbooks that accompany the DVDs. These two manuals are also helpful to those who cannot afford the DVD series or for those who would like a professionally published workbook. They are both translated into French, German and Spanish, so our non-English speaking friends can read along with the DVD series in their own language.
Equus Revisited: A Complete Approach to Athletic Conditioning. This comprehensive 4-part DVD and companion manual explains WHY it is so important to spend plenty of time on groundwork and development of the core strength of your equine. It covers multiple aspects of your equine’s care in great detail with a team of experts. It has a lot of special features about various subjects and in-depth explanations about the anatomy and physiology of the equine.
Why So Many Different Books and Videos?
I do offer “Packages” because each of the materials covers the elements of management and training from a different perspective with a different focus:
Training Mules and Donkeys: A Logical Approach to Longears book is an overview or summary of the entire training program
Donkey Training book is mostly about what things are done differently with donkeys than with horses and mules during the training process at each stage
A Guide to Raising & Showing Mules book includes management (housing, fences, disease, teeth, hooves, etc.) , breeding and showing information with some regard to training
10-DVD Training Mules and Donkeys DVD series is a collection of the exercises that you DO in what order with each DVD representing roughly 1 year of training (except for 8, 9 and 10…see explanations in detail in what I sent before)
Training Without Resistance manual is a collection of DVD’s #1 through #7 with extra detailed information in print and available in French, German and Spanish translations.
Equine Management & Donkey Training manual is a collection of DVD’s #8 through #10 with extra detailed information in print and available in French, German and Spanish translations.
Equus Revisited manual/DVD combo addresses WHY you are doing all the things that you do in the books and videos. If you had to pick just one book, I would suggest the “Equus Revisited” manual AND the companion DVD.
However, buying the Horse/Mule Complete Package (at a discount rather than buying products individually) would give you all you need because basically the Donkey Training book (that is left out) is exactly the same as DVD #9 and #10 and the Equine Management and Donkey Training manual has extra information that the book does not have.
Our online school, TMD-Equine University offers the ultimate equine experience including a course in equine business. It was founded in order to provide extensive education in the care, maintenance and training for horses, ponies, donkeys, mules and other equine hybrids. We think it is important to understand and embrace the differences between the breeds. This course of study will teach the student in-depth management practices that assure that graduating students fully understand and can implement these practices in a healthy and safe manner for both the equine and the owner. Students who complete the program successfully will receive full Certification from the State of Colorado. Visit www.TMDequineuniversity.com.
For more information and purchase of our products, you can call 1-800-816-7566 or visit our website at www.LuckyThreeRanch.com. Our website is also translated into French and Spanish for foreign convenience. Under Training, be sure to read archived articles posted in the Mule Crossing section, peruse commonly asked questions in Ask Meredith, get more details in our Training Tips and watch our new television shows and past RFD-TV shows with Video on Demand. If you don’t have a computer, you can go to a library and use their computer, or ask a friend to help you out. Take time to peruse our Classified Ads section (this is a free service and an open forum, so we caution buyers to beware and check carefully). Under Resources, we post contact information for mule and donkey clubs and rescue organizations, keep you up to date about Equine Welfare in the news and heavily support Therapeutic Riding. Click our Homepage links for You Tube, Facebook and Twitter. And, don’t forget to check out our children’s website at www.JasperTheMule.com. Join the American Donkey & Mule Society (www.lovelongears.com,adms@lovelongears.com) to receive their bimonthly magazine with even more valuable information for a mere $27/yr. Learn together, enjoy the time with your equine and excel together!
Thank you for your email. It was good of you to take the time to contact me. Although we begin our DVD series with “Foal Training,” no matter how old, you should always begin training with imprinting and move forward from there with attention to feed as well. This will insure a positive introduction and will help to build a good relationship with your equine.
Our methods are meant to be done in a sequence and taking shortcuts or changing our method in some way will not yield the same results. After many years of training for other people, I have found that equines, especially mules and donkeys, bond to the person who trains them. When they go away to other people, they do not get the benefit of this bonding and can become resistant over time when they return home. After all, you wouldn’t ask someone else to go out and make a friend for you, would you? This is the primary reason I put my entire training program in books and videos, in a natural order like grade school is for children, for people to use as a resistance free correspondence training course instead of doing clinics and seminars. People are encouraged to use the series and to contact me via mail, email or telephone for answers to any questions.
No matter how old or how well trained the equine, they still need time doing the simplest of things to get to know you before they will learn to trust and have confidence in you. The exercises that you do should build the body slowly, sequentially and in good equine posture. No human or equine is born in good posture. It is something that needs to be taught and practiced repetitively if it is to become a natural way of moving the body. When the body is in good posture, all internal organs can function properly and the skeletal frame will be supported correctly. Just as our children need routine, ongoing learning and the right kind of exercise while they are growing up, so do equines. They need boundaries for their behavior clearly outlined to minimize anxious behaviors and inappropriate behavior, and the exercises that you do together need to build their strength and coordination in good equine posture. The time spent together during leading training and going forward builds a good solid relationship with your equine and fosters his confidence and trust in you because you actually help him to feel physically better. A carefully planned routine and an appropriate feeding program is critical to healthy development.
Most equines never experience core muscle strength and this becomes even more important as they age. We do leading training for a full year to not only get them to learn to lead and to develop a good relationship with them, but also to develop good posture and core muscle strength in preparation to carry a rider. Leading lessons for postural strength and balance need only be done for 15-20 minutes once a week to be certain that they aren’t fighting balance problems later when you mount and ride. Even an older equine with previous training would still need this for optimum performance and longevity. During the time you do the leading training strengthening exercises, you should NOT ride the animal as this will inhibit the success of the preliminary exercises.
If you ride while you do these exercises, it will not result in the same proper muscle conditioning, habitual behavior and new way of moving. The lessons need to be routine and done in good posture to acquire the correct results. Hold the lead rope in your LEFT hand, keep his head at your shoulder, match your steps with his front legs, point in the direction of travel with your right hand and look where you are going doing straight lines, gradual arcs and square him up with equal weight over all four feet EVERY TIME you stop. We are building NEW habits in their way of moving and the only way that can change is through routine, consistency in the routine and correctness in the execution of the exercises. Since this also requires that you be in good posture as well, you will also reap the benefits from this regimen. Along with feeding correctly (as described below), these exercises will help equines to drop fat rolls and to begin to take on a more correct shape and become strong in good posture.
Today’s general horse training techniques do not generally work well with mules and donkeys. Most horse training techniques used today speed up the training process so people can ride or drive sooner and it makes the trainers’ techniques more attractive, but most of these techniques do not adequately prepare the equine physically in good posture for the added stress of a rider on his back. Mules and donkeys have a very strong sense of self preservation and need work that builds their bodies properly so they will feel good in their new and correct posture, or you won’t get the kind of results you might expect. Forming a good relationship with your equine begins with a consistent maintenance routine and appropriate groundwork. Most equines don’t usually get the well-structured and extended groundwork training on the lead rope that paves the way to good balance, core muscle conditioning and a willing attitude. This is essential if he is truly expected to be physically and mentally prepared for future equine activities. With donkeys and mules, this is critically important.
The equine should be at least four years of age when the rider is finally introduced to insure that there is no undue stress on his body at the earlier stages of development. Equines generally run through the bit and exhibit other bad behaviors because they become anxious, lose their balance and don’t really have complete physical control of their bodies. They are unable to physically comply with your wishes without losing their balance, which makes them nervous and causes resistance. Changing bits or rushing through groundwork training so you can ride or drive sooner NEVER really works. Training is more than just teaching the equine to do “movements.” You should be creating an environment for success and conditioning his muscles to do movements easily and with minimal stress. This produces an equine with a happy and healthy working attitude. In order to get your mule to be soft and submissive in the snaffle bit, you need to be prepared to spend six months on flatwork leading training (also known as showmanship training for strength in good posture) and another six months leading through obstacles (turning fear into curiosity and then adding coordination to his strength and balance) before moving to the round pen work in DVD #2. Longears and horses do much better in a number of ways when you are patient enough to do this: a calmer attitude because they know what to expect, development of symmetrical muscle strength in good equine posture, a better response to verbal commands, better balance, better coordination and the ability to perform correctly.
Feeding & Weight Maintenance
What your animal is eating can have a direct impact on his response to training. Many feeds can cause hypertension in Longears (and horses, too!) and an inability to focus for any length of time. Mules and donkeys require a lot less feed than horses because they are half donkey and donkeys are desert animals. Too much feed or the wrong kind of feed and you run the risk of colic, or founder. The formula for our oats mix is very simple. Depending on the individual, feed the average sized equines (13 hands to 17 hands) 1-1/2 to 2 cups of oats mixed with 1 oz. of Sho Glo and 1 oz. of Mazola corn oil. Drafts (over 17 hands) get twice as much and the minis get 1/4 (small minis under 36 inches) to 1/2 (36 to 48 inches) as much. Of course, if they seem to need a little more oats, just increase it a half cup at a time and watch how they add weight or not. Most of their weight gain and loss we monitor by increasing and decreasing the hay intake because a maximum of 4 cups of oats (usually during the winter) is all they need, especially when you are also giving them oats as rewards during exercise lessons when they actually need the added energy. The oats must be broken open in some way (crimped, steamed, rolled, etc.) as equines cannot digest whole oats. We feed this once a day in the evenings, grass hay twice a day and we monitor weight gain with the hay and pasture intake. Young mules like human teenagers can eat a lot when growing and can have as much grass hay at each feeding as they will clean up. Do not alter or modify this with other products in any way for the best results. Also, make sure they have access to a trace mineral salt block for their salt and mineral needs. We worm our equines with Ivermectin paste wormer in January, March, May, July and September and then break the cycle with Strongid in November. We vaccinate in the spring and fall. Consult your veterinarian for the types of vaccines you will need for your area. You should never feed Longears (donkeys, or mules) any pre-mixed sweet feeds, or products high in alfalfa. Equines in general should never be turned out in a pasture with Fescue grass. Our pastures are seeded with brome and orchard grass and they seem to do best on that mix.
For those animals who are older and haven’t the teeth to chew their feed, we add grass hay cubes or Timothy hay pellets to their crimped oats mix. We mix the oats, vitamin concentrate and corn oil in a blender and add this to a bucket of grass hay cubes (amount will vary from animal to animal) that have been soaked in water. For minis, they would get roughly 3-4 cups of hay cubes in the mix. This produces a mix that is not too soupy nor too dry, so they have no problems eating it. They can have this mixture two, or three times a day in the morning, sometimes midday, and evening, depending on the needs of the individual animal.
Your equine should be kept in a smaller area for evening feedings, overnight and for morning feedings. This has several benefits: 1) Each animal can be checked every day for any injuries or anomalies, 2) He will not have to fight for his food, he can sleep uninterrupted and be more calm and fresh each day, 3) You will then be able to turn him out at specific times for grazing during the day and bring him back in each night. This way you can monitor his grazing intake so he will not be able to overgraze and colic, or founder, 4) the smaller area affords you a confined space for beginning training so there is no need to chase him, or be interrupted by other animals, and 5) having this definite routine lets your animal know what to expect and lessens adverse behaviors. You should always begin with DVD #1 and #8 (feeding, maintenance and advanced showmanship training) and take the training in sequence. When you feed the oats mix in the evenings, it makes it easier to call them back from shortened pasture time in the spring (they have to work into extended pasture time slowly and over several weeks) and they will be more apt to come to you easily after their morning feeding of grass hay for their lessons only when they know you have fanny pack full of oats for them. If you do things out of order, the results will not be the same.
The other thing we do for older equines with limited teeth is give them grass hay to chew on during the day to prevent nervous behaviors that can arise from a lack of grazing time as long as it does not negatively affect their weight gain, or loss. With compromised teeth, they will generally chew it into a cigar and spit it out. Also, pregnant mares and jennets can have the oats mix until they are six weeks out from foaling. Then they should only have grass hay until six weeks after foaling, after which you can then resume the oats mix.
Reason for our Feeding Program and Exercise
I know you must be VERY confused by now with all the “great advice” that people freely give out there to each other. Grazing alone does not provide all the daily nutritional requirements. The Sho Glo by Manna Pro is a One-A-Day Vitamin supplement that provides them with all their daily requirements when coupled with a trace mineral salt block to lick at will as they need it. The Mazola corn oil is the ONLY oil that really does promote a healthy hair coat, healthy hooves and digestive tract regularity. Equines should only be fed grass hays (orchard, brome, timothy, Bermuda, etc.) except for Fescue grass (it has been known to cause spontaneous abortions in pregnant mares among other things). Legume hays (leafy hays like alfalfa and clover) are fine for cows and animals that have multiple “stomachs,” but not for equines.
Rock and Roll Feeding
My rescue draft mules, Rock and Roll were on very expensive products and were in terrible shape when I first got them in December 2010. Their digestive tracts were compromised and they were supplemented with probiotics. I immediately dumped it all and put them on my feed program. I began to see a marked difference in FOUR days! You can read about their story in the article Rock and Roll: The Story of a Rescue in the “Mule Crossing” section on my website at www.luckythreeranch.com. I have not yet had a client who changed their feed program to this (no modifications) that did not have success almost immediately.
LTR Training Philosophy
Like human athletes, all equine athletes need to be prepared properly with feed and exercise over a long period of time for the activities they will be doing. Jumping and other FUN activities are often an advanced activity and should not be done until much later in the training program. In addition to the information given here, I would suggest that you read my series about miniature donkey training titled “Getting Down with Minis” found in the “Mule Crossing” section under “Training” on my website at www.luckythreeranch.com. Our training program is designed with healthy and appropriate exercise with safety in mind that is easily executed by anyone if you start at the beginning and work your way through slowly and sequentially. The end result is an equine that is truly bonded to you, confident in their job and able to do what you ask without unexpected bolting, bucking, running, off, etc. It is also healthy exercise for you that will also prepare you to be a better rider. The walking exercises for good posture, for example, begin to allow your hips to open up and move more freely, so when you finally do get on, you are better able to follow and not block the motion of the equine. Our methods will make it much safer and enjoyable for you and your equine whether horse, mule donkey, or any other hybrid cross.
I have spent over 50 years training all equines and the past 43 with a concentration on Longears. I have found that my training techniques can to date be used with ALL equines. After successfully showing from 1981 to 2000, I decided that it was important to document all I have learned in my books, videos, TV shows.
If I had continued to show, train, judge and give clinics, I would never have had the time to document and compile all this information for my fans. After being on RFD-TV for ten years, I opted to put all my TV shows on my website for people to see promptly upon request with Video on Demand. The in-person training I do now is with my students from my school and maintaining my own equines. I am still available to all those who use my products as a coach that they can contact at any time via email, mail, Facebook, phone calls, etc. I answer all questions personally which is also something I could not do if I were traveling a lot. There is a lot to consider when learning with your equine and that is why so many books and DVDs. They contain a wide variety of comprehensive information that is different in each product, but they complement each other so you get the WHOLE picture and not just bits and pieces.
I firmly believe that when you give both you and your equine ample time to learn together doing very simply things that you can actually do together over a longer period of time (like grade school is for children), and then let things progress at your own pace, you can begin to truly enjoy your time together. You learn to appreciate the “little” victories along the way that keep you happy in the learning process. As you “practice” these simple things, you will get better and will be able to move forward easily. It’s just like learning anything. It will be unfamiliar and awkward at first, but as you practice adequately with groundwork first, it gets easier and you will then be prepared to move on to the next steps. If the steps are hurried and too overwhelming, you find yourself defeated before you even get started and the fun is eliminated altogether. That’s when resistance begins. It is better to minimize any resistance by doing the preparatory work before riding. Then when you finally do ride, you and your equine will really be ready for that next stage of training. When you are both fighting imbalanced bodies, it is hard to find stable ground to work from in order to actually enjoy mutual cooperation.
Benefits of Training in a Logical Sequence
If you do the exercises as described in our products, they will prepare you for each stage of training that is to come and you will be more “in shape” to ride properly when you finally do get on. Any resistive behaviors will be minimized. The materials are done in a logical and sequential order that you can follow easily by starting at the beginning with imprinting and leading training…first on flat ground (for core strength and good postural balance) and later over obstacles (to add coordination to the strength and balance), then lunging for postural balance while in a faster motion (to teach the equine to stay erect and bend through his rib cage on the arc of the round pen), then ground driving to teach him rein cues and to teach you more coordination with both your legs and now the reins.
Once you are mounted, you will put all you have learned together and will be able to communicate effectively with your equine. He will then be calm and solid when you finally do mount and ride. There should be no problems with biting, kicking or bolting (kicking training covered in DVD #2). He will be more willing to stand still when you mount, carry you while staying attentive to your cues and will not run off or buck. And he will be less likely to become herd bound and always want to go back to the barn. You have made a good friend because you have made him feel good by not asking him to do anything that he is not physically prepared to do. After mounting training in the round pen in DVD #4, in DVD #5 you will have exercises that are designed specifically for the rider to improve rider balance and effectiveness with the cues. This program is done in a logical and sequential manner. To modify or change it would affect the end results.
The Reward
When we train, we use the same crimped oats as a reward since it gives them the extra energy they will need during training. Crimped oats are also a treat that they will never tire of and will continue to work for. Carrots and other treats do not work the same way and will not yield the same results. I began using this program more than 30 years ago and all of my equines have remained in remarkably good shape. We have had the broodmares on the same program and colic has ceased to be a problem.
We carry the crimped oats in a fanny pack and when the animal knows you have them, and that they will be rewarded for compliance, they don’t run off and are willing to follow you anywhere. Animals need to be rewarded for the good things they do with more than just a pat on the neck in order to insure that good behaviors will be repeated. People get pay and other rewards for their jobs and that is why they continue to do them. Food is the animal’s payment for doing a good job. You just need to learn what food is best to use and how to dispense it appropriately for the best results. For equines, it is crimped (rolled, cracked, or steamed) oats. Contrary to popular belief, the equine that is rewarded with crimped oats is less likely to bite than one that does not get the practice of taking them out of your hand.
Learning the Reward System
The most important thing when training your equine is to learn to dispense the crimped oats reward promptly and generously in the beginning, and only when your equine is complying. This will solidify the connection between you, insure that the positive behaviors will be repeated and will begin to facilitate a strong and mutually satisfying relationship. If your equine tries to pull away, just let go of the rope, call his name, reach in your fanny pack and offer the oats to coax him to return to you. Do not chase him! Do not try to progress through lessons too quickly as this is usually what causes disobedience.
Before you begin leading lessons, your equine should be rewarded frequently during the tying lessons when he is not pulling against the rope. This way, he will know that he will be rewarded when the rope is loose. It is the same for each new task. When he complies easily, he should be rewarded and you can move on to a new lesson, but be sure to take the process in small enough steps to assure his success at every step. Be generous with the rewards for new behaviors being learned! Then, reward less often on things already learned and reward new lessons lavishly. Again, the equine that learns to take the oats reward politely from your hand is less likely to bite you than the one that has never had the practice! If he does get aggressive, there is a definite way to react to your equine.
Correcting Aggressive Behavior
If your equine gets too close or pushy as an adult, you should slap him with an open hand on the side of the mouth, say “No” very loudly and put your hand up like a stop sign. He will then step back, or fling his head back quickly, at which point you should say, “Good, Boy (or Girl),” take a step toward him and give him a reward for giving you your space. In the future, you should only have to put your hand up like a stop sign and say, “No!” If you have done this correctly, the equine should then be conditioned to take a step backwards and wait for his reward when you put up your hand like a stop sign. Be very consistent about when and how the rewards are given, and assess carefully whether a negative correction is truly needed. “No” is the only negative verbal command and will be used as the only word that denotes your displeasure, so there is never any confusion for the equine (do not use any other words or noises!).
Foal Kicking and Biting
Equine foals need to be allowed to play: running, kicking and rolling. This is how they exercise so they will grow to be healthy adults. You should not expect a foal to have perfect manners. You will need to keep lessons short and use good judgment when you are with him to avoid being kicked or bitten. If he does kick or bite while you are doing things with him, use the flat of your hand and give him a quick thump on the rump for kicking or on the side of his mouth for biting…and be sure to say, “No!” loudly when you do. He will probably run off, but should be able to be coaxed back easily at which point you reward him with a nice pat on the neck and then leave him to play. You just want to let him know he should not kick at you, or bite, but it is okay to play. You can resume more serious lessons later. You cannot expect to teach a baby not to kick and bite all the time; it is just part of being an equine baby!
Important Reward System Guidelines
Many horse feeds are much too rich for most longears and can actually cause detachment and hypertension. Feed only as I describe. This diet is fine for all equines if you have multiple equines.
Keep the oats reward in a fanny pack around your waist at all times, reward promptly and concentrate only on the lessons at hand (leading straight lines, , backing straight lines, leading in gradual arcs…turns on the haunches come later during obstacle leading training… and no abrupt turns and square him up EVERY TIME you stop).
Feed can be a huge part of a mule or donkey’s attention problem, but another important consideration is the need for you to be very consistent and calm through each step of the process. All the things outlined in my books and DVDs fit together like a jigsaw puzzle, so it really is important to have all the pieces for the big picture to turn out correctly. For instance, you will see how the feeding of oats and using them as the reward fits together like a glove…how feeding the oats at night makes it easier to bring them in off limited pasture time in the spring and how getting no oats for breakfast makes them more interested in you and your fanny pack during training sessions! I think you are going to find this training program has a lot of “Whoo Hoo!” moments to it to keep you both safe and happy at the same time!
It isn’t so much how much TIME you spend in training as much as it is the QUALITY of the time spent! Fifteen minutes, once a week DOES build core muscle strength quite adequately! Bulk muscle comes later. If you do your part, he will do his and you BOTH will be great ambassadors for the breed! And, I am always here to help you through any snags along the way. Just FYI, the problems that arise will probably be your own fault and not that of your equine! I learned early on that equine’s always have an honest response to what we are doing. So, when things go awry, just ask yourself, how can I approach this differently for a positive result and the solution should come to you.
In the beginning, always do your flatwork leading lessons in an enclosed arena, so that if he does get away, he has nowhere to go but back to you to get out.
Only spend fifteen minutes a week on these leading lessons and only twice a week at the most. In the beginning, they will have a very short attention span and will bolt away when they are bored! If he does bolt, just let go, let him run off (he should be fenced in) and then just stay where you are and ask him, “Do you want more oats?” And shake the fanny pack, then stand and wait for him to come. If he just won’t come to you, just head for the gate and threaten to leave him by himself…just wait by the gate and call him once more. Keeping the lessons short ensures that he won’t get bored and bolt anyway. Leading lessons will take 3-6 months on the flat ground and then another 3-6 months over obstacles. You know when you are finished and can move to the next stage when you can throw the lead over his neck and he will do everything for you that he has learned with verbal and hand signals alone.
Keep all lessons inside of a fenced in area (it can be very large to accommodate obstacles). Obstacles should first be done just to get through them and change his fear into curiosity…Stage One. Reward him with the oats for every attempt he makes even if he cannot complete an obstacle. If he comes forward towards it, that’s rewardable. Be sure to hold the lead in your LEFT hand, point where you are going with your right hand and match your steps with his front legs and be sure to stop with your feet together! When he balks at an obstacle, don’t just keep pulling on him. Keep a little tension on the line and walk to the end of the rope toward the obstacle and stop. Then shake the fanny pack and say, “Well, are you coming?” Then wait until he comes and reward. When you get to the obstacle, put some oats on it and encourage him to touch it and eat the oats reward on the obstacle. Keep this up to, over and through the obstacles rewarding at every interval of compliance. The approach can be remembered as OATS! Observe (the obstacle), Approach (the obstacle), Touch (the obstacle) and Sigh (a release of tension that he will do upon eating the oats). You stand absolutely still throughout this process only moving forward when needed.
Study my “Mule Crossing” articles about employing this reward-system training called “Behavior Modification,” that can be found on my website under “Training.”
Halter Training Details
Never leave a halter on an unsupervised equine. Leaving a halter on an equine is very dangerous. He could get it snagged and injure himself severely, or even break his neck! Mules and donkeys learn like children do. During training, use a fanny pack filled with oats and do NOT offer a bucket. It does not produce the same results! You should not even have a halter and lead on your equine until he lets you touch him ALL OVER first! Then you can approach with the halter. If you want to have good results, you need to be working in a natural and logical order that makes sense to the equine to avoid confusion and resistance.
For instance, before you even halter him, ask him to come to you and then reward him with crimped oats when he does come. When he is consistently coming to you, the next step would be to carry the halter with you but not put it on. Reward his approach and acceptance of the halter being present. Once the presence of the halter doesn’t bother him, you can put on the halter. When doing so, be polite. Reward your equine for the approach and acceptance of the halter, then try to loop your arm over his neck while feeding the crown strap of the halter from your left hand to your right hand that is looped over his neck. This way, if he starts to move away slowly, you can pull him back towards you with the loop you’ve created around his neck. Finish by putting his nose through the noseband of the halter. If he jerks away quickly, just let go and encourage him to return and try again by showing him the oats, but do not give them to him until he comes back to your hand. Anytime he moves away, just ask him to return, but do not chase him! Make him come to you for the rewards.
Leading Training
If you have difficulty during leading training, you will simply need to break things down into smaller, doable steps. First make sure you are standing erect in good posture, hold the lead rope in your left hand and give the verbal command to “Walk on.” Walk a straight line for just a few steps, point where you are going with your right hand and keep the left hand securely at your left hip. Then stop with your feet together, face him and reward him for stopping. Make sure he is standing squarely with equal weight over all four feet and reward him for squaring up. Then just stand still for a few minutes. Reward your equine for standing quietly for a few minutes.
Next, turn and face the direction you will be going, point in the direction of travel with your right hand, give the command to “walk on,” and repeat the exercise with a few more steps forward than you did before and stop again. Keep your lines of travel straight with only gradual arcs through turns and with no abrupt movements. Performing the tasks in increments like this will keep him attentive and he will be less likely to forge ahead or drop behind you. This also gives you the opportunity to do things slowly enough to get it exactly right and through repetition, learned behaviors will become habitual behaviors. Don’t try to hold a move too long or do things too quickly or the equine can become confused and not have time to comply properly. When confused, he will begin to lose interest and will engage in avoidance behaviors. Keep lessons short (about 15-20 minutes every other day at the most) and in small enough steps so he can be rewarded. This is called setting up for success.
The task at the leading stage (with showmanship in mind) is not only to teach them to follow, but to have your equine follow with his head at your shoulder as you define straight lines and gradual arcs that will condition his body symmetrically on both sides. This planned course of action begins to develop a secure bond between you. Mirror the steps of his front legs as you go through the showmanship movements keeping your body erect and in good posture. Always look in the direction of travel and ask him to square up with equal weight over all four feet every time he stops. This kind of leading training develops strength and balance in the equine body at the deepest level so strengthened muscles will hold the bones, tendons and ligaments in correct alignment. Equines that are not in correct equine posture will have issues involving organs, joints, hooves and soft tissue trauma. This is why it is so important to spend plenty of time perfecting your showmanship techniques during leading every time you lead your equine. Showmanship is not just a class in a show! It has purpose for the health of your equine!
Importance of Gate Training
Going through a gate seems simple enough, but you can really get into trouble if it is not done correctly. Ask your mule to follow your shoulder to the gate and halt squarely and then reward him (crimped oats) for standing quietly while you unlatch the gate. When going through the gate, you should always push the gate away from you and your mule to walk through when possible. Transfer your lead line from your left hand (showmanship position) to your right hand and open the gate with your left hand if the gate is hinged on the left (switch positions if the gate is hinged on the right, but be sure to keep your body closest to the gate). Ask your mule to walk through at your shoulder, to turn and face you on the other side of the gate and to follow you as you close it. Then reward him again and latch the gate.
After latching the gate, turn back to your mule and reward him yet again for being patient and standing still while you latched the gate. This repetitive behavior through gates will teach him to stay with you and wait patiently instead of charging through, or pulling away from you. This is especially helpful when you are leading several animals at once. This way, you can get through a gate safely with as many as you choose to lead through together. Even if the gate is only two-mules wide, you could lead as many as four through by simply lengthening the lead lines of the back pair, asking the first pair to come through first and turn, then encouraging the second pair to come through. When trained this way, they will all line up like little soldiers on the other side of the gait and receive their rewards. They will stand quietly while you latch the gate and will only proceed from the gate when you ask.
When you return your mule to a pen with other animals, wave the others away from the gate and return to the pen the same way we described. Lead your mule or mules through the gate, reward them and then reward the others for staying back! If you have any problems with kicking, carry a whip with you to keep the problem children at bay while you reward the others first. Do not vary this routine. The repetition will build good habits! Once the others have learned that they cannot approach when you wave them away and each mule knows the routine of going through the gate properly, when you want to take one animal from the herd, you can call his name, wave the others away with your hand, open the gate and allow him to come through and turn (receiving his reward, of course!) to put on the halter. You never have to get in the middle of their sometimes dangerous playfulness again and your animals will all be easy to catch!
As you may have already discovered, the things that I suggest really do build slowly over time into fantastic behaviors and conditioning. This is very much like raising children (instead of just TRAINING them!). All of my training materials cover different aspects of the training process and should be used in their sequential order for the best results. For instance:
Leading training when done correctly on flat ground teaches your equine to follow at your shoulder, match your steps with his front legs, stay attentive to your cues and stop correctly with equal weight over all four feet and stay that way until you give the verbal command to “Walk ON” (to proceed.” This transfers to standing quietly in every other situation going forward like mounting (or standing still in harness)! You learn to allow him to be responsible for his own balance by leading with the lead rope in your left hand so you do not interfere with his balance as he walks beside you. When you hold the lead in your right hand, you move his head and neck with every step and this throws him off balance and makes for asymmetrical, instead of symmetrical conditioning.
Leading training over obstacles adds coordination for both of you and enhances the communication between you. Both flatwork leading and obstacle leading strengthens his core musculature, that which encircles the vital organs. When conditioned symmetrically, it allows these organs to work in a healthy way and not compromised by irregular pressure inside their bodies. He begins to discover that the exercises you do together make him feel good, so he will be more willing to leave his friends and go with you! This also cultivates his own proprioception (body awareness) so the incidence of stepping on your feet, or any other balancing problems become minimal in preparation to balance on the circle in the round pen.
Lunging in the round pen begins to develop bulk muscle over the body in preparation to carry the rider. Doing this correctly makes sure his body is set up correctly for all athletic movements. You learn that it is important to have your equine turn AWAY from you and NOT toward you until he is fully conditioned and able to easily balance his body. When you turn them away from you in the round pen, you can see that they are automatically set up to take the correct lead at canter. When you pull them toward you, it creates an awkward switching of the feet to get into the correct position which puts undue pressure on the stifle muscles. Use of the “Elbow Pull” at this stage of training will help him to stay in good equine posture and balance on the circle at the faster gaits when you are in the middle and cannot influence his balance directly like you can on the lead rope and drive lines.
Ground driving in the round pen first gives you both a chance to get in sync with rein cues. During leading training, you walked in sync with his front legs and with ground driving you learn to walk in sync with the back legs. When you finally get on board, you will be loosened up through your hips, already introduced to the alternate leg motions that will be necessary to move easily forward through your hips with your equine while on board. Then you are better able to give clear and concise leg cues.
Then you build on these foundation exercises going forward. My DVD series #1 through #10 give you the exercises to do and covers 7-8 years of training, roughly one DVD per year depending on the animal. The Equus Revisited manual and DVD combo explains WHY you are doing these exercises so you understand the purpose of them all.
Training schedule:
If you do age-appropriate training, it should proceed as follows:
From birth to 6 months: (DVD #1 and #8) Imprinting, grooming, simple tying and leading lessons, introduction to food reward system (and feeding correctly), solid bonding for working relationship
From six months to 2 years: (DVD #1 and #8) advanced leading training (see below) first flatwork training (6-9 months), then over obstacles (6-9 months), learn to communicate effectively and to build core muscle strength and good posture
From 2 years to 3 years: (DVD #2)Lunging (6 months) and ground driving (6 months), further enhance body language communication and strengthen active hard muscle to prepare for a rider
From 3 to 4 years: (DVD #3) Preparation and training for Driving or if you don’t want to drive…(DVD #4) Mounting, walk, trot, back, reverse, halt in the round pen (6-9 months); simple hourglass pattern in open arena (6-9 months), strengthen equine with rider on board
From 4 to 5 years: More complicated patterns in open arena, simple trail riding, fine-tune connection between equine and rider and strengthen both rider and equine
Five years…now ready for specialized activities
Older animals beginning this kind of training will need a minimum of 15-20 minute lessons once a week and a maximum of 15-20 minute lessons every other day for the best results. The time it takes an older animal to get in shape will be less than it would be for a foal just starting out. The older equine will still need to spend:
– 3-6 months on flatwork leading training for strength and balance in good equine posture
– 3-6 months over obstacles to add coordination to their good posture
– 3-6 months on lunging for balancing on the circle and learning to bend through their rib cage while staying erect in their posture (using our self-correcting restraint called the elbow pull to help them hold their own balance until they can sustain it by themselves)
– 3-6 months on ground driving to learn how to communicate effectively through the lines (reins) such that the mule remains balanced and submissive before adding the rider (also done in the elbow pull).
-Doing all these steps before riding your equine gives you the opportunity to fine tune your own skills and for both of you to get in good enough shape to engage activities in a safer and more harmonious fashion.
Reason for a Disconnect
The reason for a disconnection between you and your equine is more than likely due to a lack of the right kind of ground work and time spent with that specific ground work to establish a good working relationship where the animal can learn to trust your judgement. I firmly believe that when you give both you and your equine ample time to learn together by doing very simply things that you CAN do over a longer period of time (like grade school is for children) and then let things progress at your own pace, you can begin to truly enjoy your time together. You learn to appreciate the “little” victories along the way that keep you happy in your learning process. It will be awkward at first, but as you “practice” these simple things, you will get better and will be able to move forward easily. It’s just like learning anything. If the steps are hurried and too overwhelming, you can find yourself defeated before you even get started and the fun is eliminated altogether. That’s where resistance begins. It is better to minimize any resistance by doing the right kind of preparatory work before riding.
When you make yourself as much fun to be with as their pasture mates, they actually love to be with you and they don’t mind leaving their pasture mates. The ground work that we describe in our Training Tips, books and DVDs is very specific during leading training for a reason. Our groundwork practices address the core muscle strength in the animal that supports the skeletal frame. In a few words, when you pay attention to developing their bodies properly from the inside out with these types of leading exercises, it makes them feel better and they recognize that you are the one that is giving them this pleasure. From that will come trust and their primary desire to spend their time with you.
Many equines have learned how to do a lot of “things,” but is probably not doing these “things” with a strong core. Thus, the animal is bound to become sore in muscle groups that are not regularly used and carrying a rider on his back is not pleasant, so he would rather stay with his pasture mates. If you take the time to do these types of leading exercises and quit riding for a while (and follow our reward system of training), you will see a 180 degree turnabout in the behavior of not only one animal, but in the others as well if you employ this routine and logical method of management and training with all of them. Core muscle strength and coordination only takes about fifteen minutes a week with these types of leading exercises.
Separating an animal from their pasture mates is actually punishment for no reason and can cause increased anxiety. You would not only be riding the equine when he is not in the best physical shape, but you would also be responsible for separating him from his friends. Thus, you now become the enemy instead of a “friend.”
I recommend that you keep ALL equines in a dry lot or stalls and runs overnight (during feeding times) and then monitor their collective time on pasture. Treat them all the exact same way. This way, if the oats mix is given in the evenings, they will come off the grass easily in the spring when they should only be on pasture for limited time because they know the oats are waiting. They will be more willing to come to you and your fanny pack of oats in the daytime because they don’t get the oats with breakfast and this is a way for them to get more of their favorite food.
The hardest task is to train oneself to be consistent, respectful of their needs and predictable so they don’t need to become anxious about anything that you do. I learned this the hard way! We all want to RIDE, but sometimes it is to our advantage to spend a little extra time with training on the ground before we actually do get on and ride. It makes all the difference in yours and your animal’s happiness and safety.
The information about equine management and training materials that we offer are listed below.
Training Mules and Donkeys: A Logical Approach to Longears is the first book to be published, has a more abbreviated view of the overall training process and general information about the psychology of mules and donkeys.
The book, Donkey Training is basically the same as DVD’s #9 and #10 without the benefit of the moving pictures (and has bonus information that the DVDs do not have) and illustrates the things that are different about training donkeys as opposed to horses and mules. Donkeys often do things in a different order and sometimes, they don’t need to learn to lunge at all until much later in their training…after they are already going well under saddle, or in harness. This DVD is designed to be used in conjunction with DVD #1 through DVD #8 when training donkeys.
Our book, A Guide to Raising & Showing Mules has a lot of valuable general information that complements the resistance free DVD training series with more about breeding, mare and foal care, and general mulemanship and maintenance issues. It is the perfect complement to the video series and a must-have for beginners and 4-H projects.
In DVD #1: Foal Training, you will not only be imprinting your animal and training for the simple tasks such as tying and leading, but you will also learn how to be prompt and appropriate with your rewards. The exercises will start your equine on a program that will begin to strengthen his muscles and promote coordination.
Imprinting is not just something you do with a foal and then it’s done. Imprinting is the way you touch and handle your animal every time you are with him throughout his entire life. As you learn how he likes to be touched, you can use this to help him to stay calm and accepting. How you touch him will determine whether, or not, he develops confidence and trust in you! When your equine is approached with patience and kindness, and is rewarded for standing quietly, it will be easier to handle him for such things as deworming and doctoring and he will be more willing to stand still to be mounted. The leading exercises in this DVD will start your equine on a program that will begin to strengthen his muscles and promote balance and coordination.
Leading Through Obstacles
Once you have established a good rapport with your equine on the flat ground during showmanship practice, the next step would be leading over obstacles to add coordination to his new strength and balance in good posture. You can tell when your equine is ready to move to the obstacle stage when you can throw your lead over his neck and he will remain at your shoulder and do everything you have practiced during flatwork leading training without you touching him. The first thing you would do over obstacles such as bridges, tires, tarps, etc. would be to teach confidence by encouraging your equine to negotiate these obstacles without fear. This means, you go ahead of them and reward them for their willingness to “attempt” and then eventually negotiate these obstacles. Again, when the equine will perform all these obstacles at your shoulder and do exactly as you ask with the lead over the neck, you can then go to the next stage of lunging in the round pen and learning to balance at the faster gaits on a circle.
Obstacle Groundwork Stages
The object of “Stage One” through obstacles is to turn fear into curiosity, instill trust and confidence and just get them through the obstacle. Never make them “live” with an obstacle as this will instill insensitivity and in some cases, a worse fear. Their stable area should always be their resting place just as our bedrooms function for us, a place of rest and relaxation.
If your mule is not approaching the obstacle easily, do not withhold the reward until they actually negotiate the obstacle such as a bridge, tarp, ground poles, or whatever. Lower your expectations and walk to the end of your lead line, hold it taut and wait for the mule to step towards you. When he steps forward, give him a reward of crimped oats and praise him. Let him settle, then walk to the end of the lead line again getting even closer to the obstacle and repeat the same way. When you reach the obstacle, step up onto the bridge, or over the first ground rail and ask again. Stop him if he tries to run through, or over the obstacle, and reward him for standing with the front feet into the obstacle. You might even want to back him up and reward for that before proceeding forward. Then go away from the obstacle and come back, putting all four feet into the obstacle. Repeat this procedure yet again and ask him to negotiate the entire obstacle slowly and in control. Breaking the obstacle down into small steps like this will facilitate control and keep your mule’s attention on you.
In “Stage Two” through the obstacles, when your equine is more willing to come through easily, you can regain your showmanship position with your left hand carrying the lead line and your right arm extended in front of you pointing to the direction you are going. When the equine is finally listening and will follow your shoulder over or through the obstacle, stop him frequently at critical intervals during the negotiation of each obstacle. Turn your attention to whether he is actually traveling forward and backing in straight lines and stopping squarely. How he negotiates the obstacle will have a direct bearing on how his muscles are being conditioned and how his balance and coordination are being developed, so don’t be afraid to ask for more perfection at this stage!
Stage Two Approach to Obstacles
4 Ground Rails/Cavaletti: 4 Ground rails and 4 cavaletti are good straight forward exercises to promote stretching of the body in true forward motion, developing rhythm, balance, cadence and suspension to the gaits on the lead line, ground driving and under saddle. They are great to enhance your ability to stay in stride with your animal on the lead line with transitions from the flat ground to a more active gait over the poles or cavaletti. You should first do the exercises over the ground rails and then graduate to the 6” cavaletti setting, then the 12” cavaletti setting and finally the 18” cavaletti setting (under saddle only). Your equine will learn to suspend and place his feet in a balanced and deliberate fashion while you learn to do the same. Getting in rhythm with your animal’s stride will enhance the riding and driving experience later and will make things a lot easier and safer for you and your equine. Alternate between stopping and trotting on after the obstacle to maintain your equine’s attention on you and to make sure he stays balanced and ready to do anything you might ask.
The Bridge: The Bridge will help develop the eye/hoof coordination. When he is confident about going over the bridge, he is ready for Stage Two leading for good balance and coordination. Those first steps onto a bridge will determine how the rest of the body will follow. Since balance is very sketchy in the beginning at best, you should break these obstacles down into small steps. Approach the bridge then stop at the base and stand for a few seconds. Then ask him to put his front feet on the bridge and again, stand for a few seconds (squarely, I might add), then all four feet and stand again on the middle of the bridge, then two front feet off the bridge with the back feet on (still square). Most equines can do the first few positions pretty easily, but when the front feet go off the bridge, their balance is often thrown forward and they find it very difficult to stop in this position. This will determine whether you are done with your bridge work or not! If your animal is having problems in the showmanship position, you can use the technique we use with donkeys (Video #9) and stand directly in front of him to stop him from falling forward in this last position over the bridge. If he has been properly trained to this point, he should not run over you, but will use your arms to help steady him in the correct position. Then walk off the bridge and ask him to square up again and reward.
The Tarp: The tarp will affect your equine’s balance and coordination dramatically. The uneven surface and noise that it makes will cause the equine to veer off balance from side to side as he crosses the tarp. Again, break this down into small steps as you did with the bridge, stopping at the edge of the tarp, stopping with the front feet on the tarp, then all fours, then fronts off and hinds on, and then finally walking of the tarp to a perfect halt. When he can negotiate the tarp with no visible signs of a loss of balance or disobedience to the halt, he is ready to negotiate this obstacle backwards. He will then be placing his feet such that the balance is evenly distributed over all four feet and his foot placement is coordinated and deliberate. The obstacle becomes an effortless task.
The Tractor Tire: The tractor tire is a wonderful exercise in coordination! The first task is to ask him to adjust his stride to walk through the middle of the tractor tire, but again, break it down into small steps: stop before the tire, one foot in the tire, then two front feet in the tire, then allow the front feet out and the back feet in, then exit. When he is calm with this, you can add to this exercise by stopping him with his front feet in the middle of the tire and ask him to do a turn on the forehand. Watch his legs carefully to make sure he is executing it properly by crossing the near hind in front of the far hind as he turns without stepping the front feet out of the center of the tire. Allow him to adjust the front feet back to center if they get too close to the edge of the tire. Just stop moving the hind, halt, adjust the front, halt and begin moving the hindquarters again. Only ask him for one step at a time to make sure he stays attentive and ready to stop and stand at any point in the exercise.
When he can do this easily, you can then put his hind feet in the middle of the tire and do the turn on the haunches, crossing over in front of the hind pivot foot and the inside front foot as he makes the turn. Again, if the hind feet need to be adjusted back to center, stop, correct the hind feet, stop again and then continue. The tractor tire is a great coordination exercise because it not only addresses forward motion, but simple lateral motion as well. These exercises will begin to strengthen those hard to condition inside forearm, gaskin and stifle muscles.
Back Through “L”: The back through “L” will fine tune your equine’s response to “Whoa” and he will learn to allow you to adjust the different quarters of his body and move them independently from one another. First walk forward through the obstacle, stop, and then back through slowly and steadily. Once he is doing this well, you can then go back and stop at the beginning, then back one step (ONLY ONE!). Then proceed forward to the middle of the first straightaway and stop, then back two steps. Go forward again to the outside rail at the turn, halt, then move his front feet one or two steps to the middle of the second straightaway and halt. Then ask for one or two steps forward into the straightaway and halt. His back feet will be cutting the corner into the 90 degree turn, so after he halts, move the hindquarters one or two steps to straighten him and halt, then walk to the end of the straightaway and halt. Do the same series of steps in reverse. This exercise teaches him to be balanced throughout the obstacle and to learn to wait for you to move his front and rear quarters into any position and only as many steps as you would like. These exercises will begin to strengthen those hard to condition inside forearm, gaskin and stifle muscles.
Six tires on the Ground (3×3): This is an interesting obstacle for coordination as they have so many different places to put their feet when walking through the tires. They will want to waiver and step out the sides, but you still want them to maintain deliberate foot placement, so stop and plan each step carefully such that it keeps your animal in a straight line over these tires. You can stagger the tires in a number of different ways: so they would need to step between tires to maintain straightness, so they must step in all tires to maintain straightness, or such that they have a mixture of stepping in the middle of the tires and between the tires to maintain straightness. This keeps them alert and careful about foot placement and fine tunes their balance capabilities. Only ask him for one step at a time to make sure he stays attentive and ready to stop and stand at any point in the exercise.
Side Passing the “T”: It is important that your equine has executed the straight forward obstacles and lateral tractor tire obstacles before attempting to do the “T.” The “T” is a great way to fine tune true sideways lateral motion where both front and back feet are crossing over simultaneously, in a balanced fashion, moving the equine laterally to the right and left within the same obstacle. In the beginning, break the simultaneous motion into a turn on the forehand and then a turn on the haunches to get him to side pass along the first rail. After side passing the first rail, ask him to do a turn on the haunches onto the base of the “:T” and then side pass to the end and back to the top of the “T” again. Then ask him for a turn on the forehand to move his haunches one quarter turn into position to side pass the last rail at the top of the “T.” This obstacle uses all the elements we have taught him in previous lessons and lays the groundwork toward perfect communication between you and your equine. He must listen at every step to execute this obstacle correctly.
In the beginning, you will need to teach him to side pass by moving first the front quarters, then the hind quarters at each step to maintain straightness in the body throughout the obstacle, but as he gains better balance and coordination, he will be able to move the feet, front and back, simultaneously along the side pass rails. This is when the inside forearm, gaskin and stifle muscles will really begin to develop properly. Only ask him for one step at a time to make sure he stays attentive and ready to stop and stand at any point in the exercise.
Jumps: Jumps are a good exercise on the lead line, but you must be careful not to over-jump your animal at the beginning. Though equines are large animals, they still need to have great strength in the hindquarters to boost their heavy body over a jump and if they are not strong, it is an easy way to pull a muscle! Jumping should only be done after the other obstacles are mastered. Mules are very good jumpers and have the ability to jump from a standstill, so still use the stop, jump, stop procedure to maintain control when on the ground with the lead line or drivelines. You can change the exercise to the hunter style under saddle quite easily later.
If you want your equine to jump on the lead line, you MUST go over the jump yourself for the first few sessions, or he will not really understand what you want and may start dodging the jump. You can teach him to go ahead of you once he takes the jumps with no problem. Keep the jumps very small to start with and understand that he will over jump any jump the first few times. When he is finally tucking his knees and just barely clearing the top, he is then ready for the jump to be raised. Only raise your jumps in 3-inch increments and repeat the exercise until he is clearing it properly and not over-jumping before raising it yet again. The lead line stop and jump procedure will help strengthen and develop his hindquarters and will begin to teach him to lengthen and compress his body as needed to control his stride. Alternate between stopping and trotting on after the obstacle to maintain your equine’s attention on you and to make sure he stays balanced and ready to do anything you might ask.
The Trailer is just another obstacle. Mules and donkeys are no-nonsense kind of guys and will become suspicious of techniques such as feeding them in the trailer. It isn’t really the trailer itself that they distrust, but rather the approach that is used to get them in. We teach our mules and donkeys to be trustful and willing by developing confidence in the handler. When we begin leading training, they are introduced to all kinds of obstacles. We approach the obstacle first and encourage them to investigate everything this way and they are rewarded with crimped oats when they comply. By the time they have learned about trail obstacles and many other things around the farm that could be scary, the trailer is not a threat to them. They will most often just follow you right in knowing there is a crimped oats reward waiting for them and that they have never been trapped into complying! After your equine has learned to get in and out of the trailer easily, ask him for one step at a time while loading to make sure he stays attentive and ready to stop and stand at any point in the exercise. We cover loading the difficult equine in our books and DVDs.
In DVD #2: Preparing for Performance: Groundwork, you will begin your lunging and ground driving lessons. The exercises will increase in their demand and begin to develop more bulk muscle in preparation for work in harness and riding. Equines will be introduced to the snaffle bit and other tack in this DVD. We use English bridles with a noseband and drop noseband over a mild snaffle bit right from the beginning, so they never even try to get their tongue over the bit. This teaches them to accept the bit easily and to form the good habit of taking contact with the bit instead of avoiding it and allowing bad habits to start. It is easier to prevent a bad habit than it is to try to break it later.
You will see how putting the animal in the correct frame (or posture) from the beginning in the round pen with what we call the “elbow pull” enables him to build his muscles correctly and symmetrically throughout his body You will learn how your body language affects his movement in the round pen and on the drivelines. Your equine may begin to be aggressive for his reward and you will learn how to set limits to these aggressive behaviors to set the stage for a polite and well-mannered equine. If biting, or kicking, has been a problem in DVD #1, you will learn how to correct these behaviors in DVD #2.
Round Pen Training
You should not do the work in the round pen until he has completed his lead line training, both on flat patterns and then through obstacles (each DVD is designed to take from 6 months to a year to complete depending on the individual animal, so take your time at each step). During the lead line training, you will be not only teaching him to follow your shoulder correctly, but you will be asking him to do this in the correct equine posture. When he is walking or trotting, he should do so in a straight line, stop squarely, make smooth turns with the correct pivot foot and not fall out of balance while doing all these moves. These simple exercises will help him build muscle correctly throughout his body so that when you do finally begin your work in the round pen, he has already begun to develop muscle strength in good balance with the coordination to hold this posture for longer periods of time. Then he is truly ready to begin work balancing on the circle in the round pen.
In DVD #2: Preparing for Performance: Groundwork, you will begin your lunging and ground driving lessons. The exercises will increase in their demand and begin to develop more bulk muscle in preparation for work in harness and riding. Equines will be introduced to the snaffle bit and other tack in this DVD. We use English bridles with a noseband and drop noseband over a mild snaffle bit right from the beginning, so they never even try to get their tongue over the bit. This teaches them to accept the bit easily and to form the good habit of taking contact with the bit instead of avoiding it and allowing bad habits to start. It is easier to prevent a bad habit than it is to try to break it later. You will see how putting the animal in the correct frame (or posture) from the beginning in the round pen with what we call the “elbow pull” enables him to build his muscles correctly and symmetrically throughout his body You will learn how your body language affects his movement in the round pen and on the drivelines. Your equine may begin to be aggressive for his reward and you will learn how to set limits to these aggressive behaviors to set the stage for a polite and well-mannered equine. If biting, or kicking, has been a problem in DVD #1, you will learn how to correct these behaviors in DVD #2.
During lunging, your equine will learn verbal commands and will gain strength and balance on the circle at all three gaits and through reverses. He will learn how to hold his body erect and in good posture and will not “lean” like a motorcycle around corners. Rather, he will remain upright and bend through his rib cage on the arc of a circles and turns. Reverses should always be done towards the fence of the round pen (and not toward you), so your equine will be set up correctly for diagonals at the trot and correct canter leads. If you let him reverse toward you, it will set him up incorrectly and he will have difficulty taking the correct leads in the open arena later under saddle.
Once he is responding promptly to commands and shows balance at all three gaits and the reverses and halts (halts should always be done with equal balance over all four feet, 4-square, as in showmanship), they are ready for ground driving that will further their balanced response coming from your hands. This is the beginning of your rein communication. This gives you both ample time to perfect your technique and your equine’s response to rein cues before riding. Again, it is very important that all tasks are done with straightness, balance and correct bending through the rib cage. These exercises will add still more strength, balance and coordination to your equine’s body and make it easier for him to respond to your wishes.
When you want him to go forward, you need to focus your eyes on his haunches, give the verbal command and don’t look at his head at all. Let your whip following behind the haunches. If you want to stop him, say “whoa” and shift your eyes to his eyes. If you want him to do a reverse, give the command to reverse and move your body sideways such that you are now slightly in front of him and looking at his head again. It is the movement of your body that will make the difference between the halt and the turn. Notice how these subtle differences in your body affect what he does. It will just take practicing these things correctly and you will begin to do better. It doesn’t matter what anyone else does, or says; you go ahead and take the time you need to work this out with your mule!
Lunging is a lot more than just running them around in a circle. It is a tremendous opportunity to see how your body language affects the reactions your equine will have, and how you can fine tune the communication between you and develop balanced, cadenced and rhythmic gaits in your animal. So, start slow and don’t let things go beyond what you can control easily.
With the use of the elbow pull (How to make this is in the Equus Revisited DVD), your equine will begin building muscle over a correct frame. This is better than letting them develop out of frame and then have to go back later and breakdown established muscle that is out of frame and causing problems later. The elbow pull just “suggests” that they stay in frame and is not abusive at all. In fact, it is self-correcting for the equine. If they stay in frame, they feel nothing, but if they get out of frame, it can put pressure on the poll, bit, forearms and back. This is not unlike the grandmother who insists that you walk with a book on your head for good posture. It may sound silly at first, but you will be happy you did as you get older!
The equine also needs to build muscle so he can sustain his balance on the circle without the rider before he will be able to balance with a rider. This is also true when you want your animal to lunge on a lunge line. An equine that has not had time in the round pen to establish strength, coordination and balance on the circle will have difficulty on the line as he will be pulled off balance with even the slightest pressure on the line. Loss of balance will cause stress, and even panic that can result in him pulling the line right out of your hands and running off. This is not disobedience, just fear from a loss of balance and it should not be punished. The animal who has had strength built on the circle before lunging and riding will not exhibit these seemingly disobedient behaviors.
Lunging will begin to develop hard muscle over the base muscles and tendons you have spent so many months strengthening. It will further enhance their ability to perform and stay balanced in action, and play patterns will really begin to change dramatically as this becomes their true way of going. Be sure to be consistent with verbal commands during these beginning stages as they set the stage for better communication later.
Ground Driving
After he has learned these commands while lunging, then you should get him equally as responsive to verbal commands with the drivelines. This is done first in the round pen and then in an open arena to introduce him to a larger space where he will need to become even more responsive to your rein cues.
First, I have learned to realize the different general personality types associated with different equines. It does seem that the larger the animal, the more docile the personality may be as a general rule. Also, I learned that when a donkey or mule has a tendency to bolt and run, it’s because they don’t necessarily agree with what you are trying to do, nor how you are trying to do it. It is ALWAYS the handler’s fault!
If the equine wants to bolt when you ground drive from behind, walk beside him and gradually lengthen the distance one inch at a time until he has accepted the drivelines correctly…no matter how long it takes. I work them no more than 20-40 minutes every other day. I will make sure they get their treats for “Whoa” and “Back.” I do a lot of “Back” while still close in and repeat “Back” frequently at every increased or decreased distance behind. Keep things at a very slow walk until you feel relaxation through the drivelines (not a trace of pull). I am always calm and slow, willing to take all the time in the world if necessary. Constantly review the lessons in showmanship in DVD #1, DVD #8 and DVD #9, going to and from the work areas, and during any ground interaction to help her to really, truly bond to me on a very personal level. I treat every equine as my very favorite.
Certain personality types do take longer to come around, but with great patience, kindness, trust and respect, they eventually do come around. I just wouldn’t necessarily use them for driving, but they can be very good under saddle. In fact, once they do bond more strongly with you and look to you as their “Protector,” they are the ones who will have more “Go” and thus, more athletic tendencies and ability. Figuring out what kinds of things they like to do naturally does help a lot as well.
I have dealt with many animals that were high strung and I know it takes tremendous patience, but I also know they can come around. You might just need to back up and do things even more slowly and more meticulously than you ever thought you needed to, but you should get positive results if you do. Lower your expectations of for a while and try to have more fun with the basics.
If the equine does bolt, never hang on to the reins, lead, or drivelines. Just let go if you are on the ground and let the reins loose if under saddle. Just make sure you work in areas that are adequately and safely fenced, so you can easily catch the equine again. Whether on the lead line, in the drivelines or under saddle, once they realizes that you aren’t going to play “tug-o-war,” they will get a reward for staying and it is a waste of their energy to keep running, they will bolt less and less until the behavior is extinguished.
When ground driving, you should not worry about the whip while in the round pen as the walls will help guide the mule in the correct position. What you really need to do is keep even contact on both reins when going in a straight line (or on the circle in the round pen). To get them to begin stepping laterally, tighten the outside rein slightly and maintain contact on the inside rein, so they cannot complete the turn. Stay directly behind their haunches and urge them forward and they will begin to step sideways with their face to the wall. Only do a couple of steps, then straighten again quickly. You can build in more lateral steps as they begin to understand what you want.
When ground driving in the open, you can then begin to carry the whip in your right hand (always). Set the bend for the leg yield (opposite the way he will be tracking) by shortening the inside rein and holding it steady (Not too much of a bend! You just want to be able to see their eye on that side). Then squeeze and release the directing rein to indicate that you want them to move in the direction you are pulling. Be sure to give plenty of release between pulls so they don’t go too sideways at first. This should be a leg yield action and not a side-pass. The side-pass will come later as they understand what you want. If they don’t follow your leading rein, you can tap them gently on the opposite side to encourage them to move over. It can be very awkward at first, but with time and patience it will continue to improve!
Only after he is smooth, responsive to all commands in the round pen and ground drives well in the open arena, should you mount him and begin riding in the round pen. When he is light and responsive in the bridle in the round pen, then you can ride in the open and perfect his technique and responsiveness in the snaffle bit in the open arena.
DVD #3: Preparing for Performance: Driving, provides all the information you need to safely train your equine to drive. It covers carts and carriages, hitching training, Reinsmanship, Pleasure Driving, Obstacle Driving, working in harness, lateral exercises, obstacles, driven dressage and driving rules. You can begin this DVD after you have completed the foundation work in DVD’s #1 and #2.
DVD #4: Basic Foundation for Saddle. If you don’t wish to drive, you can go straight to DVD #4 and begin your equine’s riding training in a natural and non-stressful manner that eliminates adverse behaviors such as bucking or running off. We address both the needs of the rider and the equine as a team focusing on the right approach, good balance and coordination of both equine and rider. You can begin this DVD after you have completed DVD’s #1 and #2.
When you finally mount your equine and start riding, the only thing left for him to do is to get used to your shifting weight on his back and the new leg cues he will feel on his sides. Because he has learned to carry his own body in good, strong equine posture and has already learned what rein cues mean through ground driving, he will be better able to do all the different moves that you ask of him under saddle without being generally overwhelmed by too many things happening all at once. As you progress under saddle, you will be better able to perfect your own riding skills and your equine will become lighter in the bridle and more responsive to your cues. You both will not have to deal with the weakness, awkwardness, confusion and disobedience that originate from a lack of preparation for the tasks.
In DVD #5: In Intermediate Saddle Training, we help the rider fine tune his own skills and begin to cultivate a harmonious rapport between equine and owner with fun, safe and simple exercises that will enhance your riding experience whether it is for show, or pleasure. You can begin this DVD after you have completed DVD’s #1 and #2 and #4.
DVD #6: Advanced Saddle Training will begin to prepare the rider for specific disciplines and help them to make choices about what they might enjoy more. It demonstrates how the simple elements of dressage are the basis for all equine disciplines including gymkhana, reining, cutting, English and Western pleasure, trail, or even simply weekend trail riding. This kind of training is not just for show, but to keep both of you safe and happy during your time together. You can begin this DVD after you have completed DVD’s #1 and #2, #4 and #5.
DVD #7: Jumping gives the owner the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of jumping and condition their equine in a safe and methodical manner and… how to ride, build and evaluate jump courses. It covers exercises to prepare your equine to carry him safely over any obstacle, multi-level terrain or jumps. You can begin this DVD after you have completed DVD’s #1 and #2, #4, #5 and #6.
DVD #8: Management, Fitting & Grooming. Of course, your equine needs to be fed and maintained properly to get the best response from him during training and this is done in DVD #8. We also offer grooming tips and more advanced lessons in showmanship at the end of this video.
DVD’s #9 and #10 cover techniques that are specific to donkeys and these two DVDs are designed to be used in conjunction with the other video tapes.
DVD #9: Keys to Training the Donkey: Introduction and Basic Training covers groundwork technique that is specific to donkeys, how to train jacks to breed mares for mule production and how to measure your animal for athletic potential and should be used in conjunction with DVDs #1 and #2.
DVD #10: Keys to Training the Donkey: Saddle Training & Jumping covers saddle training and jumping and should be used in conjunction with DVD’s #4 through #7. You can also purchase our book, Donkey Training which is the same as DVD’s #9 and #10, but sometimes having the moving pictures can be more helpful than still shots. Also, if you want to teach your donkey to drive, you would also need DVD’s #1, #2, and #3.
Training Without Resistance (DVD’s #1 – #7) and Equine Management & Donkey Training (DVD’s #8 – #10) are exactly the same as the electronic workbooks that accompany the DVDs. These two manuals are also helpful to those who cannot afford the DVD series or for those who would like a professionally published workbook. They are both translated into French, German and Spanish, so our non-English speaking friends can read along with the DVD series in their own language.
Equus Revisited: A Complete Approach to Athletic Conditioning. This comprehensive 4-part DVD and companion manual explains WHY it is so important to spend plenty of time on groundwork and development of the core strength of your equine. It covers multiple aspects of your equine’s care in great detail with a team of experts. It has a lot of special features about various subjects and in-depth explanations about the anatomy and physiology of the equine.
Why So Many Different Books and Videos
I do offer “Packages” because each of the materials covers the elements of management and training from a different perspective with a different focus:
Training Mules and Donkeys: A Logical Approach to Longears book is an overview or summary of the entire training program
Donkey Training book is mostly about what things are done differently with donkeys than with horses and mules during the training process at each stage
A Guide to Raising & Showing Mules book includes management (housing, fences, disease, teeth, hooves, etc.) , breeding and showing information with some regard to training
10-DVD Training Mules and Donkeys DVD series is a collection of the exercises that you DO in what order with each DVD representing roughly 1 year of training (except for 8, 9 and 10…see explanations in detail in what I sent before)
Training Without Resistance manual is a collection of DVD’s #1 through #7 with extra detailed information in print and available in French, German and Spanish translations.
Equine Management & Donkey Training manual is a collection of DVD’s #8 through #10 with extra detailed information in print and available in French, German and Spanish translations.
Equus Revisited manual/DVD combo addresses WHY you are doing all the things that you do in the books and videos. If you had to pick just one book, I would suggest the “Equus Revisited” manual AND the companion DVD. However, buying the Horse/Mule Complete Package (at a discount rather than buying products individually) would give you all you need because basically the Donkey Training book (that is left out) is exactly the same as DVD #9 and #10 and the Equine Management and Donkey Training manual only the manual has extra information that the book does not have.
For more information and purchase of our products, you can call 1-800-816-7566 or visit our website at www.LuckyThreeRanch.com. Our website is also translated into French and Spanish for foreign convenience. Under Training, be sure to read archived articles posted in the Mule Crossing section, peruse commonly asked questions in Ask Meredith, get more details in our Training Tips and watch our new shows and past RFD-TV shows with Video on Demand. If you don’t have a computer, you can go to a library and use their computer, or ask a friend to help you out. Take time to peruse our Classified Ads section (this is a free service and an open forum, so we caution buyers to beware and check carefully). Under Resources, we post contact information for mule and donkey clubs and rescue organizations, keep you up to date about Equine Welfare in the news and heavily support Therapeutic Riding. Click our Homepage links for You Tube, Facebook and Twitter. And, don’t forget to check out our children’s website at www.JasperTheMule.com. Join the American Donkey & Mule Society (www.lovelongears.com, adms@lovelongears.com) to receive their bimonthly magazine with even more valuable information for a mere $27/yr. Learn together, enjoy the time with your equine and excel together!
Dressage had its beginning hundreds of years ago in the military when horses needed to be not only trained to ride, but conditioned to withstand the stress placed upon them by the demands of war. They needed tremendous endurance, as well as the ability to perform certain movements that would protect their riders from enemy assault. When the use of the horse armies diminished, the concept of their “dressage” training became more recreational, commercial and competitive.
The concept of true Horsemanship gained its own unique identity. One need only witness the white Lipizzaner stallions of Vienna, Austria, to see the result of this age-old military training. The stallions are started as three and four-year-olds with groundwork and simple patterns under saddle to begin strengthening muscles and minds and, to facilitate good balance for the more difficult demands placed upon them later. It is a gentle training process and is supported by a lot of positive reinforcement and minimal negative reinforcement, or punishment. The result is a happy, healthy, and willing equine. Intelligent and sensitive equines do not take kindly to punitive or unfair training practices. For this reason, I find that Dressage and Combined Training lends itself particularly well to mules, Thoroughbreds, Arabians, and some of the other more intelligent and sensitive breeds.
Dressage is practiced in an arena marked by a low fence with letters at strategic intervals. A manual outlining the different “tests” tells you what to do and where to go in your marked arena. Once an animal is started under saddle, he begins dressage training at what is called Training Level. There are four tests at each level that increase ever so slightly in difficulty from one to the next. In each level there are certain objectives to be met. At Training Level, for instance, your mule should learn to travel in straight lines and to bend his body to the arc of large circles and in corners, and to make upward and downward transitions through his gaits while maintaining good balance, a steady rhythm and cadence throughout the test in an elongated and elastic frame. At the same time, the rider is also learning and conditioning his own body to react appropriately to the body of his animal. The objective of dressage training is to develop a harmonious balance and understanding between equine and rider physically and mentally.
When your equine is strong, steady, rhythmic, and responsive at Training Level, he can then proceed to the next level, or First Level. At First Level, he learns to initiate more engagement of the hindquarters (collection) and begins to condition the muscles needed for lateral work through lengthening of the gaits and yielding from the leg. As he is better conditioned in his body, he is better able to perform and hold the balance and collection that is needed for Second Level, then Third Level, Fourth Level, and beyond. In order to gain true collection, he needs to possess incredible strength, such that he can step underneath himself with power from his hindquarters, round his back, and bring lightness and suppleness to the front end. This kind of posture makes the fancy upper level movements one usually associates with Dressage fluid and effortless with no apparent movement by the rider.
Each level builds on the exercises from the previous level from Training through Intermediate to Prix St. George and Grand Prix. Combined Training is the addition of gymnastic-type exercises (aerobic equivalent) to the regular dressage routine. The jumping, or gymnastic, exercises can start in conjunction with the dressage tests as early as Training Level and can greatly enhance and improve their Dressage performances. It gives the equine a mental break from the repetition and intensity of the dressage tests. It allows the animal to develop better coordination and stronger forward movement. Jumping also enhances hindquarter development and the variety in routine keeps your equine’s mind fresh, alert, and willing to perform.
Athletes most often get hurt if they are not properly conditioned for an event. Muscles not ordinarily or regularly used cannot support the stress of certain activities. For this reason, the concept of training just “movements” is not really the most beneficial way to train your equine. It allows too much room for unconditioned muscle strain and possible permanent injury.
Using Dressage and Combined Training to condition your equine will produce a well-conditioned athlete that can depend on his own body strength, adding relaxation and confidence to his overall performance. The natural step by step progression of the exercises insures his physical and mental safety and understanding, minimizing resistance and failure. As it is when we progress through school, so progresses the equine through dressage training, learning, and then building on each new foundation with a confident understanding of what is expected.
All the Lucky Three mules will attest to the success of Dressage and Combined Training, particularly Lucky Three Mae Bea C.T., who began to do exercises at the more advanced levels. Before we began dressage training, we were training for each event. With dressage training she developed an incredible responsiveness to seat, leg and rein cues and was able to perform anything easily and willingly. She did absolutely everything you would ask of her and did it all with above average quality and enthusiasm. It has made classes in which she already excelled even better! The other Lucky Three mules exhibited this same above-average attitude and performance across the board with Dressage and Combined Training. This kind of variety keeps life interesting and challenging as we find new uses and events in which we can compete our mules. They have even made their own unique contribution to the equine industry! Volunteers to help set up shows and events are often hard to find.
The Mountain States Combined Training Association is grateful to the Lucky Three Ranch, but particularly to Mae Bea C.T. for her help in dragging logs to help build cross country jumps at Lory State Park in Fort Collins, Colorado. Mae Bea C.T., trained in Dressage and Combined Training, not only jumps those cross-country jumps, but helps to build them as well! She is a strong, healthy and willing mule thanks to the preservation of a 100-year-old or more equestrian art called Dressage!
Vacation?!! Who, me?! Well, no one would say I didn’t try, but again, my passion for Longears won out! As a Christmas present, my husband bought tickets to visit St. Thomas and St. John in the Virgin Islands of the Caribbean in February for a week during my birthday, our first non-longears vacation in twelve years! We spent four restful
days in St. Thomas before going to St. John. As we waited on the dock for the ferry to St. John, I happened to notice a bulletin board with a memo concerning the experimental immuno-contraception of feral donkeys inhabiting the Virgin Island National Park on St. John. Naturally, my curiosity was sparked and we obtained further information from the park’s service office near the dock. I didn’t even know there were such donkeys on St. John and I wanted to see them!
Outlined in the information that the park service gave me was an assessment of a plan for the environmental control of these donkeys by means of a contraceptive vaccine that is administered via blowpipe, or carbon dioxide-powered rifle. The donkeys had been wild since 1671 when plantation owners turned them loose. The National Park Service was concerned since exotic species have the power to change the character of an ecosystem, and felt they needed to control the population growth of the donkeys to maintain the integrity of the environment. On the surface, the plan sounded as if it had some merit, so we planned to investigate further when we got to St. John.
Offices were closed on Sunday, so we decided to go shopping for a while, and then go looking for wild donkeys. We had no sooner stepped out of the taxi at the shopping complex when we spotted three donkeys in a baseball field across the road. What luck! We hurried down to take pictures of them and while we were stalking the donkeys, a voice came to us from the road, “Don’t get too close–they’re wild and the park doesn’t like it when people get close to the donkeys!” I quickly responded that we raised donkeys and were just interested in getting some photographs. Soon, I found myself engaged in conversation with donkey protectionist Sandra Kelly, who wanted me to meet with her associates Terry Conklin and Mary Eldergill after she found out that I was an American Donkey & Mule Society representative, animal inspector and judge. We met over lunch, at which time they filled me in on the atrocities that were taking place against the St. John donkeys.
Testing for immuno-contraception itself seemed a viable scientific experiment, but what I learned of their approach stunned me! First, it seemed that they didn’t have an efficient way of counting the donkeys that roamed freely about the island with its dense foliage. I was assured that there were probably less than the 300 donkeys that the park service had quoted. Second, if they were as prolific as the park service believed by their statistics and predictions, there should have been over 40,000 donkeys on the island by now provided the numbers were correct in 1671. Their means of identifying the donkeys was to draw pictures of them and to mark them with paint, which would eventually wash off during frequent tropical rains. The donkeys were baited in certain areas and then shot with the contraceptive. After baiting the donkeys, because of the natural affection that they have for humans (which makes them ideal for domestication), the donkeys began to frequent more populated areas and became a nuisance to residents and tourists. At one point, 10 donkeys were literally murdered on the beach in front of tourists for being a so-called nuisance!
Did these donkeys really need to be controlled and if so, how? Is this really a scientific experiment in immuno-contraception, or is this only camouflage for a plan to completely annihilate the donkeys of St. John? The longer I spoke to Sandra, Terry and Mary, the more I realized the intense need for some compromising solution to the problem. They were having an important meeting on the issue with Virgin Islands Senator Lorraine Berry to discuss the issues and wanted me to attend, but I wasn’t able to stay. They requested that I call Senator Berry before I left, which I did, and gave her my thoughts on the subject.
In my estimation, the scientific experiment that is supposedly taking place may, or may not have merit. The way in which it was being conducted would be laughable were it not for the donkey lives at stake! Scientific experiments need to be organized and controlled. How could they possible hope to monitor these animals effectively with such primitive methods? Secondly, if we are talking about testing an immuno-contraceptive, then why not use an animal that is really more prolific? Donkeys, unlike most equines, seem to have the ability to conceive and abort at will. They live in small family groups, not huge or even moderately large herds and they eat a minimal amount to survive. They are very careful travelers and don’t necessarily go far when food and fresh water is plentiful. They are attracted to humans, but will be timid about actual contact until domesticated. By baiting these donkeys, it seems that the park has taken the first step towards domestication without realizing what they have done. Then, those donkeys that become friendly are shot as a nuisance!
St. John is economically poor and it would seem that the donkeys could make a valuable contribution. If these donkeys were rounded up and managed properly, there is really no end to their usefulness to the people of St. John. The successful plight of the donkeys and burros in the United States has proven that most of the wild donkeys can be trained and become a useful member of society as a work, pet or pleasure animal. The donkeys on St. John could serve as a vehicle to teach children to ride. They could carry tourists on beach or trail rides. They could give variety to athletics with donkey baseball and basketball. They could guard herds of sheep, goats and other livestock. There could be the promotion and sales of donkey-related items, such as t-shirts, jewelry and island art. Donkeys are terrific animals to use in handicapped and disabled drive and ride programs. They have been proven to be very therapeutic because of their careful and affectionate nature. It seems that there would be more profit from making the donkeys an attraction rather than a distraction.
Donkeys not easily domesticated could be allowed to roam free and propagate with a yearly roundup of the younger and more impressionable donkeys, which could be put into the economic system. This, to me, seems like a more rational approach to the population control of these donkeys. It would increase the economy, increase jobs and take the fear of the donkeys out of the St. John residents as they come to understand one of God’s most charitable creatures! Donkeys can be inexpensively fenced out of gardens and yards. Good management is the key. And let’s face it… if you are going to do a scientific experiment, then please, let’s do it scientifically!
A professional trainer, judge and animal inspector, Crystal Ward owned the Ass Pen Ranch in Placerville, California, where she raised and trained horses, mules and donkeys. The first year she came to Bishop Mule Days was in 1979. She happened to be coming through Bishop on vacation and it really intrigued her. She thought the mules were simply outstanding. Crystal had a show career with horses, but the following year she decided she had to own a mule. She showed up the next year with a horse trailer in tow, and at that point Bishop Mule Days was still offering an auction. She swiftly bought a mule at the auction and had been coming back ever since.
Her first mule was a wild little critter that didn’t make much progress. So the following year she bought a mule named Skeeter Sea from George Chamberlain, a dealer in mules in Los Alivos, California; the mule was previously owned by Slim Pickens. When Slim Pickens showed up as Grand Marshal in the Bishop Mule Days Parade, he told Crystal, “We used to own that mule.” She showed him with 55 mules in the class and won the Western Pleasure class that year. Although he was nice in the Western Pleasure classes, she couldn’t see owning this mule for the long term due to his generally bad manners. Later, she picked up a mule in Northern Montana and brought him back and started training him…his name was Final Legacy. He was a good honest mule and she kept him for the long haul.
Back in the early ‘80s, Crystal got really interested in riding side saddle, so she joined the International Side Saddle Organization and ultimately rode in the Presidential Inaugural Parade with Final Legacy in 1993, hauling him from California to Washington, DC, in the middle of January. He was a good honest mule and she loved him. She showed him in many classes at Bishop Mule Days over the years…from Western to English, dressage, driving and side saddle.
In more recent years Crystal switched to raising and showing donkeys. She had a variety of donkeys, from miniatures to mammoths. She fully understood that you have to take a different approach when training a donkey and produced training videos with Napa, California, videographer, Video Mike. She truly appreciated a good donkey: “Donkeys are like potato chips—you can’t have just one.”
In our interview in 2009, Crystal told me: “We call them [donkeys] ‘desert canaries,’ but that goes hand-in-hand with donkeys. They do like to talk and it can be loud, but you know I’ll still take a donkey any day. I live with the noise, but then again, I’ll have peacocks, barking dogs and roosters in my backyard. Donkeys are just one more noisy farm animal that I can certainly live with.”
For Crystal, it was always a matter of learning…English, Western, Side Saddle…the whole nine yards! She always performed to the best of her and her mule’s ability and she believed a lot of it was a matter of finding just the right mule!
Crystal enjoyed her interview for my documentary series, Those Magnificent Mules; she appeared in “The Bishop All Stars”episodes. (We have all of these episodes available to watch online from our website at www.LuckyTreeRanch.com in the LTR TV On Demand section.) She said: “We were showing back in the early ‘80s, beating the paths to Bishop Mule Days. The one thing I know about mule and donkey people is that it’s fun competing…nice rivalry. When you come out of a class, your fellow competitors will shake your hand and offer you a bit of encouragement. It’s like family when you show at a mule or donkey show. It’s something you always look forward to until the next time.”
You are so right, Crystal! You will remain in our hearts, forever a part of our Longears family… we will miss you!
If ever anyone deserved appreciation and recognition, it is the organizers and sponsors of the Colorado Classic Heart Fund Benefit Horse and Mule Show. They spend many hours all year long to put together a show that was satisfying to its exhibitors and is entertaining to the public, while at the same time is raising money to support research and development for heart related disorders. These selfless people, led by manager Bruce Wolf, are always searching for ways to improve the show and make it more attractive to the public at large. Our deepest thanks for their extraordinary efforts in putting on a show with the integrity and goodwill of the Colorado Classic!
A wonderfully new and exciting addition to the Colorado Classic Heart Fund Benefit this year was opening night’s Symphony of Champions. Riders from all divisions were given spots to ride to the music of the Denver Symphony’s Young Artists Orchestra. American Show Horses, Saddlebreds, Arabians, Half-Arabians, Morgans, National Show Horses, Tennessee Walkers and mules danced to the music of Beethoven and Broadway hits, and then came together for the grand finale to the William Tell Overture. It was an evening of beauty, an evening of humor, an evening of suspense, an evening of the deepest emotions – and the audience loved it! What an exciting way to kick off a show!
Sponsored by the Colorado Donkey & Mule Society, the Mule Show itself exhibited quality animals and impeccable training. The Lucky Three Ranch sponsored Meredith and Dena Hodges, exhibited mules Mae Bea C.T. and Lucky Three Ciji in Dressage and Jumping during its part in the Symphony of Champions, adding suspense and awe as Mae Bea C.T. jumped bridleless during the performance.
The mule show itself opened Sunday morning, April 29th with halter classes exhibiting some of the highest quality saddle mules in the country! Performance classes began with English Pleasure, and then went on to show some of the smoothest jumping mules ever in Hunter Hack and Hunter Under Saddle classes. There was a stunning touch of class by Tammy Dishong and Dena Hodges as they emerged in the Side Saddle class.
Impeccable driving mules were exhibited by Mountain Shadow Mules and the JD Diamond Ranch in the Single Hitch class. Western Pleasure class was one of the best ever in any Colorado show – Rambling Roseagain claimed her title as the ideal pleasure mule. The Green Western Pleasure mule class was short due to some unavoidable scratches, but the two shown were a credit to their breed.
Back to Tammy Dishong and Dena Hodges again for Youth Pleasure, where the girls exhibited their mules in a truly professional manner, explaining why each had claimed their World Champion placements at Bishop Mule Days in California just two years before! Until recently, California mule exhibitors seemed to claim most of the world titles, but two years ago they had to start working a little harder because our own Colorado mule exhibitors began doing better than ever, giving them a run for their money!
Drive & Ride and Ranch Riding were cancelled as the show was running late and the judge needed to catch his flight home, but in the spirit of the Colorado Classic, the otherwise refunded money was donated to the Heart Fund. Our deepest thanks to all of the mule exhibitors who took time out of their busy schedules to help support this show with their avid participation: Bitterroot Mule Company of Bennett, Colorado; JD Diamond Ranch of Bennett, Colorado; Lucky Three Ranch of Loveland, Colorado; Mountain Shadow Mules of Longmont, Colorado; Kristin Pettinger of Littleton, Colorado; and Steven White of Westminster, Colorado! Everyone did a superb job and is to be highly commended for their excellent performances! Thank you all and let’s hope that we can have even more support and participation next year! Results are as follows:
Mu 218 – Mules Foaled in 1989
Lucky Three Selene Dena Hodges Lucky Three Ranch
Mu 219 – Mules Foaled in 1988
no entries
Mu 220 – Mules Foaled in 1987
Lucky Three Foxfire Dena Hodges Lucky Three Ranch
Spring Drizzle Carol Dishong JD Diamond Ranch
Mu 221 – Miniatures 48″ & under no entries
Mu 222 – Saddle Mules 48.01″-56”
Lucky Three Firestorm Meredith Hodges Lucky Three Ranch
Cover Girl Kristin Pettinger Littleton, Co.
Mu 223 – Saddle Mules 56″ & Over
Lucky Three Nuggett Dena Hodges Lucky Three Ranch
Lucky Three Ciji Meredith Hodges. Lucky Three Ranch
Lucky Three Mae Bea C.T. Katy Banks Lucky Three Ranch
John Henry Kristin Pettinger Littleton, Co.
Zippo Sparks Bar Diane Walston Mountain Shadow Mules
Lucky Three Cyclone Gary Hodges Lucky Three Ranch
Mu 228 – Mule Open English Pleasure
Zippo Sparks Bar Steven White Mountain Shadow Mules
Lucky Three Cyclone Gary Hodges Lucky Three Ranch
Lucky Three Ciji Meredith Hodges Lucky Three Ranch
Lucky Three Firestorm Dena Hodges Lucky Three Ranch
Mae Bea C.T. Katy Banks Lucky Three Ranch
Bitterroot Spider Dee Fran Howe Bitterroot Mule Company
Mu 230 – Mule Green English Hunter Hack
Lucky Three Firestorm Dena Hodges Lucky Three Ranch
Lucky Three Ciji Meredith Hodges Lucky Three Ranch
Rambling Rose Steven White Mountain Shadow Mules
Lucky Three Cyclone Gary Hodges Lucky Three Ranch
Mae Bea C.T. Katy Banks Lucky Three Ranch
Mu 233 – Mule English Working Hunter
Lucky Three Firestorm Dena Hodges Lucky Three Ranch
Mae Bea C.T. Meredith Hodges Lucky Three Ranch
Rambling Rose Steven White Mountain Shadow Mules
Lucky Three Ciji Meredith Hodges Lucky Three Ranch
This month, I would like to take the opportunity to introduce a new Colorado mule group, the Colorado Donkey & Mule Society. C.D.M.S. was founded in response to a need for more active performance and research promotion. As the mule industry grows, so does the number of people and mules involved. There are two basic groups: those who ride for fun and pleasure, and those who wish to continually perfect their equestrian techniques and abilities. When there are smaller numbers involved, these two groups can manage to work together effectively, but as the numbers increase, the scales are tipped and one group becomes stronger than the other. Thus, the needs of both are not easily met. Those who wish to ride for fun do not necessarily want to spend time and money on showing, lessons and clinics. By the same token, those who are striving for perfection do not necessarily wish to interrupt their rigorous schedule to plan a lot of purely fun activities. In order to function effectively, goals must be clearly defined and compatible with one another. Riding for fun is not necessarily compatible with competitive riding.
Competitive riding requires constant discipline and dedication to lessons, clinics, shows, and practice sessions for the purpose of conditioning the bodies of mules and riders to perform what is learned. In turn, that which is put before the public is continually more impressive in the quest for perfection. As mules and riders meet new challenges, the appeal of the animal itself is broadened and becomes more positive.
The Colorado Donkey & Mule Society was formed in September of 1986 to meet the needs of competitive mule and donkey enthusiasts. The goals and objectives were defined as follows: 1) To promote Longears in a professional and favorable light to the public, 2) To promote the interest of youth in Longears shows, 3) To promote better and more professional Longears shows, 4) To promote the continuous improvement of Longears and their riders through training, lessons, and clinics, 5) To promote the use of mule and donkey exhibition and achievement with Longears, 6) To promote Longears research, 7) To promote awards for outstanding dedication and achievement with Longears, and 8) To promote fundraisers to support these objectives.
C.D.M.S meeting are held every two weeks at the Lucky Three Ranch in Loveland, Colorado. Members arrive at about noon and spend two to three hours in a video-taped group lesson and practice session after which is a supper meeting. During the meeting, our video-taped session is evaluated and critiqued and each rider is given his riding and training assignment. Club business is then discussed and the meeting adjourns.
C.D.M.S is not for everyone. C.D.M.S. members are required to perpetuate the progress of their riding skills through lessons, clinics, practice, and show participation. In addition to their personal gain, they are required to take active responsibility in the promotion of mules and donkeys. Each member must make measureable contributions regularly; apathy is not tolerated. Our primary purpose is the positive promotion of Longears and we work as a team toward this goal. We must be able to depend upon each other to make this work. We are ready, willing, and able to attend and support whatever function necessary for the betterment of the Longears industry. We believe that the best way to learn is by “doing” and our youth are no exception. We not only encourage our youth to ride mules and donkeys, but also to attend committee meetings and be a part of the decision-making process. Our youth have full voting privilege. In this way, we hope our youth will be willing and able to carry out our objectives, and in time, train new youth to this purpose.
It is our general belief that Dressage is the basis for all performance. The systematic and methodical procedure of Dressage enables rider and animal to assess their progress in a clear and logical manner. The discipline of Dressage enables mules and riders to meet new challenges with a greater degree of patience, thus, bringing about changes with little resistance from their animals. Western and English riders alike can benefit from Dressage. C.D.M.S. held two Dressage clinics for beginning riders, with Dressage instructors from the U.S. and Sweden. We will try to have at least one clinic and two lessons per month for C.D.M.S. members. In addition to scheduled lessons and clinic, C.D.M.S. members are encouraged to use the Lucky Three Ranch facility at no cost for practice sessions. Private lessons are also available.
In order to financially support our objectives, C.D.M.S. will be holding fundraisers throughout the year. Also, thanks to the artistic talent of one of our members and the help of her husband, we are able to begin a line of mule and donkey decals and screens to help subsidize our efforts. This project is already in the work and products will be made available to the public in the near future.
C.D.M.S. is not just for mules. We support and appreciate the donkey and his contribution to this industry. We recognize the importance of Donkey Power! We hope that as we grow as a society, we can establish an equally fun and interesting program for our donkeys. The World Champion Mule Show at Bishop, California, held in May recognized this need and a “Donkey Driving” class was added to their schedule. In Colorado, we have had limited donkey halter classes and driving classes. We hope to add to these. At the Queen City Donkey & Mule Show (July 30-Aug. 2), we added a Wild Burro Halter class. We hope this will help to promote the adoption and care of these beloved animals. The driving classes are split according to size and we hope to see more donkeys in the smaller sections. If enough donkeys show, we will be able to break off an exclusive Donkey Driving class and eventually add Donkey Trail, Pack Trail and Donkey Pleasure. Please help support our donkeys!
Communication is the name of the game, and C.D.M.S. is in constant communication with other individuals and groups throughout the world. We are not a club that works for ourselves. We work for the positive promotion of mules and donkeys. Sharing of ideas, techniques, time and effort are essential to the life of our organization. This is why our members are carefully scrutinized – we are all active participants! We would like to be used for the benefit of mules and donkeys everywhere. So, if we can, please allow us to help. Tell us what you would like us to do for you, then what you can do for Longears! Your support would be appreciated. We aren’t trying to recruit members, just active participants!
Coloradoans can be proud of the Donkey and Mule Show that took place May 3, at the Colorado Classic Horse Show in Denver, Colorado. Although attendance was somewhat limited, the classes were filled with beautiful mules and donkeys. Hats off to all the exhibitors who, in my estimation, put on the best Longears show yet in Colorado!
There is a lot of time and hard work that goes into a show such as this. Managers and breed representatives work year round to assure the success of this show. The Colorado Classic Horse Show is a weeklong show for the benefit of the Colorado Heart Association, inviting ten different breeds to come and compete. Those of us with Longears would like to thank all of those affiliated with the Colorado Classic for inviting us to participate in such a worthwhile project. Particular thanks to Bruce Wolf of Littleton, Colorado and Marilyn Kershaw of Aurora, Colorado, not only for their outstanding dedication and hard work, but also for their support of Longears. Without their fair and open minds, there would have been no Longears Show. The Colorado Donkey and Mule Society and the Rocky Mountain Longears Association look forward to working together toward a bigger and better show with each new year. We couldn’t have asked to work with a nicer group of people. We thank you all!
Halter classes were dotted with mules of all sizes and colors. They ranged from black to white, from Paints to Appaloosas, all clipped and turned out with elegance. Grand Champion Model Mule went to Maggie, a 16.1 hand gray molly mule owned by Danny Langston of Denver, Colorado and shown by Dick Ayers of Blue Cloud Stables in Longmont. Reserve Grand Champion Model Mule was Lucky Three Mae Bea C. T., a 15 hand brown dun molly mule, owned and shown by Meredith Hodges of the Lucky Three Ranch in Loveland, Colorado.
Colorado can be proud of their jackstock: three of the country’s finest jacks showed here in Denver. Grand Champion Model Donkey went to Lucky Three’s own Little Jack Horner, a 13 HH gray roan jack, former ’84 & ’85 Reserve World Champion Standard Jack. Reserve Grand Champion Jack went to Shadow Mountain’s Music Man, newly owned and shown by Hal and Diane Walston of Longmont, Colorado. And showing in third place was Blue Zebulon, owned and shown by Fran Howe of Bennett, Colorado, a former Bishop Mule Days World Champion Standard Jack in 1986. All three of these jacks were scheduled to show again at the Bishop Mule Days 1987 world show held in Bishop, California, May 22-25. Wish them luck, Colorado – they represent you well!
One of the most exciting new additions to the Colorado mule shows was the English Pleasure class. There was some doubt about being able to fill this class, but when 10 lovely entries strolled through the gates into the arena, it was clear that this is destined to become a favorite class. Those who were in the class did a fine, professional job of showing, making this class perhaps the highlight of the show. First place went to a striking Paint mule named Jake, owned and shown by Kirby Longenbaugh of Brighton, Colorado, and trained by Meredith Hodges of Loveland. A prouder trainer I could not have been! Second place went to Lily, owned by Danny Langston and shown by Dick Ayers. It does my heart good to see so many mule people in one area taking advantage of the opportunities made available by the United States Dressage Federation. Keep up the good work, folks!
The Mule Side Saddle class took its place in the Coliseum arena amongst elegant saddle horses and Grand Prix jumping. Winner of this class was Rambling Rose, owned by Diane Walston of Longmont and shown by trainer, Joan Triolo. “‘Rose” was immaculately decked out in beautiful, handmade Mexican attire, impressive to all who were fortunate enough to be present. Second place was awarded to Nifty, owned and shown by Zella Brink of Fort Collins, Colorado.
Colorado Longears youth are a fun and enthusiastic group who are making great strides in improving their Mulemanship techniques. It is clear that these kids work hard with their mules, and it is reflected in their continued improvement from show to show. Winner of the Youth Pleasure for 13 years and under went to Dena Hodges riding Lucky Three Mae Bea C.T., with Crystal Nordyke aboard Nordyke’s Tuffy taking second place. In the Youth Pleasure for those 14-17 years, first went to Frijole’s Dixie Belle owned by Sharon Anthony and shown by Leslie Busque of Colorado Springs. Second place went to Rambling Rose, owned by Diane Walston and shown by Amy Wilfong of Longmont, Colorado. High Point Youth went to Amy Wilfong and Rambling Rose with Leslie Busque and Frijole’s Dixie Belle taking Reserve High Point Youth. Congratulations to all our youth exhibitors for doing an extraordinary job of showing!
In the Open Western Pleasure, Leslie Busque exhibited the finesse of our Colorado youth by winning the class with Frijole’s Dixie Belle. Leslie will soon leave the youth classes behind to join the adults, but it is clear that she is well prepared for this step up through the ranks. Second place was Athena, owned by Danny Langston of Denver and shown by Dick Ayers of Longmont.
In the Single Hitch Driving, Lucky Three Mae Bea C.T. rose to the occasion, capturing first place, with Rambling Rose in second place. First in the Drive & Ride went to Princess, owned and shown by Tom Mowery of Brighton, Colorado. Tom is an active participant in the promotion of mules in Colorado – much of what has been done here could not have been done without him. Thanks, Tom! Second place went to sweet Rambling Rose, a formidable contender. In the Team Driving, Oscar and Yoyo were awarded first place, owned and driven by Bob Potestio of Parker, Colorado. Princess and Buster, owned and shown by Tom Mowery of Brighton placed second. Ranch Riding, a combined Reining and Trail class, was won by Nifty, owned and shown by Zella Brink of Fort Collins, with Lucky Three Mae Bea C.T. taking second place ridden by Meredith Hodges. First place in the Costume Class went to Rambling Rose and Joan Triolo in their impressive Side Saddle attire, while Tom Mowery took second place with his pack string Buster and Princess. Congratulations to Tom Mowery with High Point Mule, Princess, and to Reserve High Point Mule, Rambling Rose!
Even though it was raining and threatening to snow, exhibitors and animals were well housed, exercised, and kept warm and dry. This excellent show management made for a thoroughly enjoyable as well as impressive show for Longears. We hope that more of you mule fans will put this show on your schedule for next year. It is not one you would want to miss!
Dena Hodges was born in Santa Rosa, California, where she lived with her mom and dad, Gary and Meredith Hodges, until 1980, when they all moved to Colorado. Dena learned to ride at the early age of 18 months, always perched proudly in the saddle in front of her mom. When she was four years old, grandmother, Joyce Doty gave her a miniature Appaloosa pony named on which she really learned to ride. Dena spent many pleasurable years with Copper. Once, she even entered him in a mule show costume class dressed as a small pack mule with a Bishop Mule Days cap to supply the “ears” and a sign on the pack that read, “When I grow up, I want to be a mule!” The judge just had to peek underneath the cap to confirm that this was indeed a horse and not a mule, and then placed them fourth with the over-whelming support of the audience.
Dena spent several years practicing her riding skills on horses until 1986, when she asked her mom if she could start showing the mules. At the Douglas County Fair Mule Show she rode Lucky Three Sundowner, a 16 hand saddle mule, in the Boot Race. No doubt, her fourth place was somewhat attributed to the time it took to climb back on board! In January of 1987, Dena entered the Youth Western Pleasure (13 years and under) at the National Western Stock Show in Denver on Lucky Three Mae Bea C.T. and took second place her first time showing seriously. In April, they again entered the Youth Pleasure at the Colorado Classic Mule Show, placing first! Then it was on to Bishop Mule Days and a fifth place ribbon in the Youth Pleasure out there. At the Denver Queen City Donkey & Mule Show at the beginning of August, Dena really showed her stuff in her division winning the Youth Showmanship and the Youth Western Pleasure, still with “Bea.”
At home, Dena spends a lot of time helping her parents run the Lucky Three Mule Ranch in Loveland. She often pitches in to help clean stalls in addition to her regular chores and is totally responsible for showmanship and halter training of all Lucky Three mules, numbering 13 at this time.
She attended the Foxfield Riding Academy in Westlake Village, California, which further sparked her desire to ride Dressage and begin jumping. She worked at improving her English flatwork so she could be well prepared before she started jumping the Lucky Three mules. Dena added Side Saddle to her list of accomplishments and showed Rambling Rose at the National Western Stock Show for Hal and Diane Walston. The choices she has made concerning the mules have all been her own, but it seems she is following in the footsteps of her mother and grandmother before her, as she has expressed a desire to become a mule trainer. At thirteen years old, Dena Hodges was an active member of the Colorado Donkey and Mule Society and promised to be one of Longears’ shining stars of the future. Her dedication and enthusiasm have certainly made her parents very proud and happy to have her help!
For the last 50 years, mules have been gaining popularity in the United States, because they are now performing in more equine athletics than ever before. Not only are they used in the more common driving, draft and pack work, but they are performing in every class in equine shows and doing remarkable things in exhibition.
They are typically more surefooted than horses on rugged trails, they are more resistant to parasites and disease, less likely to injure themselves, require less feed than horses and are thus more economical to keep. However, they are a little different than horses when it comes to feeding and training, so horse techniques do not always work.
My books and videos cover a large gamut of information on the management, care and feeding of mules and donkeys, and what is not present in the training books and videos is compiled in A Guide to Raising & Showing Mules. Not only do you get a review of feeding, maintenance, and training, with reference to the other products available, but you also get information on breeding, caring for foals, diseases, safety measures, supplies needed, all about showing, points programs, how to set up shows, clubs and organizations and a wide variety of other mule related issues that are important in the raising, showing, promoting and selling of these animals.
I wrote this book as a result of letters and phone calls from people who needed access to this kind of information. As mules increased in popularity, there were multiple requests from families for a book that could double as a 4-H Club manual for Longears should a child opt to make a mule or donkey their 4-H Club project. The complaint from 4-H leaders was that there were no manuals written specifically for Longears, and the kids would therefore not be allowed to have a mule or donkey as a project. Some areas modified their equine manuals and allowed mules as a project (no donkeys), but most areas just turned the kids down. It is the hope that 4-H clubs will adopt this book as their official 4-H Mule Project manual along with my other management and training materials. 4-H Club leaders can devise their own tests from the content.
Mules and donkeys, affectionate animals that they are possess a natural attraction to children and seem to want to cooperate with them even more than they do with adults, so it is not inordinate that they be included in the 4-H Club agenda.
This book was targeted for the kids, but also serves as a general manual for all beginners and a great reference for advanced horsemen alike. It is written simply so that it is easily understood as are all of my products. I can only hope that everyone can learn to love and appreciate their Longears as much as I do mine!
Mule Lovers of Colorado showed True Grit and perseverance in their acceptance to put on a mule show at the Colorado Classic Horse Show held in Denver on April 26, 1986. Notice of the invitation to show mules at the Classic was given only a month in advance. Still, these undaunted mule lovers were able to band together and put on an impressive show, despite the short notice. Over 40 mules were exhibited, with the proceeds going to the Colorado Heart Association. The mules were shown in the elite company of Arabian and Appaloosa horses. At the beginning of the show, the skepticism of the horse people was fairly apparent, but it wasn’t too long before their skepticism turned to awe and admiration. The mules were not what they had expected. They were clean, shiny and extremely well mannered. Mules made many new friends that day!
Much of what mules do today is a first for mules publicly, but they were able to claim a first in the equine world at the Colorado Classic. In the horse world in this country, one generally shows either English or Western, but the mule people have elected to open doors and accept many different riding styles in their shows via the Open Pleasure class. At the Colorado Classic, Sally McLean, astride her husband’s mule, Bucko exhibited the Australian mode of riding, complete with Australian clothing and tack. The man from Snowy River would have been proud and had he known mules a little better, he may have preferred using one in the film. His ride down the cliff would certainly have been more secure!
In spite of some chiding and jokes, these mule lovers put on a whale of a show, successfully turning heads for the overall favorable promotion of mules everywhere. They are to be duly congratulated. We would also like to thank those who were responsible for having enough faith in mules to have extended the invitation to participate in one of the largest horse shows in Colorado for the benefit of such a worthy charity. I can only hope that the future will bring many more mules!
Class 325: Mules up to 52” 3 years & over
1094 Miss Minnie Mae Sue Moore Cee Wolf, Littleton, Co
1082 Nutmeg Cindy Brink Zell Brink, Ft. Collins, Co.
1074 LJ Lee Schweizer Lee Schweizer, Larkspur, Co.
1081 Daffney Nicole Hinojosa Zell Brink, Ft. Collins, Co.
Class 327: Mules over 58” 3 year & over
1017 Rambling Rose Diane Walston Walston, Longmont, Co.
854 Mae Bea C.T Meredith Hodges M. Hodges, Loveland , Co.
1072 Maggie Danny Langston Danny Langston, Boulder,Co.
1080 Nifty Zell Brink Zell Brink, Ft. Collins, Co.
1063 Dummy Ruth Jarrett Larry Jarrett, Franktown, Co.
Class 331: Youth Showmanship
1096 Frijole‘s Dixie Belle Leslie Basque Sharon Anthony, Col, Springs, Co.
1062 Jill Crystal Nordyke Larry Jarrett, Franktown, Co.
Not all mules are fortunate enough to be raised so that they gain confidence and trust. These mules need to be approached as if they were young foals just beginning their training. To begin their training, you must first be able to catch them.
There is probably nothing more infuriating than having a mule that you can’t easily catch whenever you would like. The young mule that has been introduced to the halter at an early age can pose a problem, just like the mule that has had no halter training at all. The reasons for their evasive behavior and the intensity of resistance are different, however. The mule that has been handled will periodically attempt to assert his dominance over you with a playful yet evasive attitude, while the mule that has not been handled will react out of fear and suspicion. You can deal with both of these mules in the same manner to produce positive results, but the one reacting fearfully could become aggressive and potentially dangerous because he feels a need to protect himself from you. The one that has been handled will seldom be as aggressive. He may kick at you, but he probably won’t touch you intentionally because he has learned that this is bad manners. Be careful, because the fearful and aggressive mule will most likely connect with his target.
When a mule is being evasive, it is fairly obvious that his attention is not totally on you, and in order for him to be obedient, he must be attentive to you. If you have observed mares and foals, you have noticed the mare nuzzling, bumping and pushing her baby into obedience. As the foal matures, he learns the limits of his behavior from his dam, and sometimes she has to get pretty rough to get her point across. Once she does, however, the young mule learns to check his behavior with her at regular intervals. For instance, while curiously investigating, he will check the object, then his dam. His attention then returns to the object of his curiosity. It is this kind of attentiveness that you wish to cultivate in your mule. This can be accomplished with a relatively simple procedure. The only requirements in the game are patience and persistence.
First, put your mule into a reasonably small pen, preferably with square corners because this will give you more of an edge. If you are right handed, hold your halter and lead in your left hand and approach the mule from the side, toward the point of his shoulder. Never approach from directly in front or from behind, because he cannot see you clearly and you may frighten him. When he does move away from you, you want him to track to the right if you are right handed. If you are left-handed, the situation is reversed. Upon your approach, mentally record the distance between you and your mule when he begins to move away. This is his space, or safety zone. You will use this distance to herd him into a corner and allow him to stop.
When he does stop, he will be looking for a route of escape. He may push his head through the fence and lean, or he may just dash back and forth in the corner. Whatever he does, keep your distance and allow him to settle before moving to the next step. If you are in a round pen, a lot more back-and-forth walking (or running) will be required to get him to settle in one spot and is not advisable.
Next, with the halter in your left hand, take a step toward his right shoulder, holding your left arm out so that it discourages him from backing out of the situation. Extend your right hand toward his head and neck. If he does anything other than face you with his head (i.e., backs up kicking, bolts forward, etc.), stop out of kicking range, smack him once on the rump with the soft cotton lead rope and say, “Face me!” If you can’t keep him in the corner and he gets by you, just follow him and set up the same situation again, and then repeat the steps.
He will probably get nervous when you smack him. Take a step back and allow him his space so he can settle down—he cannot face you if he is truly frightened. Continue this procedure until he stands still and turns his head to you. Then reward him with a reassuring “Good mule!” and offer an oats reward. If he faces you with his head but his rear is still straight to you, lightly touch him a second time on his hip with the soft cotton lead rope to encourage him to move over. If he doesn’t move, touch him again a little harder until he complies.
Once he has learned to stop and face you, you can move in more closely (as described earlier), talking softly and offering more rewards. It will take a few times before he will allow you to touch him, so be very patient. When he does, stroke him first along his neck, and then slowly work your way up to his head. Keep your left arm holding the halter out far enough so that he will not back out of the situation.
Once he settles, bring the halter and lead rope around behind his rear and to his neck on the left side. Wrap the fingers of your left hand securely around the noseband of the halter and slip your right arm under and around your mule’s neck. Then step to the left side of your mule, just in front of his shoulder. Adjust your arms so that you can hold his nose with your left thumb and slip the noseband over the nose. He will probably try to jerk away, but this position will give you the best leverage. If he does manage to get away, smack him on the rump with the soft cotton lead rope once more and repeat the entire procedure.
While you are trying to get the halter on him, move calmly and quietly, and speak in reassuring tones. If he allows you to halter him, reward him with the oats reward and gentle strokes on his neck. This work in the smaller area does transmit to the larger areas—you have taught him to submit rather than flee when cornered. There may be days when he still makes you chase a little because he needs to maintain some self-esteem, and sometimes he may just be playful. He will not evade you for nearly as long, and it will be a lot easier to catch him. Just remember to give a lot of positive reinforcement for compliant behavior.
Miniature horses, donkeys and mules all have one thing in common; everyone else is taller than they are! That makes eye contact with the trainer very difficult if not impossible for them. As the saying goes, the eyes are the window to the soul so it is understandable that they would become anxious if they are unable to look into a person’s eyes to decide whether they are friend or foe. I have five miniature equines: a mini horse named Mirage, a mini mule named Franklin, a mini molly mule named Francis, and two mini donkeys named Augie and Spuds. To help them all succeed and thrive, I’ve structured my training program for them based on the same one I use for all of my other equines, with one important modification. With safety always as my first priority, I work with my minis from a lower position whenever it’s safe to do so. That way, I can make eye contact with them, and I make certain they are always lavishly rewarded with an oats reward for their compliance. The results have been amazing! I’ve received total cooperation from them almost all of the time.
None of my minis were born at my ranch, so I knew that they would each first need to explore their surroundings a little at a time, and would also need ample time to get used to my staff and me. Mirage, the miniature horse, was my first mini. It wasn’t long after I acquired him that I acquired Franklin, the mini mule, who quickly became Mirage’s buddy. Since both Mirage and Franklin had previous training and because minis seem to accept training more willingly when done with a partner, we did all of Mirage’s and Franklin’s groundwork lessons together and, true to form, they learned very quickly because they were allowed to be together.
Several years later I rescued Francis, a miniature molly mule that was about as schizophrenic as they get. We penned Francis next to Mirage and Franklin for several months before I even attempted to catch her and begin her lessons alongside Mirage and Franklin. Giving her ample time to explore her own pen and to realize this was to be her sanctuary did wonders for her attitude and, after two years of very low-key training, she was able to perform calmly when we were filming the groundwork segment for the DVD, Equus Revisited.
Wherever I went during their lessons, I led all three minis together, and Francis learned to relax and comply with my wishes. I allowed her plenty of time to settle into her new surroundings before I ever asked her to come with Mirage and Franklin to the work station for grooming. The first time I was able to make real eye contact with her was during a walk we took in the hayfield in the middle of the summer. I took all three minis out to the middle of the hayfield, sat down while holding all three lead ropes and we experienced our first “picnic” together. Francis thought I was pretty scary when I first sat down, but she relaxed when she saw that it didn’t phase Mirage or Franklin. Just like human children, all equines learn better when not isolated (taken away from their equine friends) and made to feel that they’re being punished. Keeping this in mind, I lunged all three minis together in the round pen and after lunging, I tied two of them outside of the round pen while I did individual lunging and ground-driving lessons with each one individually. Because of this slow, respectful training and keeping her with her friends while she learned, Francis has made remarkable progress over the years.
I think it is critically important that all equines have a space they can call their own—their personal oasis of comfort and privacy—so when I got my mini donkeys, Augie and Spuds, I decided that the first thing they would learn about was their living quarters or, as I like to call it, their “bedroom.”
When you go to your mini’s pen, politely stand by the gate and ask “permission” to enter by simply calling his or her name and then waiting for a response. Your mini will most likely come over to you and “invite” you in by showing curiosity and giving you a welcoming look. As you can guess, it is probably your fanny pack full of oats that is really attractive to them, but they will soon learn that you come with the oats so they will no doubt be happy to see you. This is the very first step in reward training.
Begin your relationship with your mini by having a “picnic” with him. Sit yourself down on the ground in the middle of his pen and start playing with a handful of oats while you wait for him to come to you. While you have your picnic in the pen, use just your hands for contact and make sure you have plenty of crimped oats (I use a fanny pack full of oats). Because picnics are supposed to be fun and not intimidating, allow your mini to come and go as he pleases within the confines of his pen. When he becomes confident about coming to you while you’re sitting down, reward him for coming over and interacting with you. Be prepared for the possibility of doing dozens of lessons like this—however long it takes for your mini to build trust in you and feel comfortable. As your relationship progresses, you may try picking up his feet and stroking his legs (which is a good way to prepare your mini for the farrier visits that will come later). There are no expectations and there is no pressure to do anything more…it’s just your mini and you and time for bonding.
When your mini is comfortable with you coming into his pen and interacting with him, the next step is to ask him to go into a bigger turnout area, where you should repeat the same simple lessons. Now that your mini can be loose in a larger space, ask him to come to join you for another picnic. After a few times, bring a hairbrush with you (It’s the most efficient brush to use on donkey hair).
When you sit down and he comes over for the picnic, show him the brush and let him inspect it, and then reward him for inspecting the brush. When you introduce the brush to his body, do so by first petting him, and then follow where your hand goes with the brush. This has a calming effect and also helps you to identify the more sensitive areas on his body. Always start with his neck, where there’s substantial fatty tissue and no real sensitive areas until you reach the shoulder. During this “playtime,” you can get your mini used to strange things by allowing him to wear your hat. This is an extension of the imprinting (touch) your mini should have received as a foal, only with a foreign object instead of your hands. Remember, imprinting is not just for foals at birth. It is the way you will continue to learn about how to touch your mini throughout his life and how you learn which areas are more sensitive than others. This sets the stage for how you gauge your approach when touching your mini both with your hands and with foreign objects such as grooming equipment and tack at all levels of training.
A halter doesn’t even come into play until after grooming in the pen is easily achieved and your mini will follow you to and from the pen without the halter. When it is time to introduce the halter, bring it with you into the pen for your picnic. Do the brushing and then show your mini the halter while you sit on the ground. When he sniffs the halter, he should be rewarded. Once he is unafraid of the halter, hold it on both sides of the noseband, feed your mini some oats, and then gently push the noseband of the halter over his nose and then take it off, rewarding him again. At this point you’ve got all kinds of oats in your lap and your mini’s got his head down, eating the oats, so when you put the noseband on again, just reach over his neck, grab the strap of his halter on the other side, bring it behind his ears and fasten it. If done correctly, this should not bother him. Then reward him with more oats, pet him as he complies and say, “Oh, how good is that?!” You can then take the halter off again and end the first lesson there.
Once your mini is used to having his halter put on, let him graze while supervised in a larger pasture area with his halter on while he drags the lead rope behind him. When you want him to walk away from you, simply stand up and let him go off on his own. After a few minutes, approach him again, grab the end of his lead rope and sit down again. You can give a little tug, say his name and ask him to “Come.” He should come easily when you gently tug on his lead rope. This action makes him look at you and think, “Oh, my human is sitting down again, so I’m going to come over and get more oats!” As he comes toward you, take up the slack on his approach. Once he comes to you easily, you can stand up and ask him to come while you’re standing up and reward him for it. And that’s how to teach a mini to follow you.
During your picnics, put on and take off the halter over several lessons and until he is completely calm before you try to halter your mini at the gate in preparation for leaving the pen. He must be willing to come while you are standing, and he should allow you to put on the halter at the gate using the same rewarding techniques as you use while sitting down. When he accepts the halter at the gate, the next task is to learn to properly lead through a gate and make your way to the work station for the first time. (See “Gate Training” in Part 1 of my DVD series, Equus Revisited.)
When grooming at the work station, start working your way around your animal from front to back, but ignore grooming his head for a while until he’s really comfortable with you. When you finally get to the head, you will have to change to a grooming tool called a dandy brush. First let him see and sniff the dandy brush, and then begin with the forehead. Brush upward toward his ears with the direction of the hair on his forehead and then, if he stands quietly, give him a reward. Don’t try to do his cheeks right away—give him time in the same grooming session to get used to the feel of the brush before you try to brush his cheeks, and make sure he sees the brush coming at him. Anything he sees too abruptly with his peripheral vision can potentially startle and spook him.
Breaking things down into little do-able steps seems like a long process in the beginning, but as your mini begins to understand the reasoning behind your approach, his reactions to tasks will become calmer, more automatic and more natural for him. When you allow your mini to learn to follow your lead without the halter in the beginning of each task, learning to follow you on the lead rope will be a lot easier for him, and when you finally move on to more specific tasks in training, he will oblige you much more willingly. In Part 2 of “Getting Down With Minis,” I will cover how to approach the tasks necessary for formal training.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. My name is Meredith Hodges, this is my husband, Gary, and my daughter, Dena. We own and operate the Lucky Three Mule Ranch in Loveland, where we raise and train high quality mules and donkeys. We have brought two mules with us today that will demonstrate some of the things that mules of today are doing. In the past, mules were used primarily for packing, pulling and farming. Our modern mules are doing much more. Using top quality mares in mule breeding has noticeably increased the capability of an otherwise maligned animal. The combination of the strength and intelligence of the jack and the athletic ability and beauty of the horse has produced a superior performer in the mule. Before we get on to the exhibition….
First, this morning, we would like to present Meredith, riding her 16.2 hand Quarter Horse mule, Lucky Three Sundowner, exhibiting the discipline of Dressage through a First Level Test! Sundowner has recently taken the step up to First Level after spending 18 months at Training Level, learning to travel in a cadenced, rhythmic, and balanced fashion. At first glance, this pattern may look rather simple and many of you might think, “Oh, that’s simple!” But I challenge you to actually get out and try to do this. You will find, as is the case with many things… that it is not as easy as it looks. Many hours of training have gone into this animal in order to make this mule look as smooth, balanced, and rhythmic as he is. Though he is under the rider’s direct control, he must appear that he is doing of his own accord.
Coming up the centerline, the animal should reflect straightness and smoothness of gait with a respectful halt and salute to the judge at the center of the arena. The object of Dressage is the harmonious development of the physique and ability of the equine. As a result, it makes the equine calm, supple, loose, and flexible, but also confident, attentive, and keen, thus achieving perfect understanding with his rider.
As Sundowner moves across the diagonal, he is asked to lengthen his stride and proceed with more determination and energy, then return to the sitting trot submissively and calmly. Mules have a very strong flight reflex and it is only through an understanding between mule and rider that this type of movement can be achieved smoothly. A mule is capable of running through any bit known to man, so it is pointless to try to force this kind of submission. It must come slowly through meticulous training and practice.
A halt for five seconds followed by a walk across the diagonal on a loose rein shows the judge that this animal is indeed relaxed and responsive to his rider’s commands, and that there exists a true repose between them. Mules are quite intelligent and can memorize patterns very quickly. For this reason, the patterns themselves are not trained in. Lucky Three Sundowner won the title in 1984 for World Champion Bridle-Reined mule as a four year old, but it has only been recently through his Dressage training that he has become submissive and genuinely willing to comply.
Next into the arena we have Meredith driving Lucky Three Mae Bea C.T., a 15 HH molly mule. Driving used to be a matter of necessity rather than pleasure. There was not much need to have the animal do much more than go forward at all three gaits, with the trot being most prevalent, and to back and turn. Mules today are being taught to drive with finesse through training in Dressage. Driving classes that are offered in the shows include Pleasure Driving, Obstacle Driving, Drive & Ride, and Cross Country. All of these classes require a good communication and understanding between mule and driver.
As in Dressage under saddle, the mule learns to go forward with a free and relaxed stride, responsive to control through the reins and whip. Moving in a balanced frame allows the mule to be responsive to any change in gait or direction. The Dressage driving mule is able to bend in the shafts to follow the arc of a circle around turns. This type of driving takes many hours of meticulous training, but will result in a happy calm, quiet, obedient individual.
When the mule is in balance, he is comfortable with his own body and better able to cope with outside distractions or stress. He is better able to stay quiet enough to work his way through tight obstacles and is ultimately able to move each foot at the request of his driver.
Mae Bea C.T. currently holds the Reserve World Champion Driving Mule title and has for two years. She is only six years old, and as a three year old held the World Champion title for Green Driving. In addition to driving, Mae Bea C.T. has captured over 25 titles in Halter, Western Pleasure, English Pleasure, and Reining. She is currently working at Training Level Dressage and Jumping. She is really quite extraordinary in her accomplishments at such a young age.
At the beginning of this demonstration, I talked a little about those of us who wish to improve on our equestrian skills, but who is more important than our young people!? My daughter, Dena, is riding Mae Bea C.T. today to let you know that there are young people out there who also prefer mules.
Dena will first show you a demonstration of Training Level Test 1 in Dressage. The test itself looks simple enough, but I must again tell you there is more to it than meets the eye. At Training Level, the animal is expected to learn to move forward in a free and cadenced fashion. The movements are kept simple to allow the rider to work on such things as forward motion, cadence, rhythm, and directional changes. The animal learns to circle properly, in an upright position, and begins to learn submissiveness to the bit. By not throwing too many things at the animal all at once, we are allowed to work on these things in a natural progression that will facilitate an obedient, free-moving, and calm animal. As the training becomes the animal, the animal itself becomes a more dependable and pleasurable mount.
Jumping is definitely one of the mules’ fortes. The muscling on a mule is equivalent to that of a ballet dancer, and he is so nimble, he can jump over his head from a standstill! Training mules to jump in a smooth fashion must be trained in just as in horses. Many years ago, a mule named Hambone out-jumped every horse in this country. It was at that time that mules were banned from the A.H.S.A. competitions. I would imagine that there were some folks’ egos who just couldn’t take it… being out-jumped by an animal that was supposed to be used for farming and such… but today, it is really not the case anymore. Mules are being trained properly and are exhibiting some incredible skills. Because of the difficulty in training the mules, equestrians who ride mules are faced with a real challenge and should be congratulated for their efforts. We are all keepers of the art. I hope that by letting you see a little of what they can do here today, that some of the old sayings about mules can be put to rest and in its place, arise tolerance and support of a truly marvelous and versatile animal! Thank you very much and good luck with your show.
“You have to be crazy to draw mules!” At least that was a popular opinion, but one Bonnie Shields chose to ignore. “I love mules. That’s why I draw ‘em.” It’s as simple as that. Born and raised in Southern Indiana, Bonnie wasn’t around mules until she moved to Tennessee in 1965. But, the meeting has proven to be remarkable. A longstanding member of the Cowboy Cartoonists Association, her wide variety of “mule art” can be viewed at numerous venues: mule and draft horse shows, Western arts and crafts shows, Western trade shows and on the internet at her website at www.Bonnieshields.com. Her talents include drawing, painting and sculpture. She has done a wide variety from ink drawings to acrylic painting to bronze sculpture, from commissioned work to originals, all revering the mule. She has also written a multitude of articles for such publications as The Brayer, a bimonthly publication put out by the American Donkey & Mule Society, Mules and More Magazine, Western Mule Magazine and the Bishop Mule Days program.
Bonnie Shields has been my friend and illustrator for over forty years! I became a fan even before I met her when I bought one of her many mule-team portraits. I truly admired her attention to detail. Even animals are as different in their faces and bodies as we are, and she captures those details with artistic precision! Instantly, I became an avid and devoted fan of all things Bonnie Shields! I was completely thrilled when we actually encountered each other with this common bond at Bishop Mule Days in 1981! A happier, funnier, kinder person that anyone could ever meet…that was Bonnie Shields! Two women, intensively afflicted with terminal “Mule Fever,” THOSE were Bonnie Shields and Meredith Hodges! Our friendship was instant and has been a long-lasting journey, and a legacy of loving Longears!
Bonnie Shields’ art is diverse and completely enrapturing. In the numerous portraits she does, you can really tell just who you are looking at whether it is mules, other animals or human “characters!” Her love and attention to detail is in every piece of her art whatever the medium she chooses: illustrations, sculpture, water colors, acrylic paintings or pencil drawings. Her sculpture is always anatomically correct. I commissioned Bonnie to do two life-sized pieces of bronze sculpture for me. The first was of my Sire Supreme, Little Jack Horner, jumping over a four-foot brick wall. The piece was dubbed “A Leap of Faith” because he had to have faith in me and I had to have faith in him that a donkey could actually accomplish this daring feat. During JASPER CELEBRATION DAY in 2005, when we launched our Jasper The Mule children’s book series, this life-sized bronze was the first piece of life-sized sculpture to grace the grounds in the South Park of the LOVELAND LONGEARS MUSEUM & SCULPTURE PARK at the Lucky Three Ranch!
Bonnie’s second contribution to the LOVELAND LONGEARS MUSEUM & SCULPTURE PARK at Lucky Three Ranch, titled “Friends,” was a depiction of the three main characters in the Jasper the Mule children’s series: Kylie, Moxie and Jasper. This sculpture was strategically placed at the entrance to the North Barn where the Champion Mules of the Lucky Three Ranch were housed. The people on our tours are always captivated, and smile broadly, when they spot these animated characters exhibited in bronze! Bonnie was my illustrator for the Jasper the Mule series, so we both did a book signing tour together for the launch of the first book that included: Nashville, Dallas (Children’s Hospital and several TV & Radio appearances, and book signings), National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Those were exciting times!
Bonnie’s sense of humor is unique and infectious! Mules and More Magazinepublished her stories, mostly involving mules and their appearance in history with their human counterparts. They were always lively and entertaining! What is certain to end in disaster, usually takes you on a long journey that ultimately results in compromise and wide grins. Of course, this is what living with Longears is all about. Either you have a good sense of humor and enjoy the ride, or you DON’T. If you don’t, the joke’s on you! With each individual mule owner, the stories are different, but our introductions to Longears are basically the same. Most humans are not always ready for the pranks of their mules and donkeys! This is the source of Bonnie’s amazing sense of humor with her numerous cartoons and whimsical paintings. Bonnie did a classic painting just for me titled, “I Don’t Know…Maybe I’m Overorganized!” She sure knows me well! Even her way of spelling words adds to the charm of her work. For instance, “sure,” she spells “shure!” My mother once told me I should help her with her spelling. I told her that even Bonnie’s spelling was unique about Bonnie! It is all about “Artistic License!” Then my mother asked if she ever got dressed up when she went OUT? I replied, “Of course! She wears her WHITE overalls for those kinds of events! She DID get some pretty snazzy BLACK overalls from the Draft Horse Club for ‘Black Tie’ events!”
Many of Bonnie’s humorous paintings are a mixture of adverse situations, general chaos and the humor that is found in lieu of anger in her Western montages. At a loss for words, there is nothing you can do but stare and then quietly giggle to yourself! Her rendition of Caboose, Kansas, titled “PEW,” is one of those that could engage you for HOURS! It is one of many works of art that we proudly display at the LOVELAND LONGEARS MUSEUM & SCULPTURE PARK at Lucky Three Ranch! As her biggest fan, my Bonnie Shields Gallery is quite extensive!
Bonnie’s art is diverse, widespread and is on display in a vast number of mediums. She has numerous ceramic statues, small bronzes, painted wooden statues and painted bronzes. During her career, she has attended a wide variety of Trade Shows across our country to display and sell T-shirts, greeting cards, calendars, jewelry, originals, prints and books that she has illustrated. Although Bonnie is now limiting attendance to only her favorite trade shows close to home, she is still getting requests to illustrate books and do interviews about her work. Bonnie has illustrated numerous books from a lot of different authors over her 50+ year career. Even the more serious books still have a “tinge” of humor and are certainly not without “character!” She and I have always been fans of author, Marguerite Henry (Misty of Chincoteague Treasury and much more). As a last request before she passed, Marguerite Henry asked Bonnie to illustrate her last book, Brown Sunshine of Sawdust Valley. This wonderful opportunity really touched Bonnie’s heart! This book will live on as one of her greatest accomplishments.
A lovely coffee table book, produced by Lucky Three Productions, L.L.C., is the most complete collection on record of Bonnie’s numerous artistic accomplishments. Longears lover or not, you will be amazed at the expansive diversity of her work and you will be amply entertained by her unmatched sense of humor! This is a MUST HAVE for any library!
It has been both an honor and a privilege to be asked to do this coffee table book all about my best friend, Bonnie Shields, the Tennessee Mule Artist! I am so glad that I kept everything she ever gave to me over the years and acquired such an extensive collection of her work. Doing this book to immortalize the career of my favorite half-assed artist was truly a labor of LOVE! She really DOES have a Legacy of Loving Longears!
Most of the world’s calendars begin with New Year’s, but a mule lover’s calendar begins and ends with Bishop Mule Days held in Bishop, California, over Memorial Day weekend each year. This year marked the 17th Annual Mule Days Celebration with over 600 mules participating in everything from the parade to packing to steer roping and jumping. But Bishop Mule Days is more than just a mule show. It is an annual rendezvous of mule lovers from all over the world. It is an opportunity for these people to come together, exchange ideas, demonstrate their talents and pay their respects to the one animal most responsible for the building of this great country of ours – the mule!
Just as the mule has suffered great injustice to his character throughout the ages, so have his admirers and advocates. Stories and rumors have repeatedly portrayed the mule as an unattractive, stubborn creature, but modern day mule lovers have found that these rumors are simply not true. Fast breaking and gross impatience are probably the underlying reasons for such ignorant remarks. Mule lovers today are doing their level best to educate the general public about the true nature of the mule. The simple fact is that he’s generally better than the horse out of which he came, and much more personable!
It is said that hardship builds character and this is quite evident as you experience those around you at Bishop Mule Days. Despite chiding and jokes, mule lovers hold their heads high, yet they are humble. They are constantly insulted, yet ready to give assistance any time their assistance is needed. Above all, they give their hearts for the love of mules. You will never meet a nicer group of people. Several times champion mule Leading Lady, tied for World Champion Performance mule with Jord Ass Jean. “Leading Lady” was owned by Cliff Rich of Amarillo, Texas. Word got out that Cliff’s birthday was over Memorial Day weekend, so in the spirit of mule days, Cliff Rich was given a Happy Birthday party. We hope you enjoyed it, Cliff! Our congratulations to both you and your lovely “Leading Lady.”
The hard work and dedication of the owners, Dr. Robert and Debbie Miller and trainer of “Jord Ass Jean” was also quite apparent; she exhibited the grace and agility of a truly fine animal. Congratulations on tying for World Champion Performance Mule! It was well earned. Not to be outdone by horseracing, mule-racing fans cheered the victory of Cajun Queen, owned by J.P. Rogers, as the World Champion Running Mule. She was indeed a queen! Demonstrating speed and skill, the World Champion Packer was awarded to Tony Holdridge of the Red’s Meadows Pack Outfit. He did it so smoothly! The best for the best – good mules need a good farrier and Lee Green was where it’s at! Congratulations to our World Champion Farrier! Is it that wonderfully loud shirt, or was it the mule? Congratulations to Johnny Enos and Poco Streak, the 1986 World Champion Working Mule!
As more people are educated about mules, we see more participants in Bishop Mule Days. Ordinarily Bishop is a town of only 4000 people, but streets were lined with 50,000 spectators for the Mule Days Parade, the largest non-motorized parade in the world. In 1986, the parade consisted of 240 entries. Among those entries were real diehards such as the Vision Quest Wagon Train and Tindell Wagon Train. Both wagon trains travelled over 300 miles to take part in the Bishop Mule Days Celebration. The impressions they left along the way will probably go down in history. Once arrived, the young adults from Vision Quest gave us an extra-special treat with their multi-talented marching drill team. Our deepest thanks for their special contribution!
“Mule Fever” has finally reached Hollywood! Producers Skip Stephenson and directors from Dix Country Pictures joined thousands to celebrate Bishop Mule Days. They were searching for a mule to star in their new film, “Hey, Mule!” The choice could not have been an easy one, with over 600 mules from which to choose.
Sunday afternoon, Wadi, an Appaloosa mule, was chosen for the part. Congratulations, Wadi! In addition, Dix Country Pictures will also be putting together a documentary about the Bishop Mule Days Celebration. With their enthusiastic help, we should be able to reach more people than ever in praise of mules! In addition to the actual mule show, special events and people are an important part of Bishop Mule Days. The Governor of California, George Deukmejian participated in the parade and later held a press conference. Ted Dawson, award-winning sportscaster for KABC-PV Los Angeles, was honored as Grand Marshall for the Bishop Mule Days Parade. Struck with “Mule Fever,” enthusiastic Ted also participated in many mule events, with his memorable performance being in the musical tires class. Surely, it is a time he will never forget…and neither will we! Semi-truck pulls, steer packing, large hitch demonstrations, and races with eight to ten mules per wagon were just a few of many special events enjoyed by spectators that year.
All the way from Colorado, the Coors Belgian Hitch gave several impressive performances during the weekend show. Under the steady hand of Jim Hilgendorf, the Belgians exhibited an awesome display of power and grace. Monty Montana, 1978 Grand Marshall of the Mule Days Parade, returned to tantalize the crowd with his intricate rope tricks and trick riding, a wonderful contribution to Mule Days. Even the United States Armed Forces were represented at Bishop Mule Days – two were from the Mountain Warfare Training Center. Rumor has it that mules will still be replacing some modes of transportation in the more mountainous regions. The overall feeling is that mules would be more practical and economical for this type of use.
Each year, before the Saturday and Sunday evening performances, a very special lady, Nita Vick makes her contribution to Bishop Mule Days. Affectionately known as “Sarge,” she takes rookie volunteers and shapes them into the Bishop Mule Days Drill Team. No one would know from the actual performances that this team had the absolute minimum practice time, only one hour of practice before the performance on Saturday and only one hour before practice on Sunday! Their performance “Under the Flags” is a sight to see!
Tori Thompson, famed artist of animal portraits and editor of the “Mules” newsletter, is correct in saying that Bishop Mule Days is the most important American Association Show – it appeals to everyone in some way. Western cuisine, Western art shows and Western dances add to the overall picture of Bishop Mule Days. Fiddlers across America rosin up their bows for the Mule Days Fiddling Contest. As they wandered the grounds serenading the crowds, they were joined in harmony by singing donkeys and mules, and dancing exhibitions and spectators. A fun time was had by all! Bishop Mule Days is more than just a mule show. The area around Bishop is filled with mountain lakes and streams and offers backpacking and hiking, fishing, swimming and even skiing. Couple this with unique and spectacular entertainment and you have the opportunity for the time of your life! Memorial Day weekend is the beginning of the year for these maligned animals and the unique people who love them!
Bonnie Shields, Meredith Hodges and Jasper enjoyed yet another successful year at Bishop Mule Days! If you love Longears and you’ve never been, you need to experience the largest mule show in the world! Over 700 mules compete in 181 classes…everything from Dressage to cattle classes. It is truly a site to behold!
Bishop Mule Days began as a packer’s rendezvous and some things never change. Old friends and new congregate for a week of fun and frolic with Longears! Newt Elsdon is living proof that no matter how old, this 90+ year old man is still willing to make the trek to see family and friends each year…and one of his favorite friends is Jasper the Mule!!
Jasper, Bonnie Shields leading “half-ass” Tennessee Mule artist and Meredith Hodges once again rode on the Priefert wagon from Texas in the Bishop Mule Days parade on Saturday pulled by six gorgeous Percheron draft horses that they call Rolling Thunder!
This year’s Grand Marshall was producer of RFD-TV’s Beyond Rodeo and Country Western singer Susie Dobbs. Video Mike filmed her interview with Bonnie and Meredith on Thursday morning and on Thursday evening her band opened the concert with the famous Lonestar band! Ask anyone who’s been…there’s nothing like Bishop Mule Days!
There is a lot more to the Bishop Mule Days World Championships than one might expect. Bishop Mule Days is not just a Memorial Day Weekend event. It’s a cultural experience! Located in the scenic Eastern High Sierras, the city of Bishop hosts not only the largest mule and donkey show in the world, but encourages artists and craftsmen from all over the world to come together for nearly a week in celebration of the human values we all hold dear – friendship, respect, happiness, appreciation, and love of the wondrous gifts of life! The mule has been the catalyst for bringing all these special people together in an exhilarating celebration of life’s best efforts.
Over 600 mules competed in more than 100 different events, including packing scrambles, English and Western classes and games, mule shoeing and comedy and specialty acts. As mules have progressed in their unique abilities, the art of Dressage has been added to the agenda. Lucky Three Sundowner of the Lucky Three Ranch in Loveland, Colorado, was invited to exhibit his grace and ability toward dance in an exhibition during the Sunday afternoon performance. He was the highest level Dressage mule to perform at Bishop this year. Lucky Three Mae Bea C.T. preceded the exhibition by winning the Mule Jumping class with no faults!
Many of the English, Western and Driving classes are held Thursday and Friday before the main weekend. Then on Saturday morning the weekend show opens with the world’s largest non-motorized parade, comprised of hundreds of mules and horses in pack strings, hauling loads and riders on a two-mile trek down Bishop’s Main Street. Thousands of fans line the streets with cameras and videos to capture this once in a lifetime extraordinary parade! Each year, Bob Talmadge exhibits his latest creation in hoof-pusher vehicles. This year it was a shocking pink golf cart, complete with canopy. The cart was pushed by Old Man Rivers and rolled down the street carrying “The Farmer,” Bob Talmadge, and “The Farmer’s Daughter,” Dena Hodges.
During the Saturday and Sunday performances, Bobby Tanner and friends reenacted the old 20-mule team hitch exhibition with mules that had only been hitched together since the preceding Monday afternoon! Such skill and Mulemanship is a sight to see…for sure! Another skillful performance was demonstrated by the Bishop Mule Days Drill Team comprised of exhibitors who practiced only once before each performance over the weekend under the strict and skillful command of Nita Vick, fondly known as “Sarge.” Pack scrambles, chariot races and comedy packing kept the audience in suspense and stitches with their wild and crazy antics. Rodeo announcer Bob Tallman added still more fun and excitement to the weekend events with his outlandish quips and stories. Other highlights included the Country Western dances on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, preceded on Thursday night by hit songwriter Michael Martin Murphy, who captured the audiences with hit tunes from past, present, and future recording albums. Western artists, craftsmen and salesmen displayed their wares throughout the weekend with a wide variety of items and art from past to present day. Bishop merchants store windows were painted in celebration of “Mules” and mule memorabilia could be found everywhere!
The mule and donkey exhibitors did a remarkable job in showing all the things that Longears are capable of doing! We truly have a lot of very gifted and talented people in our industry and everyone there played an important role in the success of the entire show. They are all to be congratulated for their efforts! We proudly honor this year’s World Champions:
Dolly Barton Vince Silverman Norco, Ca.
Kitty’s Maybelline Pat Mitchell Sun Valley, Ca.
Clementine Walter Nunn Brookshire, Tx.
Judy Tucker Slender Arcadia, Ca.
Empress Josephine Lou Moore Templeton, Ca.
Dolly Barton Vince Silverman Norco, Ca.
Miss Kitty T Von Twitchell Marysville, Ca.
Booger’s Chiquita Jerry Villanes Coffeeville, Ks.
Loretta Lynn Mayfield & Long Phoenix, Arizona
Cajun Queen Neil Stewart Las Vegas, Nev.
Sissy Bars Bill Krol Phoenix, Ar.
Asstounding Betay Paullada Tarzana, Ca.
Lisa B. Jiggs Danielle Tallon Bakersfield, Ca.
Trissy’s Juliette Pat Mitchell Sun Valley, Ca.
Ima Kisha Ben Strickland Aguanga, Ca.
K.T.’s Elvira Tom Stokes Nampa, Id.
Jim Brumfield Bishop, Ca.
John Kaede Bishop, Ca.
Mark Paine Bishop, Ca.
Porter Green Yucapa, Ca.
Rock Creek Pack Station Bishop, Ca.
San Joaquin Back Country Women Clovis, Ca.
George Lane Lancaster, Ca.
Ruth Jacobsen Cayucos, Ca.
Rooster Geraldine Hickman San Diego, Ca.
Sunrise Rio Kathy Dusart Colfax, Ca.
Rick Meyerhoff Mammoth lakes
Jim Buckman Wickenburg, Ar.
Al Baptista Turlock, Ca.
Each year, thousands of mule lovers, spectators, and exhibitors flock together in Bishop to renew the values and friendships upon which our entire industry is based. Each contributes his own special talents to this unique and unusual affair. Mule Fever runs rampant and each year this culture of friends and acquaintances grows. Thank you all for your part in this gala event and a special thanks to the city of Bishop for their warm reception of such a grand and overwhelming show. A special thanks to Carl Lind and the other Mule Days committee members who have made this all possible: Bobby Tanner, Emily Braffet, Roger Rogers, Denton Sonke, Bob Tanner, Danny Wells, Sam Dean, Ross Corner, Robert Collins, Sue Hill, Martha Miklaucic, Candy Nitschke, Newt Elsdon, Esther Atkinson, Jack Gustafson, Randy Van Tassell, Chris Van Tassell, Ned Londo, Kathy Dugas, Margaret Strong, and Bob Rowe. It takes an enormous amount of courage, consideration, and hard work to put on an event such as this, and these folks have really done an extraordinary job! Thank you for not only a job well done, but a job done with kindness, consideration, and dedication! We salute you! You have made our World Championship at Bishop more than just a show. You have made it a wonderfully rewarding and fulfilling cultural life experience!
As the last signs of winter fade, giving way to the fresh breath of spring, the little town of Bishop —centrally located in the eastern High Sierra Recreation Area of California—began preparation for its 16th Annual Mule Days Celebration. With a population of over 1000 mules in the area, Bishop had been designated the Mule Capital of the World. Townspeople, volunteers, participants and spectators join together in a mutual effort to help Bishop host the largest mule show in the world. The fever of spring runs doubly hot for mule enthusiasts everywhere as they dream of this annual marvelous long weekend to come. And this year, as every year, promised to provide the best show ever!
Bishop Mule Days always has something for everyone. Mule lovers, their friends and family can enjoy fine Western cuisine, games, dancing and good conversation in addition to the show itself. The celebration is kicked off by three mule shows on Friday—there were over 90 different classes and events for competitors. They included: Pleasure classes, Reining classes, Trail, Musical Tires, Barrel Racing and Pole Bending. Also, Jumping, Cattle Penning, Steer Stopping, Team Roping, and a Balloon Bust. For the packers: Pack Train classes, Packing contests, Box Hitch and Diamond Hitch packing contests (pro and non-pro), Team Packing and the Team Packing Scramble, which you must see to believe!
There are Halter classes, Pulling, Driving classes and for you race fans—Chariot Races, Flat Track races, and yes, even a Backwards Race! There are Braying Contests for those who prefer to rabble than ride and a Shoeing Contest for our renowned farriers! Several new events had been added to increase the desirability of the show.
There was an Individual Packing Scramble for those wild and wooly mountain men or women who preferred to “go it light,” Western Saddle Races for those who wouldn’t be caught dead sitting on a postage stamp, and Forging and Hot Shoeing for our more artistic farriers. All these events and more were narrated by the “Man with the Magic Voice,” Bob Tallman from Reno, Nevada. He is one of many extra-special people who participated in this year’s Mule Days Celebration.
Bishop Mule Days 1985 was also graced with the royal presence of Sonnette, a beautiful nine-month-old Poitou donkey recently imported from France and her equally rare companion Savane, a Mulassier Draft Horse filly. The Poitou donkey is the most unusual and famous donkey ever bred, whose ancestry can be traced back to the French archives as early as 1121. The breed has been protected by the French government and has remained pure for 300 years. Sonnette was one of only 60 Poitou donkeys in existence in 1985 and the only one of her kind in the United States. Her companion Savane was one of an estimated 150 Mulassiers in existence in 1985 and the only one of her kind in the United States. Mulassiers are a powerful draft horse used exclusively to breed with the Poitou ass to produce the Poitou mule, that has been extensively used in agriculture in France for hundreds of years. Seeing these two extremely rare animals was a very special treat indeed!
Following the mule shows on Friday and Saturday, mule enthusiasts were able to warm up their “Mule Days Spirit” and dance the night away to the sounds of Monte Mills and his Horseshoe Band. On Saturday morning, we were hoping this year’s Mule Days Parade would be honored with the presence of California Governor George Deukmejian as Grand Marshall.
So as we approached the bicentennial of the first jacks to set foot on American soil, we did not wait until October to make this year a special one for our Longeared friends. We began the year by kicking up our heels at the largest mule show in the world, in the Mule Capital of the World, Bishop, California, Memorial Day weekend, May 24-27, 1985!