Another Augie and Spuds Adventure: Working with Chasity! 8-4-20


“Are you ready for another adventure, Augie?!”

“Yeah, Spuds! What do you suppose we are doing today?”

“I’m not sure, Augie, but it must have something to do with those two big donkeys behind us! MMMM…oats!”

“What? We are being tied OUTSIDE the Round Pen, Augie?!”

“Guess so, Spuds! Oh, look…the big donkeys!”

“Hi! I’m Wrangler and this is Chasity! You’ll have your turn to lunge when we get done! Here’s how we do it!”

“He acted like we didn’t know what to do, Spuds!”

“Yeah, Augie! I think he was just showing off to his girlfriend!”

“Now she is adjusting my ‘Elbow Pull,’ Wrangler!”

“Do you think he heard you, Augie!”   “I hope so, Spuds!”

“Now we can show him how it’s done, Spuds!”

“And, how WE can even do it in sync, Augie!”

“Yeah! We’ve been doing it longer than he has…and we’re a team…even at the halt, eh Spuds?!”

“We can stay together no matter which way we go, right Spuds?”

“Did you see that, Wrangler?!”

“Hey, Spuds, nice ground driving!”

“Not bad yourself, Augie!”

“Hey, what’s this…a pretty girl, Spuds!”

“Guess she wants to lead, so we’ll let her, eh Augie?!”

“This is awesome, Augie, but can’t I be behind her for a while?!”

“Go ahead, Spuds! Knock yourself out!”

“That was really fun!! Isn’t she just beautiful, Augie?!”

“Hmmmmm…oh yeah, Spuds!!!”

To learn more about Meredith Hodges and her comprehensive all-breed equine training program, visit or call 1-800-816-7566. Check out her children’s website at Also, find Meredith on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

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