MULE CROSSING: National Western Stock Show 1988

By Meredith Hodges

The National Western Stock Show Donkey & Mule Show held in Denver, January 22-25, 1988, proved without a doubt, that Longears are definitely becoming more popular with equine lovers all the time. There are many new faces appearing in the classes and the caliber of the mules shown has improved considerably. The newly-added Green Western Pleasure class showed eight entries, all quite well-behaved mules!

I admit that I was somewhat concerned about mule show attendance this year, because some of our “Old Reliables” could not be present: Kimberly Nordyke of the Circle Bar N Ranch in Bennett, one of our youth riders, departed as an exchange student to Australia over the weekend of the show, but she will soon return with tales of Australian donkeys and mules to share. Kim and her family did attend the National Western Stock Show on Friday to bid us all a fond farewell. Have a wonderful time, Kim, we’ll miss you!

Although we missed the Bitterroot Mule Company’s entries this year, I would like to congratulate Larry and Fran Howe on their first grandchild… it’s a girl! Another mule lover, perhaps?! Due to our participation in the Rose Parade this year, the Lucky Three Ranch did not show “en masse” at the National Western Stock Show. We retired Little Jack Horner from the Halter classes and will only be showing him in performance henceforth. He has proven himself a superior stud already and it was nice to see a whole new crop of jacks showing. Although we did not show in any halter classes at National Western Stock Show, L.T.R. did trailer down for the performance classes each day. I apologize to those of you who spent time looking all over for us!

If they had been giving a trophy for High Point Performance Mule, Rambling Rose would certainly have sewn it up with her spectacular series of first places in Ranch Riding, Sidesaddle, Drive & Ride, Youth Pleasure (14-17), and Youth Pleasure (13 and under). Congratulations on a splendid job of showing to all of you at Mountain Shadow Mules in Longmont! Congratulations to Bill and Evelyn Blair of Longmont for winning Grand Champion Model Mule with their lovely Two Eyed Bunny, and to Reserve Champion Model Mule, Cody owned by Gale Fortney of Colorado Springs! Congratulations to Ann Green-Rankine and Scott’s Gallant Eagle, this year’s Grand Champion Model Donkey and to Oliver Toole’s, Red Boy, Reserve Grand Champion Model Donkey! Have a successful breeding season, jack owners!

With the National Western Stock Show under our belts, we’re all heading home for a couple of month’s work, but the mules and donkeys will be back at the Denver National Western Complex in April when they will be participating in the Heart Fund Colorado Horse Show. Plan to attend and show your support of these wonderful, beautiful Longears!

To learn more about Meredith Hodges and her comprehensive all-breed equine training program, visit, MEREDITH HODGES PUBLIC FIGURE Facebook page, or call 1-800-816-7566. Check out her children’s website at Also, find Meredith on Pinterest, Instagram, MeWe, YouTube and Twitter.


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