RED ALERT: Wild Horse Abuse By Fed’l Contractors Caught On Camera

The following is from the American Wild Horse Campaign:

Almost two weeks ago, we released graphic footage, taken by our humane observer, that showed a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) contractor kicking and punching a collapsed wild horse during the Blue Wing Complex roundup.

In response to this shocking and cruel abuse, we called on our herd of advocates and wild horse allies to sign a petition demanding that the BLM hold these contractors criminally responsible for violating the Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971. Our goal was to collect 20,000 signatures to show the BLM that this type of abuse cannot be tolerated.

However, as of right now we are only half-way to our goal. 

Hitting this signature goal is critical to ensuring that these contractors face accountability for their actions against the innocent Blue Wing wild horses. Can you please take a moment to sign our petition so we can bring these contractors to justice?

The actions of this contractor is a dark mark on the BLM. And it’s past time for a line to be drawn and decisive action taken. We are pursuing action through the office of the Inspector General by filing an official complaint, but we need your help to keep the pressure on and not let this horse’s horrific story be forgotten.


Thank you,


——– Forwarded message ——-
From: Team AWHC <>
Date: July 30, 2024 at 5:52 PM CDT
Subject: RED ALERT: Wild Horse Abuse By Fed’l Contractors Caught On Camera
To: <>

Our humane observers recently documented extreme abuse during the Blue Wing Complex wild horse roundup. Our footage shows contractors repeatedly kicking a collapsed wild horse in the head. The horse is one of over 1,700 wild horses and burros targeted for removal from Nevada’s Blue Wing Complex as part of the BLM’s mass summer roundup campaign.


The ongoing Blue Wing Complex roundup has been conducted under punishing conditions, amidst two prolonged heat waves and poor air quality due to wildfires in the area. An astounding  39 horses have so far died during the roundup. The causes of death include:

  • Traumatic injuries such as broken necks and blunt-force trauma
  • Three animals arriving at the holding corrals dead on the trailer after transport from the roundup site.
  • Non-life-threatening conditions like arthritis and clubbed feet for which the BLM routinely euthanizes animals.

AWHC immediately lept into action and filed a formal complaint regarding this horrific act of violence, calling for immediate investigation into the abuse, which rises to a level of criminal conduct under the Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 and is punishable by a fine of up to $2,000 one year in jail or both.

Now we need your help. Can you please sign on to our petition calling for the BLM to hold these contractors criminally responsible for the abuse inflicted upon the Blue Wing Complex wild horses? We’ve set an ambitious goal of getting 20,000 signers to show the BLM that this type of treatment is unacceptable. Please sign on now.