SYALER eNewsletter
The following is from Save Your Ass Long Ear Rescue:
Dear SYALER friends,
It’s another cold one today but I am feeling very grateful… I’m not living on Mt. Washington, in Northern NH where the temperature was MINUS 78 degrees this morning!!! I’m also very grateful for all our wonderful supporters who have already helped us get closer to our end of the year fund raising goal of $35,000.
I’m writing to encourage any of you reading this who have not yet made a donation to please do what you can to help. Reach underneath those couch cushions and send what you find! Every bit really does make a difference. Our supporters are the best. I have become friends with so many who have adopted from us, who donate to us and even those who just call for advice in dealing with issues they may be having with their donkey or mule. Making these friends is a huge bonus of the job.
We currently have one, fantastic, full time paid employee. But we have reached the point in our growth that in order to sustain the level of care the animals require and deserve, another part time employee is needed. With the new tax laws taking effect donation write offs will be subject to change. So NOW is the time!
Every penny we receive goes toward the care of the animals. Again, I am very, very grateful for the funds raised thus far. Please, on this last day of the year, do whatever you can do to help us continue our mission.
I wish everyone all good things in the coming year. May we see more peace, love, and kindness toward each other as well as our animal friends.
President & Shelter Manager