We’re Fighting for Transparency — Can You Help?

The following is from the American Wild Horse Campaign:

The investigative work we do at the American Wild Horse Conservation (AWHC) represents some of the most impactful action we take for our nation’s iconic wild herds. A critical component of that work includes our ongoing efforts to file Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests uncovering the fate of captured horses and burros. This wouldn’t be possible without your support. As we enter the final stretch of summer and fall roundups, will you rush a donation to fuel our investigative work through the end of the year?


Every time the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) conducts a roundup, we get to work filing FOIA requests to shine a light on what’s really happening to wild horses and burros after they have been ripped from their habitats. The BLM often reports low death rates during these operations, but our investigations have uncovered a more grim reality.

For example, in 2022, the BLM rounded up 1,022 wild horses and burros from Nevada’s Blue Wing Complex. The government reported 14 deaths associated with that roundup. But, our investigation revealed an additional 63 animals perished in the months following the operation — including 31 burros who likely died of a condition typically brought on by extreme stress.

These heartbreaking deaths would have remained hidden if not for the records we obtained through our FOIA efforts. The worst part: This is not an isolated incident. We are on a mission to continue pursuing transparency and holding the BLM accountable. At any given time, our team is following up on dozens of active FOIA requests, many of which are subjected to a series of unnecessary delays. As a result, we have filed over 20 FOIA lawsuits just to access public information from our own federal government.


This work is vital to exposing the truth and pursuing meaningful change for American wild herds — especially with yet another federally funded roundup operation set to begin this month in the Twin Peaks Herd Management Area (HMA) straddling Lassen County, California, and Washoe County, Nevada. The Twin Peaks roundup will deploy helicopters intent on trapping and eradicating over 800 wild horses from their home on 758,128 acres of public land.

We can’t do this alone. Your support allows us to continue filing FOIA requests, taking legal action, and shining a light on the BLM’s failures to provide humane treatment to America’s wild herds.

Will you join us in our fight for government transparency? Your donation fuels our Legal Fund and helps give a voice to America’s voiceless wild horses and burros.


Thank you for standing with us and for these incredible animals.

Warm regards,

Amelia Perrin
American Wild Horse Conservation