Exclusive Webinar: Landmark Court Ruling & The Future of Wild Horse Adoptions
The following is from the American Wild Horse Campaign:
We invite you to join us for an important webinar discussing the recent court ruling that shut down the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Adoption Incentive Program (AIP) and our next steps in promoting responsible wild horse and burro adoptions.
Date: Wednesday March 19th
Time: 2 PM PST
Location: RSVP for the webinar link
This decision is a major victory in our fight to protect wild horses and burros, but with 66,000 animals still in government holding facilities, we must now focus on ensuring adoptions are ethical, transparent, and humane.
Featured Speakers:
Amelia Perrin, AWHC – Led the investigation that exposed the link between the AIP and the slaughter pipeline, culminating in a New York Times front-page exposé and congressional outrage.
Clare Staples, Skydog Sanctuary – Has rescued hundreds of AIP horses and burros from kill pens, saving lives while gathering critical documentation that played a key role in shutting down the program.
Together, we’ll explore solutions—including replacing cash incentives with more responsible approaches like veterinary vouchers—and discuss how we can prevent future policies that put wild horses and burros at risk.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more, ask questions, and be part of the movement shaping the future of wild horse and burro protection.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you there!