TAKE ACTION: Urge your representative in Congress to support this critical wild-horse legislation
The following is from the American Wild Horse Campaign:
The American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC) has boots on the ground at Bureau of Land Management (BLM) roundups to educate the public and Congress about what happens to our wild horses and burros during these operations.
This winter, we sent our trained observers to the recently-concluded East Pershing Complex roundup – the largest roundup planned for Fiscal Year 2024. Sadly, what they saw at the roundup underscores the desperate need for reforming the way our federal government manages wild horse and burro populations.
The roundup began on December 28th and aimed to capture 2,875 wild horses from their homes on the 2.2 million acre Complex. The federal government contracted with Sampson Livestock for the roundup, which resulted in 2,692 wild horses being captured, including 1,082 stallions, 1,245 mares, and 365 foals. In addition, 26 wild horses were either euthanized or killed – including a young foal who was euthanized at the capture site for an injury he suffered while being chased and roped by BLM wranglers.
That’s not all. In another shocking incident, our humane observers captured footage showing a wild mare being roped, hogtied, and left alone on the range before being dragged onto a trailer. These tragedies are not just distressing; they are a clear sign of the need for immediate reform.
In addition to the danger they pose to these innocent animals, helicopter roundups are a grossly inefficient use of taxpayer dollars. Since 2017, the BLM has spent more than $25 million in taxpayer dollars for helicopter roundups. According to the agency itself, the cost to round up a horse from the range and warehouse the animal for life is up to $50,000.
Thanks for stepping up for our wild herds,