Tell Congress to Maintain Federal Protections of Our Wild Horses And Burros!
Tomorrow morning, June 16, at 10:30 am EST, the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee is scheduled to hold a “markup” hearing on the 2017 Interior Appropriations Bill.
The bill will likely include language which allows the BLM to transfer our federally protected wild horses and burros to state, local, or other federal agencies ‘to be used as service and work animals’, which strips them of their federally protected and wild status.
Since the passing of the Burn’s “Sale Authority” amendment in 2005, what little protections exist for wild horses and burros are being traded away.
The chipping away of protections intended by the Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act in 1971 continues to open the gateway to the slaughter and the easy disposal of our iconic American mustangs and burros.
With over 45,000 captured wild horses and burros warehoused in holding facilities and over 40,000 wild horses and burros that BLM wants removed from the range, the stakes are high.
Section 110 of the BLM’s 2017 budget proposal has no mechanism for humane oversight. In addition, any amendment to Section 110 to protect the horses and burros from slaughter is not enforceable and will not prohibit their slaughter for non-commercial uses. The language leaves a broad range of interpretation and has no recourse for accountability.
If your Senator is on the Appropriations Committee, you can influence his or her response in tomorrows meeting!
Please TAKE ACTION NOW and Share with Friends in your community who love wild horses and burros!
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