The fate of 90,000 wild horses
The following is from the American Wild Horse Campaign:
We’ve got a number of fights on our hands, but the most pressing of all is the budget being debated in Congress right now. A proposed amendment would allow the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to destroy healthy wild horses and burros, putting the lives of up to 90,000 animals at risk.
That’s not a move toward sustainable management — that’s a massacre.
We’ve launched the Spring Protection Campaign to fuel all our work to protect wild horses — can you help?
We’re in the halls of Congress, fighting back against these disastrous, inhumane proposals. And, we’ve teamed up with over 80 other organizations to urge Congress to maintain protections for wild horses and burros against mass killing and slaughter. But we need to do even more to protect these iconic animals.
As Americans, the fate of 90,000 horses is in our hands. Help us prevent the passage of the BLM’s cruel and lethal budget plan before it’s too late.
Please donate today and stand up for our wild horses and burros.
We can do this.
Suzanne Roy