The helicopters may be grounded, but wild horses are still at risk.
The following is from the American Wild Horse Campaign:
As spring unfolds across the West, wild mares are welcoming new foals into the world. And for the next few months, these precious new lives are safe from helicopter roundups as the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) pauses its operations for the foaling season.
But while the roundups may be paused, the crisis facing wild horses and burros is far from over.
More wild horses are warehoused in government holding pens than remain free in the wild. These facilities are overcrowded, inhumane, and costly to taxpayers. Post-roundup trauma leaves captured horses and burros in danger of deadly diseases, mistreatment at the hands of federal contractors, and even euthanasia.
Our work doesn’t stop just because the helicopters are grounded. Whether we’re in the field, in the courtroom, or on Capitol Hill, we’re fighting every day to protect wild horses free and in the wild, where they belong.
But we can’t do this work without your help. A monthly donation—$5, $10, $15, or any amount you can afford—provides us with the steady support we need to challenge inhumane government policies, expand humane fertility control programs, and push for real conservation solutions. Will you commit to a recurring donation today to help us fight for wild horses and burros year-round?
Thank you for standing with us.
American Wild Horse Conservation