We can stop this bad deal
The following is from the American Wild Horse Campaign:
Wild horses face an unprecedented attack. The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and other pro-slaughter groups have cut a deal on Capitol Hill that would result in the roundup of 15,000 to 20,000 wild horses a year. The plan will result in more cruel roundups, more horses in captivity, and more of our public lands used for cattle interests.
This is a disastrous plan all-around. It actually increases the risk of slaughter by funneling more mustangs and burros into an already overburdened and costly government holding, with no guarantees of funding for their lifetime care. The language throughout this plan is so vague that it leaves inhumane sterilization methods squarely on the table. And the real kicker – it will cost taxpayers a billion dollars.
It is true that some humane groups, including the ASPCA and HSUS, are misguidedly supporting this deal in hopes that the BLM will use fertility and not kill horses. But we think wild horses and burros deserve more than hopes.
The only winners in this “plan” are the wealthy cattle interests and their lobbyists. Wild horses and taxpayers lose.
Be the voice for wild horses right now. Contact your Representative.
Thank you,
Suzanne Roy