You Won’t Want to Miss this News
The following is from the American Wild Horse Campaign:
News & Alerts
Oppose Another Mass Roundup of Nevada Mustangs

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is accepting public comments on another massive helicopter roundup of Nevada mustangs — this one in the Eagle Complex on the border with Utah. The BLM allows just 145-265 wild horses to live in this 1,160-square-mile public lands area, while authorizing the annual equivalent of 4,400 cow/calf pairs to graze there. The action perpetuates the BLM’s broken cycle of roundups and removals and failure to use humane and scientifically-recommended birth control to manage wild horses and burros in the wild. Please take a stand against this waste and cruelty now by clicking below.
The Latest: Wild Horses and Capitol Hill

Well, they’re back at it again—Congress has begun work on the Department of the Interior/ BLM’s budget for the Fiscal Year 2019, which starts on October 1. And again, the House of Representatives is looking for ways to harm horses on the western range. This year, the House Subcommittee on Interior and Environment Appropriations has forwarded report language that, while avoiding a direct attempt to allow outright slaughter, instructs BLM to start the process to “immediately begin designing the regulatory framework and technical protocols for an active sterilization program.” The report language also directs BLM to “analyze” an option to kill healthy horses older than 10 years — less than half the lifespan for many wild horses! Read more about this situation and what you can do by clicking below for our latest blog!
BLM Releases Summer/Fall Roundup Schedule: 6,000 Mustangs and Burros in the Crosshairs

This BLM is doubling down on the mass roundup and removal of wild horses from our public lands, a management practice that the National Academy of Sciences called “expensive and unproductive for the BLM and the public it serves.” In the crosshairs over the next four months: nearly 6,000 wild horses and burros, currently living peacefully on our public lands in eight Western states. Read more about the BLM’s summer/fall roundup schedule and what it means for American taxpayers and our cherished wild horses and burros by clicking below.